Katara slept well that night, and by morning she felt good enough to just lay in her bed and thin., but there was't much time for that.

A knock sounded on her door and she called for ther person to come in. Iroh's head popped in.

"Miss Katara? Ah, I see you are awake," he said, entering the room. She smiled and gestured towards one of the many chairs around her room.

"Can I help you?" she asked politely, but really wondering why he would be visiting when he couldn't possibly be feeling very well.

"Ah, yes," he looked up at her with such a serious expression she started to worry.

"I wanted to thank you," he said offering a small smile.

"Oh," Katara said, smiling back, "For what?"

He glanced down at the rug in front of him.

"Zuko hasn't been a very happy young man. In fact, he had a great weight lifted off his shoulders last night. He really loves you, you know."

Katara had been picking a strand of thread from her blanket, but at the words "loves you" her head snapped up.

"Really?" she asked smiling, despite the seriousness of Iroh's tone.

"Of course. And I wanted to thank you for all that you have done for him."

She smiled wider.

"I love him back." She was slightly embarrased at saying this, but it was true.

He smiled gently at her and stood to leave.

"Iroh?" she asked.

"Mmm? Yes Miss Katara?"

"Are you feeling well?" she asked slowly. He frowned, and realization came over him.

"Oh, yes my girl. In fact, I think you would get along very well with the nurse. She is a very skilled water bender, as you are."

It dawned on Katara. The nurse was a water bender?

"Oh!" she said, blinking. The thought of another girl water bender put her in an even better mood than her current state of happiness. She glanced back up and realized that he was gone. She hopped out of bed and closed the door to get dressed.

Today, was going to be a great day.

Zuko sat on the edge of his bed, fully dressed except his shoes, pondering what happened last night.

Was it a dream?

He never had dreams so vivid. But, then again, there was a first for everything.

"Zuko?" his Uncle's voice wafted in through the door.

"Come in!" he called, sitting up.

"Nephew! You are awake!"

"Uncle, last night, it was so crazy, I should've-"

"I am healed and healthy. You should not worry! You are young and should be out mingling like a young man should!"

Zuko stared at his grinning Uncle.

"So... how did they heal you? Some kind of herbs? I have heard of a medicine that might make one overly happy-"

"I just talked to Miss Katara," his Uncle said happily, not answering his nephew's question.

"You-you what?" Zuko had been pulling on his shoes, but now he looked up sharply at his Uncle.

"I didn't say anything embarrasing!" his Uncle said, smiling. Zuko sighed inwardly.

"Do you love her?" Iroh asked slowly. Zuko looked up from tying his boots.

"Why do you ask?"

"Why do you evade the answer?" the old man asked slyly.

"I'm not!" Zuko said standing. He sighed. "I do. I think I really do."

At this he smiled. This was going to be a great day.

Iroh left Zuko and continued his way to Aang's room.

He knocked lightly and waited. The boy opened the door and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh, Iroh. Come in."

He nodded and slowly walked into the boy's room. He glanced at the young monk and sighed.

"You look... tired. Is something troubling you?"

He waited patiently for an answer while Aang took his seat on his bed, putting himself in a meditating stance.

"I was just thinking a lot last night..." he trailed off.

"About whom?" Iroh asked quietly. Aang opened one eye and studied his companion.

"Why are you asking about someone and not something?" he asked.

Iroh smiled.

"Many years, young Avatar. Many years of experience."

"In what?"

"You know what."

"I do?"

"Of course!"

"Sure, of course," Aang said, not understanding what they had just talked about. But Iroh was standing up, ready to leave.

"And, Aang," Iroh said, pausing in the doorway.

The boy looked up, ready for another weird saying.

"I am very proud of you, for what you did last night."

Aang grinned at the compliment. Maybe, just maybe, today would be a good day.

"Today is going to suck!" Sokka complained stabbing at his breakfast. He glared at Zuko.

"What did I do?" he Zuko said, setting down his fork.

"You are dating my sister, that's what you did!" Sokka said. He shoved some eggs in his mouth and glared again.

"You gave me permission," Zuko said through clenched teeth.

"Really Sokka, just drop it!" Katara said.

"I will drop it when I want to drop it!"

"And when will that be?" Iroh asked, smiling pleasantly.

"I am going to tour the town, anyone coming?" Katara asked, cutting off any other smart comments.

"I will," Zuko immediately volunteered. Katara blushed.

"Okay," she said, smiling to herself.

"I'm going to go talk to a family. They have asked my advice on something and I thought that it would be a good idea to help them out. I do a lot of the big Avatar things, but I need to learn how to do the little things too," Aang said.

"That's a good idea," Iroh said, nodding.

"Yea yea, well I'm going with him," Sokka said, jerking his thumb at Aang. He smiled.

"Thanks Sokka!" he said brightly. "What are you doing Iroh?"

"One of the maids plays Pai Sho..." he smiled and stood up.

"I guess we should be going too," Katara said, also standing. Zuko stood and waved to Aang and Sokka. Before the doors closed behind them though, Sokka caught a glimpse of Katara taking Zuko's hand. He shuddered.

They wandered through the aisles, every once in a while picking things up and laughing over something.

"This is fun," Zuko said after a couple of minutes of silence.

"Yea, it is," she said smiling and kissing him on the cheek.

He missed those lips.

"Katara?" someone said from behind them. She cringed.

"Keiji! Hi!" she said, whipping around. He was wearing a weird expression and he was staring at Zuko.

"Hi," he said quietly.

"You must be Zuko," Keiji said.

"Yea, that's me," Zuko said, clenching his jaw. Katara looked from one to the other.

"We were just walking around and looking at the stands..." she said glancing at Zuko. He shook his head firmly. "...and it would be nice if you could join us."

Zuko groaned and looked away. She nudged him. "Right, Zuko?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Yea, whatever," he said, pulling her a little closer.

Keiji nodded, still confused, and walked next to Katara.

She frowned as they glared at each other over her head.

Today, was going to be a good day.



This chapter is dedicated to the time 10:47 pm, because that is when I posted this... on my clock.

And again, I am just really sorry.

I feel awful.