Disclaimer: Hmm … Let's see … I have an empty box of Triscuits, a half full cup of water, and a whining dog who licks and tries to bite the back door … No Xenosaga … Dammit!

Author's Notes:

Okay, if this chapter is a bit too cute/sweet/lovey, then it's not my fault! I've been listening to "Sayonara Solitaire" (the 1st ending of Chrono Crusade) all day. Hell, I'm even listening to it now! o.O It's the cutest song I've ever heard … it makes you feel all calm and sweet-like…

Anyway, this chappie will have some Shion/Allen fluff and possibly some chaos/NINA fluff, though I can't say for sure. Oh, and as you might have guessed, the original antagonists in Xenosaga probably won't be in this fic. Let's just say they died fighting over the gorgeous NINA and that Wilder and Kael & Co. have taken over. :D

Seriously though, Kael and his brothers and Wilder will be the main antagonists in this fic. Hee hee … I have plans for Kael… 3

Well, here are the music pieces I listened to while writing this chappie! Must … turn off … Sayonara Solitaire… -twitch-

Music Pieces:

Chapter 10: Mystery Touch – "Dancing with Domz" – (if I find out, I will post!) – Beyond Good and Evil (yes, the PS2 game.)

Xenosaga: Nexus Ties

Chapter 10: Mystery Touch

The Elsa, Cargo Bay

Chaos stalked along the expansive floor of the cargo bay, the off-white escape vessel ahead of him and NINA behind him. Though her eyes portrayed a certain calmness to them, her actions were quite the opposite. She was cautious and yet still managed to retain her confidence and level head. He was curious as to what she could be thinking, but kept the silence between them as the vessel entrance lifted open.

Two inhabitants filed out, both with brownish hair and wearing uniforms that easily gave away their affiliations with Vector Industries. The woman seemed infuriated while the man—to put it simply—seemed defeated. Chaos wasn't surprised when the woman chose to forget her companion and stride right up to him.

"I'm sorry for any trouble we may be causing you." she spoke with hidden frustration, but her voice was gentle enough. Behind chaos, NINA had decided to move to his side, a shy and kind smile on her lips.

"Oh, no. It's no problem." he assured. "Besides, who would we be to refuse to help you? It would be rude to just leave you there."

With a quick yet deadly glance at her partner before her troubled smile broke out again, she bowed her head.

"Thank you."

Elsa, Cockpit

The Captain was lost in thoughts concerning his new passengers. True, the female android that stood not five feet from him was a powerful weapon; that much was obvious. And the man and woman he had heard over the intercom seemed troublesome, but he wasn't concerned about them for the time being.

What of NINA? Though she seemed quiet and innocent enough, the fact that they had found her in a casket was … disturbing. Who would put a live person in a casket and jettison them? Something was suspicious…

"What are you thinking, Captain?" Hammer's mocking voice piped up and Tony turned in his seat back to him.

"I'm thinking that something isn't right with that girl, NINA." he answered truthfully. Cocking their heads, the two crew members awaited an explanation. "Don't you find it strange that even though she was in a casket she was still alive?"

"I've been wondering about that myself." Tony said. "I also don't like the fact that the casket wasn't labeled with a company name or anything. It's a little fishy."

"Agreed here." Hammer grumbled. "What if she's—"

The hissing and whispering of the cockpit doors silenced them as they whirled around in their seats. Chaos, followed immediately by NINA and soon the two rescued passengers, entered the cockpit silently.

"Ah, chaos." the Captain addressed, but he was lost for words as the caramel haired female stomped up to the android she was acquainted with.

"KOS-MOS, just what do you think you're doing?" she nearly shouted. The android merely stared at the woman and allowed her to speak. "You attempted to go to Second Miltia by yourself, and you also tried to leave us out there! What's gotten into you, KOS—?"

"Captain Matthews." KOS-MOS interrupted as she turned to the Captain. "May I use the service module in the hangar?"

The Captain seemed taken aback by her request, but complied none the less.

"Uh, sure. Help yourself." he stammered.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? I'm talking to you KOS-MOS! KOS—!" Shion shouted, but was interrupted once again as KOS-MOS turned and addressed her.


"Y-Yes?" her voice was laden with a motherly tone as if she were her own child.

"Please adjust my sensors. It appears they are malfunctioning." she more commanded than asked. Shion folded her arms and stared over KOS-MOS's shoulder.

"Why—Why should I?" she asked quietly.

"Please, Shion." KOS-MOS reasoned. "It is your job, is it not?" And with that, she gracefully strode past her to the blue cockpit doors, disappearing as they seemed to close to hide her.

NINA's suspicions were confirmed of KOS-MOS. She was an android, and a very vital one. So that was the infamous defense against the Gnosis. Impressed as she was, she was more concerned about those sensors. Could she … Would she be able to detect if she were human or machine? That was a piece of information that she needed and feared to know.

"I'm sorry. She's just so stubborn." Shion apologized to the Captain with a slight bow.

"Don't thank me, thank chaos over there." he pointed to the young man who had escorted them to the cockpit. "If it weren't for him, we probably would have left you there. We owe him a lot. He … looks out for us."

There was a pause as everyone took in the honest words.

"I see." she understood. Stalking to chaos, she grasped his hand in hers as a thankful gesture.

"Thank you, chaos." she said. Behind him, NINA felt something twist inside her, a twinge of annoyance towards the woman who held chaos's hand in hers. Wait, wait … annoyance? What for? She was baffled by her own thoughts and that was what annoyed her, she concluded. That was it … right?

Allen was just as annoyed as NINA was. It hurt to see her grasp that young man's hand with more feeling than she ever showed towards him. Perhaps he was being foolish, but something inside him was clearly annoyed, angered and saddened to see her soft eyes befalling him rather than himself.

"No, don't mention it." chaos answered with a shake of his head. "This ship is bound to be much livelier with more crew members."

Shion released his hand and NINA felt that feeling of annoyance weaken, but not fade completely. The nerve of this new woman, Shion … Still, NINA was concerned about this feeling she had never felt before. She didn't trust it; not at all.

"NINA!" chaos called worriedly, drawing her from her thoughts. She saw that everyone had distanced themselves from her and she glanced at her being as well as her surroundings to find the cause.

"Gn … Gn … Gno … Gno …" Hammer stuttered as he and Tony joined the gathering group on the opposite side of the cockpit.

"Gnosis!" Shion finished for him with a surprised tone. NINA followed their gaze above her and noticed their distress. A remaining orange-colored Gnosis from the wreckage had made itself known above her, it's body falling down to her. Attempting to run away as it fell where she once stood, she was caught almost instantly with a surprised shriek. Its long finger-like tentacles grasped her at her jaw line and neck, pulling her from the ground into a suffocating grasp.

"Damn it!" Tony swore as he staggered back a few feet.

NINA felt her limbs go numb as she endured the life-sucking grasp of the Gnosis. Slowly she felt death creep from her toes and slowly rise through her legs.

The Captain watched as the young woman began to turn a brilliant shade of white, almost as if she were stone. Creeping up her slender legs, the white doom of the Gnosis began to make itself apparent.

"Chaos!" he called. The boy's face was determined as he turned briefly to the Captain.

"I know." he simply answered. Stepping towards the Gnosis with calm haste, he stopped before it, just in reach of its grasp.

"Chaos!" Shion shouted with concern and confusion. He turned to her with a reassuring look.

"It's okay." he said. The Gnosis's used its remaining 'hand' to target he boy, and brought it down to him rapidly. Turning in the nick of time, chaos held his hand up to the Gnosis, causing it to freeze and silence. Taking care, he raised his hand to the arm of the Gnosis and his fingers brushed against its surface. Instantly, the monster began to disappear in ripples of nothingness, soon completely disintegrated.

NINA fell to the floor and landed on her knees and hands, gasping for air. Skidding to her side, chaos knelt to tend to her needs placing a comforting hand on her back.

"NINA, are you alright?" he asked calmly as she gazed up at him.

"Yes. Thank you, chaos." she breathed as her breath began to submit to her control. His hand reached for hers gently as he stood, aiding her to stand in the process. She felt her heart cringe as her hand grasped his, a sudden desire for something unknown grasping at her.

Chaos felt something similar, but it was very faint. Something felt so … right, and wrong at the same time to be holding her hand as she stood. He released her hand only when she found balance on her feet.

"What just…" Shion trailed as she stared at chaos.

"What did he just do?" Allen finished, his stare also befalling chaos.

"How did you do that?" Shion asked in a high voice. "I've never heard of a human that can defeat Gnosis…"

"There are those who draw well, and those who run fast." he began, first addressing Hammer and Tony. "Hammer's navigational skills are top notch. Tony's helmsman skills are unrivaled … or so he claims." He added with a smile. Next came the Captain. "The Captain? Well … no one holds a greater amount of debt than the Captain."

"Ah, yes—Hey, wait a minute!" he protested. Chaos merely grinned at the older man with a small chuckle before turning back to Shion.

"I believe that everyone has a special strength, something they excel in over everything else." he continued. "So, Shion, what defines you?"

The question caught her off guard and she searched for an answer.

"Um, well I…" she began, not really sure what her strength was.

"It's the same for me." chaos seemed to agree. "It's just something I can do."

With a hesitant pause, Shion realized what he had meant. With a nod of understanding, she smiled. Chaos turned to NINA whose alert and kind eyes met with his own.

"How about you, NINA?" he asked quietly. "What's your strength?"

Alrighty, so I lied. I thought there would be room for some Shion/Allen fluff, but I guess I was wrong … and the chaos/NINA fluff couldn't really be called 'fluff' now, could it? Ah, well … better writing next time! XD

Wow … anyway, this was an average chapter. Don't worry about the 'cliffie' (maybe?) at the end. It will play into the next chapter quite nicely. The next chapter will have some Shion/Allen fluff for sure in it as well as a bit of bondage for chaos/NINA. I'm trying not to let her simply fall into his arms and I think I violated that goal in this chappie … just a little…

Well, the next chapter will be juicy goodness for sure! And it will also be on a lighter note. Yesh.

Reviews are appreciated! … And I still want some constructive criticism!

The Next Chapter Will Be Published Tomorrow (July 25, 2006)