Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor moon.

Chapter 18: Some Time in the Future

Usagi decided that it was best to tell her parents that she was having a hard time in school. They decided after seeing her so depressed after a few weeks they would get her in counseling.

It helped her grades so much that her family started to pay more attention to her. The counselor also suggested that she might be dehydrated because of all the running she was doing each day. Maybe, that was why she could not remember things in school.

She had always shown signs of fatigue in school, which lead them to believe that she needed more sleep. Whenever anyone was attacked, it was after school. With all of the Generals's help, she would not have to go to every random attack.

Over time, the counselor was able to get over the hope that a boy at school would ever love her. At first, Usagi would cry when she talked about the boy but she had not acknowledged that she loved him.

What made everything worse was the fact that Sailor Moon was getting nowhere with Mameru. He wanted the princess not Sailor Moon. It turned out that everyone wanted the princess except for Usagi.

Mamoru still had not trusted her but she tried not to care. She acted as if he were trying to be her friend all along. Even through her suffering she would pretend to not care about the Nagaverse or turning evil. She decided all on her own that turning evil would not help her get over him.

In her heart, she knew what she needed to become the queen some day. How? Well, that was a mystery.

Growing up was hard for her to do. She was always a little girl in her mind. Even her brother acted more mature than she did in any given day. In spite of herself, she grew up. Her life fighting evil forced her to accept her role as a crime-fighting hero.

It took a year for her to know that she could not run away from her problems. Ami was friends with her friends. What Ami had done to Usagi would not go away.

Ami was not going anywhere. Usagi accepted that fact less gracefully than most.

She was felt the pain of what happened to her every time she talked with her friends. They knew about her having superpowers but they still had not known about her being Sailor Moon. Luna kept nagging her to tell them but Luna knew that pain of them finding out about her was too great.

Soon, she decided to emerge herself with activities with her friends. Usagi tried to act normal for everyone but they were still waiting for her to mess up: except for Rei.

Usagi would talk to Maromu more as an alley than a friend. She appeared more content than happy around her friends.

Rei wanted the old Usagi to come back but it was not going to happen. There was no going back to her old life.

If she were evil, she would have tried to make the scouts believe that she was good. However, it would not have taken a long time. Being a naturally happy person would have sucked them into her world quite easily without much thought. Well, if she were evil she would have had a plan.

Rei who shared her secrets had quickly become her confidant. She knew Usagi's deepest darkest secrets. "What are you doing this weekend?"

"The generals are having me over to talk about possible strategies for the newest monster." Usagi sighed wanting to talk about matters that are more personal with them. They wanted her to be their princess but she had no clue where to start.

"Have you given any thought about your future. You know that someday you will be Queen. Everyone will find out about you."

"Some day. Rei, I would love to be queen. I want a boy friend. One day, I want children but how can that be? I am not that little girl that though about being a princess with her prince."

"I know that. We have talked about that so many times."

"I want a prince. I want a fairytale life but I feel like the fairytale is being thrown at me."

They both felt that way. Rei was stuck being a shrine Miko with her own shrine. Usagi was stuck with a known but the small details unknown destiny. One day, each would have to live in Crystal Tokyo.

How? They both had no clue.

I have not updated in a long time. I am sorry to ask but I need some ideas on how to continue.

As of now, I do not have a clue how to continue. Any ideas you have are awesome to me.