Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you." John 14:18

The boy looked upon the graves of his parents in silence. His tears had long since evaporated. It had been so sudden. One moment he was watching his parents drive down the road for a dinner alone, the next moment he saw the car explode. It was because of a gas leak.

The boy's mother had lit a match, probably to light one of the scented candles she occasionally placed in the cup holder, and the match caught the gas on fire to cause an explosion.

A man placed his hand on the boy's shoulder, which caused the boy to turn around. The man looked like he had worked all his life; He looked about 30, but had eyes that held great knowledge and wisdom.

"Be not afraid," said the Man gently, "I will not leave you an orphan. I AM here for you."

Moral of the story: Jesus will never forsake you, even in the darkest times.

A/N. I know, it's a little short. Please leave a review.