The Tales of a Stripper

By: Chibi-Kyo-Chan

Prologue: (Celebration)

The room was dark, the only light that came in was the moon that passed through the window, it illuminated the two figures on the bed . . .

"Riku . . ." A voice moaned as he nipped at the silver haired teens bottom lip. Riku shivered, running tanned fingers across the pale flesh of his lover, lightly caressing the younger boy's nipples as Riku proceeded to leave a hot trail of kisses down the boy's slender throat. Occasionally biting the sensitive skin. The boy shuddered and closed his eyes tightly.

Riku chuckled "You like that?"

His lover could only nod as another moaned escaped from his pink pouty lips.

"Riku . . ."

Riku grinned as he trailed his fingers lower, cupping and massaging his lover's crotch beneath the thin fabric of his boxers. The boy threw his head to the side his very being trembling with pleasure.

With another low chuckle he licked the boys neck a quick swipe of his tongue. The boy gasped again as a feeling of pure ecstasy sent his senses into overdrive . . .

"Riku . . ."

"Riku . . ."


Riku's eyes quickly fluttered open as the silver haired teen sat up and looked wildly around the room. Aqua eyes settled on a small blonde figure that casually leaned against his door frame.

Riku growled "What the hell do you want Roxas?"

The blonde smirked as he pushed himself from the door frame and walked over toward the window where he threw open the curtains letting the noon day sun light up the small room forcing Riku to shield his eyes from the unwanted light.

"Sephiroth sent me to wake you up . . . I've been calling your name for about five minutes, did you forget that we have an appointment with JR today?"

"Shit!" muttered Riku "What time is it?"

"12:30. . . The appointment is at one."

"DAMMIT!" Screamed Riku as he scrambled out of bed and toward, his dresser to pick out something to wear . . .

Roxas merely shook his head as he made his way out of Riku's room,

"Just so you know . . . We're leaving with or without you in five minutes."

"Bite me Roxas!" Came Riku's quick reply as he pulled on a pair of black Tripp brand pants . . . the type of pants that had various chains, straps, and zippers crisscrossing themselves on it.

Roxas voice came floating into to the room as he shouted "No thanks!"

Riku glared at the doorway willing Roxas to come back in so he could show him a piece of his mind . . . 'Damn him for interrupting my dream . . . sigh . . . it was a good dream too.' He thought pulling on a black form fitting T- shirt that said "Your mom . . ." in red lettering.

Running out of his room and down the stairs like hell was chasing after him he quickly ran his fingers through his hair as a way of brushing it.

'Why didn't they wake me up earlier?'

"If you guys left already I swear to every damn God and Goddess out there, I will . . ." Riku trailed off seeing the rest of his band mates waiting for him by the front door.

"You'll what little brother?" asked Sephiroth glaring at his younger sibling. Riku gulped and muttered "nothing." Darkly under his breath grabbing a pair of his shoes that sat by the door.

"Let's go we're wasting time." Came the quiet voice of Vincent everybody turned to him . . . the guy was more mysterious than Sephiroth . . . and he reminded everybody of a vampire with his leering crimson eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah . . ." sighed, Demyx "let's just go already . . ."


They pulled up in front of the massive building known As Jenova Records (JR). To say it was big would be an understatement. The damn building was Massive . . . at least forty stories high . . .

They pulled into the parking lot and parked rather close to the entrance . . . All of them piled out of Demyx's Black Van. (The kind of van you would find in the sixties with shag carpeting and everything.)

"Are you nervous?" Roxas asked no one in particular.

Vincent seemed to just stare at the idiocy of the question. Were they nervous? Hell yes. This was their first big break. If they could get this record deal, they would be set for life.

"No." Came Vincent's cool reply.

Roxas gave him an odd look but accepted his answer anyway.

They walked into the building. Many people stared as they walked by . . . muttering things that sounded like "damn gothic brats." But of course their remarks were ignored.

Riku approached the reception desk. The secretary looked no older than he was . . . in fact she looked younger.

The receptionist looked up from the documents she was currently working on and smiled.

"Hi . . . I'm Yuffie is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes we have an appointment with Kadaj about a record deal . . ."

Yuffie turned to her computer and typed something on it . . . then she turned back to Riku.

"Your Riku Tamaki lead singer for The Nobodies right?"

Riku nodded

"Kadaj is waiting on you in his office on the 38th floor please take the elevator on your left."

Riku nodded again and muttered a thank you as he and his band mates squeezed themselves into the tiny elevator.

Floor 23 . . . 32 . . . 37 . . . 38 . . . Ding.

The elevator door opened to reveal a huge office space . . . apparently, Kadaj owned the entire floor.
Kadaj looked up form whatever he was doing and smiled wickedly as he flipped his gorgeous silver hair.

"Well . . . Well . . . Well it's The Nobodies. Did you bring your demo tape?"

Sephiroth was the one who nodded as he handed it over to Kadaj, Kadaj only smiled as he signaled a girl over to his desk. Nobody seemed to have noticed her before.

She was a pretty thing with long black hair and pale skin. She took the demo tape from Kadaj and went across the room to the Tape player and popped it in. Soon the Hypnotic sound of their band began to play. . . .

(Echo By: Trapt)

Close my eyes

Let the whole thing pass me by

There is no time

To waste asking why

I'll run away with you by my side

I'll run away with you by my side

I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride,

(Asking why)

I think about your face

And how I fall into your eyes

The outline that I trace

Around the one that I call mine

Time that called for space

Unclear where you drew the line

I don't need to solve this case

And I don't need to look behind


Do I expect to change, the past I hold inside,

with all the words I say,

repeating over in my mind,

some things you can't erase, no matter how hard you try,

an exit to escape is all there is left to find.

Close my eyes

Let the whole thing pass me by

There is no time

To waste asking why

I'll run away with you by my side

I'll run away with you by my side

I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride,

Until this echo, echo, echo, echo in my mind

Until this echo, echo, echo, echo can subside

(I know I always loved you)

(I know I always loved you)

(I know I always loved you)

So I close my eyes

Let the whole thing pass me by

There is no time

To waste asking why

I'll run away with you by my side

I'll run away with you by my side

I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride,

Until this echo, echo, echo, echo in my mind

Until this echo, echo, echo, echo can subside

(End Song)

The girl pressed the stop button at the end of their song. Kadaj looked thoughtful for a minute before smiling . . .

"I believe . . . Riku that your band now has a record deal."

Riku's eyes widened to impossible size . . . "Wha - What?"

Roxas Grinned "YES!"

Demyx danced around the place as Sephiroth and Vincent looked at each other . . . That seemed too easy.

"Can you really give us a record deal from just listening to one of our songs?" Vincent asked as Sephiroth glared at Kadaj suspiciously.

Kadaj only smiled "There is one thing I know . . . and that's talent. I don't need to listen to all of it when I already like it."

The band seemed to accept his explanation easily enough. Though Sephiroth didn't look too convinced.

Kadaj motioned the girl back over to him. "Riku, Vincent, Sephiroth, Roxas, Demyx . . . This is Rinoa. She will be your new band manager."

The girl bowed respectfully "Nice to meet you."

They all said their hellos and she smiled.

"How about after you look over and sign the contract we all go out to celebrate? I have a good place in mind."

Riku gave a quizzical stare "What kind of place is it?"

"Oh it's that new club that just opened up. . . Secret Paradise."

Demyx grinned at that. "Well then let's hurry up and the sign the contract so we can go!"

A/N: Ok I reposted this Chapter hopefully free of mistakes.

Please give special thanks to my Beta So Devious for looking over my chapter again.

R+R Flames are welcomed.