Summary: Michael's POV. He betrayed his friends in order to rescue the son he barely knows. What was going through his mind as he watched his friends become captives and then drove off in the boat with Walt by his side, knowing they had a chance of getting rescued unlike the friends he sold out? These are his thoughts.

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Lost and I'm not making any kind of profit by writing this story. Lost belongs solely to Damon Lindelof, J.J. Abrams, and everyone else at ABC, Touchstone Television, and Bad Robot who help to make it. Besides, if I did own Lost, I wouldn't have to wish almost every episode ended differently, because Shannon and Libby would be alive, Jack and Kate would be together, Locke would have some sense beaten into him, and the Others wouldn't be holding Sawyer, Kate, and Jack captive.

A/N: Well, I'm finally back to writing. I'm planning on this being no more than two chapters long, and the second chapter will most likely depend on the kind of response I receive. I hope everyone enjoys the story!

Chapter 1-Desperation

I didn't have a choice. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley-none of them understand. It was my son. My son. Walt. What was I supposed to do? Let them have him? What kind of father would I be if I had?

It was either my friends or my son. I had already been deprived of seeing my son for the first nine or so years of his life. I missed his childhood, and now that I finally had the chance of being a real father to him, of getting to know him, I was willing to let that go all just to save my friends?

Yeah, I hardly know Walt; I admit it. Still, he's my son! Besides, how well did I really know my friends? Sawyer's a con man and Kate's a fugitive, for God's sake! I didn't know them any better than I know Walt.

Believe me, I did feel bad. It wasn't easy knowing that in order to get Walt back I would have to lie to my friends, betray my friends. They trusted me, and I let them down. I don't blame them for being angry with me or holding me responsible for what they have to go through at the hands of the Others.

But, they have to understand. It was my son. I was just doing what any father, what any parent, would do. I just wanted to get my son back. I just wanted to prove that I can be a good father. I just wanted to protect my son.

I guess what it all comes down to is Walt is my son. I care about him. I mean, I care about my friends too, but that's just it-they're my friends. Walt is my son. You know, they say that blood is thicker than water, and it's the truth. Blood is thicker than water, both literally and figuratively.

Feel free to judge me, to call me a horrible person. What kind of man would kill two of his fellow survivors in cold blood? What kind of man would sell out four of his friends? What kind of man would trade four people for one kid? The answer? A desperate one. I was desperate. I was desperate to get my son back. Ana-Lucia and Libby were a mistake. I didn't want to do what I did, but I had no other choice. Really, I didn't. It was the only way. Which just goes to show that people are right when they say that desperate times call for desperate measures.

And if that still doesn't satisfy you, I need you to know that no matter what you might think, I did have second thoughts about betraying my friends. Especially when I saw all four of them lined up, kneeling in a row on the dock with the Others surrounding them, guns in their hands. It reminded me of an execution, the way they were kneeling there, bound and gagged, held at gunpoint. But I had been promised that they wouldn't be hurt. It was a lot to hope for, I know, but it was all that I had. A promise was all I had to go on. And they let Hurley go. That has to count for something. It just has to. Because I'm a good person, no matter what anyone might think. And I have to believe that I did the right thing. For my son and for myself.

I made the right decision. I did the right thing.

I am a good person, because if the Others are really the "good guys," then I can't be any worse than them, right?

A/N: Okay, so I hope everyone enjoyed the story. Sorry it's kind of short, but it's not really supposed to be that long anyway. Feel free to review and criticize, compliment, or just comment and to let me know if you want the second chapter or not. If I do end up doing another chapter, it will be in Walt's POV instead.

LostObsession, a.k.a. Ana