Chapter 31

Author: Alright last chapter, hope you guys enjoyed it! Thanks to everyone who stayed with this story from the beginning, it means sooo much to me! I love you guys! Enjoy!

Bobby had persuaded Kennedy to sleep in the hospital room for the night. He swore they would be back bright and early to make sure she was ok. She was terrified of being alone especially when Jack was holding onto his life just right above her. She finally agreed, knowing she was too tired to argue. Bobby kissed her on the cheek before leaving the room.

"Ms. Kennedy Wilson, I would like to introduce you to the entertainment tonight. This song is called 'For You I Will.'" Jack replied before he began strumming on the guitar. Kennedy stood there with the biggest smile on her face as Jack began to sing. She saw a side of him tonight she thought she would never see. He truly opened up to her with that innocent little boy look in his eye. She didn't have to look through the touch guy, rocker type guy, but she looked at the true Jack Mercer, who she fell in love with all over again.

Wondering the streets, in a world underneath it all
Nothing seems to be, nothing tastes as sweet
As what I can't have
Like you and the way that you're twisting your hair
round your finger
Tonight I'm not afraid to tell you
What I feel about you.

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
and cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will

Forgive me if I stutter
From all of the clutter in my head
Cuz I could fall asleep in those eyes
Like a water bed
Do I seem familiar, I've crossed you in hallways
a thousand times, no more camouflage
I want to be exposed, and not be afraid to fall.

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you

Jack laid down his guitar as the guys continued to play and Jack continued to sing. He walked over to Kennedy who had tears in her eyes and smile on her face. He grabbed her hand and led her over to the music and began dancing with her. He sang to her as she laid her head on his shoulder.

If I could dim the lights in the mall
And create a mood I would
Shout out your name so it echos in every room
I would

That's what I'd do, That's what I'd do to get through to you

I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will

As he finished singing, with everyone clapping around them Kennedy smiled at Jack before kissing him. "Happy Birthday," he whispered

Kennedy shot up from the bed and looked at the clock; it read 7:00 in the morning. She groaned before throwing herself back down on the bed. She closed her eyes once more, still thinking about her birthday. That was one of the best days of her life. She loved Jack more that night and she knew they would be together forever.

"I love you!" he replied. Kennedy stopped in her tracks, but didn't turn around "Shouldn't that be the reason?"

She closed her eyes as she turned around. She nodded her head as tears streamed down her face. Before she could say anything she was in Jack's arms and he had her up against the wall. "Then forget about everything else and just let it be us. Like old times. No one was on our minds except each other." He kept her from answering, instead he placed his lips on hers and kissed her passionately. She couldn't move, or maybe she didn't want to move. Her mind was going so fast she couldn't keep up. Jack picked her up again and walked into his room, kicking his door shut. He laid her back on the bed and began removing his shirt but kept his eyes on hers. She just laid there watching him. He leaned back down and kissed her. She closed her eyes and just let the moment take her over. She was finally with Jack after 3 years. She smiled and finally gave in. She felt his hands go up her shirt again. He watched as he removed her shirt that she began to shiver. He reached behind him and grabbed the blanket wrapping it around their bodies. She smiled knowing it would be in the floor again within minutes.

Kennedy woke up to Angel rubbing the side of her face with his hand. She slowly opened her eyes. "What's wrong?" she whispered.

"Are you feeling ok?" he asked.

"Yeah! Why?"

"You are still burning up with a fever."

"Where's Bobby?"

"They let him go up to the ER."

"Is Jack ok?" Kennedy shot up in the bed. Angel grabbed her shoulders and laid her back down.

"He's fine. They just got him stable now and in a room and they are letting one person go up at a time to see him. You were asleep and the doctors didn't want us to wake you up so he went first. You can go next if you want."

"Angel, tell me the truth. Is Jack going to die?"

"I don't know sweetheart. I honestly don't know what's going to happen to him. I keep praying that some miracle will happen and he will be ok."

"Me too. I pray that every time I am awake. I would give anything to have him next to me right now."

"Me too." Angel grabbed the chair and pulled it up to the side of the bed. "I remember Green always getting on our case about getting into trouble. He would always lecture us, even though we are pretty much the same age. He told Bobby that Jack w as going to be the one who got killed because of his dumb mistakes. Bobby would try to kill him, but we never believed it was true. I thought Jack knew how to deal with himself. He's not as queer as Bobby says he is, he knows how to fight."

"Jack was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"The wrong place was at our own house."

"He shouldn't have answered the door Angel. If we are going to blame this one anyone then blame it on Victor Sweet. This is his fault and everyone knows it. He should have known not to mess with the Mercers. He's the idiot that thought he could get away with murdering Evelyn. This is his fault and no one else's. Do not try to find faults in this, because the only one is still out there."

"He won't be for long." Angel spat.

"What are you going to do Angel?"

Angel shook his head and brought his hands up to his chin. "Answer me! What are you going to do?"

"He needs to pay. He is going to pay!"

"By putting your lives back into danger. What if something happens to you guys. My body can't handle losing all of you right now. I won't able to take it. I don't know how I am taking this with Jack. I need you guys here with me to make me feel like he has a chance."

"Nothing is going to happen to us. We are going to get that asshole and I will die if I have too."

"You can't be serious Angel."

"I am!"

"So do you want me to go ahead and tell them to prepare a bed for you too? Is that what you want me to do, because if you do this then you are going o be right next to your brother or worse, in a grave some where."

The door was opened and in walked Bobby. He saw the tears streaming down Kennedy's face which was full of anger, then he glanced over at Angel who wasn't even looking at her. "What's going on?" he asked closing the door.

"Do you want to die Bobby?" Kennedy cried.

"What are you talking about?" Bobby was glaring at her.

"Because if you go after Sweet then that is what is going to happen to you."

"Sweet needs to pay!" Angel yelled.

"Let the cops do their jobs for once!" Kennedy yelled back.

"Sweet has the cops Ken. No one is good in this town. We have to end it ourselves."

"By getting yourself killed?"

"By killing him!"

"Green will handle it. You said that he knew that Fowler was in it, he will get him Angel. He will win this for you."

"Ken, I need you to go up there with Jack ok. Jack needs you right now." Bobby softly replied.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To handle some business. I swear to you that I will be back. We are coming back Kennedy."

Tears streamed down Kennedy's face as she shook her head. "Don't do this." She begged. Angel got up from the chair and moved over to the door.

"Go to Jack." Angel replied before walking out. Bobby turned and walked out the door.

"BOBBY!" she screamed as she began to sob. Ryan came running in there to her room.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Stop them!" She yelled. "Don't let them leave."

"Hey hey, its ok. Everything is going to be ok." Ryan tried to soothe her. She just shook her head and pointed to the door as she sobbed. "Let's go see Jack. I bet he wants to see you."

"Is he awake?" she asked.

"No, but I think he knows you are there."

"Ryan, what's going to happen?"

"I don't know right now sweetheart. I am trying everything possible to bring him back to you."

"Don't let him die ok. Don't let anything happen to him. I don't think I can survive without him."

"You are going to be ok. I wont let anything happen to you."

He helped her out of the bed and into a wheelchair. He grabbed a Kleenex and gently wiped her tears from her face. "You ready?" he asked. She slowly nodded her head as she sniffed. He wheeled her to the elevator and up to the ER. She looked around and saw doctors everywhere again. She saw the curtain that she once was in with jack, but Ryan walked past it. "Wait, where are we going?" she asked looking back.

"He's in a room this time. It will give you more privacy." Ryan responded.

Kennedy softly smiled. Ryan opened the door and wheeled her inside. Jack still looked the same as the last time she saw him. He had tubes all in him and was still pale. "Are you sure he can hear me?"

"Yeah I think he can."

Kennedy smiled at him. "Thanks Ryan."

"For what?"

"Everything. Being here with me, helping Jack, just giving me encouragement when I thought everything was going downhill."

"That's what I am here for." He helped her out of the wheelchair and let her walk over to the chair closer to the bed. "I'll be downstairs doing some paper work, if you need anything just page me ok and I will be right up here."

"Ok." She nodded her head. She lifted herself from the chair and walked over to Jack's side. She grabbed his hand and kissed it before putting it to the side of her face. "Hey there." She whispered. "You look good baby. I am so happy that you are still here with me. I had a dream last night about my birthday. I didn't want to dream it, but I guess you cant help what you dream. I remember that song you wrote for me. I have never forgotten those words you sang to me that night. I just wish you could sing it to me right now." She wiped her face from the tears that had fallen. "Your brothers are going crazy. They went after Sweet. I begged them not to go, but you know them. They never listen to anyone. I just pray that they are ok. I cant lose them too. My body cant take it. I don't know how I holding on right now. I guess because I have faith that something good is going to happen. You are going to get out of this and be ok. You have to be. You're my soul mate."

Something began to beep beside Jack's bed. "Jack…" she whispered. The beeping got louder and faster. She let go of his hand and rushed out of the room sobbing. "Help!" she yelled. "Something is happening." Doctors went running towards her. One saw that she was about to pass out and helped her back into the room as the others rushed past her and into Jack's room. "RYAN!" she screamed. "Save him!" she sobbed in the doctors arms. She felt herself falling to the ground, but the doctor slowly let her fall until she sat there holding on his hand, sobbing. "Jack, don't die on me! Please!" she begged. Ryan came running into the room and rushed to Kennedy's side. "Don't let him die!" she begged. "Do something!"

"I am!" he responded. He moved over to Jack. "What can I do?"

"We need to shock him!" one of the doctors replied.

"NO!" Kennedy screamed.

"Get her out of here. She doesn't need to be in here right now." Ryan replied.

"Don't leave me!" she screamed as a doctor picked her up in his arms and brought her out of the room. "Don't go!"

Ryan stared at her with sympathy in his eyes until the door was shut. The doctor sat down on a chair with a shaking Kennedy in his arms.

"Its ok." He comfortly replied. "He's going to be alright."

Kennedy found that she couldn't stop shaking or sobbing. "He.cant.die." she responded in between sobs. "We are supposed to get married."

"Married? Well that's great news." The doctor was trying to soothe her.

"He's my everything."

The doctor smiled at her. She kept her eyes on the door until finally Ryan walked out. He was looking down to the ground.

Kennedy began shaking again. "Kennedy…"

"Is he ok?" she whispered.

"He's not doing to good."

"What does that mean?"

"They don't give him a long time to live. His body is giving up on him."

"He's going to die?" she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Ryan nodded his head.

"There is nothing that we can do."

Kennedy shot up from the doctor's lap. "You promised that you would do something. That you would help him."

"I did help him."

"You cant let him die!" she began beating on his chest. "You promised!" she screamed as she was hitting him. Ryan grabbed her arms and held her.

"I am so sorry. I tried everything possible, but nothing is working. This is killing me to tell you this, but there's nothing more to do."

"I cant lose him." She sobbed in his chest.

"I know." Ryan closed his eyes and held onto her as she sobbed. Soon she stopped and felt her whole body go numb. "You can go back in there if you want. He needs you right now Ken. Don't give up on him."

"Why? You have." She spat. Ryan sighed before helping her to her feet.

"No I haven't. I still believe there is hope for him."

Kennedy shook her head. "Go in there and be with him." Ryan demanded. He grabbed her hand and led her back into his room. He pushed her inside before quickly shutting the door. Kennedy quickly turned around to leave, but the door closed on her. She slammed her fist on the door and cried. She spun herself around and stormed over to Jack's bed. "You listen to me damnit. You cant die on me Jack! You better not die on me! Don't you break your promise! Don't you do it! I swear Jack, if you do this! I love you ok! If that is what you want to hear from me, then I said it! I love you! I have always loved you. There was never a moment that I didn't love you or think about you. You were always on my mind. Even in those three years we weren't together. I never forgot about you! I always wanted to be with you! I want to be with you right now. Take me with you if you are going to leave me! Don't leave me here alone! Take me with you and I will go with you no matter where it is! Just don't leave me here! Damnit Jack! Open your eyes!" she yelled at him. She turned around and just sobbed into her hands. "I love you, isn't that enough!" she replied.

You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you

Jack began to sing as he slowly opened his eyes. Kennedy slowly turned around not believing what she was hearing. She saw that Jack was staring at her. She covered her mouth and began to sob again!

"I love you!" he whispered.

"JACK!" she screamed. Kennedy rushed over to the door and screamed out it. Ryan was standing at the counter and hurried over to her.

"What is it?" he asked rushing in. He saw that Jack's eyes were open and smiled. "Welcome back Jack."

Jack softly smiled at him.

"Jack!" Kennedy squealed. She slapped him in the arm. "Don't you ever do that again." She sobbed. "I thought I lost you."

"Me?" he whispered. "Never." He smiled at her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and just sobbed into his shoulder.

"Well everything seems to be looking good. You kind of gave us a little scare there a few minutes ago. We thought maybe we would lose you."

Jack smiled "Well it's a good thing that I didn't die."


"Hey." Jack whispered to Kennedy who was just staring at him. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I am just looking at you." She replied wiping her face.

"I'm here ok. Nothing is going to happen. I'm not going to leave you." He replied.

"I know." She whispered back. "I love you Jack." She sobbed. "I love you so much!" she covered her mouth with her hand. He held out his hand to hers. She grabbed it and he pulled her to him. She saw that his eyes had tears in them.

"I love you too. I'm sorry that I scared you."

"It doesn't matter anymore. You are ok."

"Where is everyone?"

"They had to go take care of some business."

Jack nodded his head. "How are you feeling? You in any pain?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah my arm is hurting pretty bad." Jack admitted.

"I will go get you some medicine to help with the pain. What I need you to do right now is just rest."

Jack nodded his head as Ryan left the room. "So Malibu is a doctor now?" he replied with a smile. Kennedy couldn't help but laugh as she nodded her head.

"And proud of it." She replied.

Two weeks pasted since Jack was in the hospital. Sweet was dead and everything was beginning back to normal, well as normal as life could get after you had a shootout at your own house. The boys began a project together getting Evelyn's house back to normal. Bobby decided he was going to stay for a little while, or until he felt the urge to leave again. Jerry and Camille came over everyday to check on Jack and just be with the family. Sofi had moved in against Bobby's wishes. Angel and her are now engaged to be married.

"Why the hell do you always have to be here?" Bobby yelled.

"I live here remember?" Sofi yelled back. Jack and Kennedy was sitting in the living room listening to them argue. Kennedy couldn't control her laughter any longer. Not much has changed and that's what she liked. Jack grabbed his crutches and got up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Kennedy asked as she moved to help him.

"Just stay there. I need to get something." Jack replied.

"Do you need help?"

"No, I got it." He disappeared through the door leaving Kennedy staring at him. Few minutes passed and he still hadn't come back. "Jack!" she called.

His head appeared through the door. "Yes." He replied with a smile.

"What are you doing?"

"Just a minute." He grabbed his crutches again and moved over to her. "I forgot to give you this." He replied. He held out his fist which was closed over something.

"What is it?" she asked holding out her hand.

"Well I think you might need it." He dropped it in her hand. A diamond ring. Kennedy gasped. "Now officially, Kennedy Wilson will you marry me?" he asked putting the ring on her finger. She nodded her head not being able to speak. "Is that yes?" he asked.

Kennedy laughed "YES!" she yelled. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"I guess so!" Jack replied smiling at her.

"Where did you get this?" she looked at her ring. By this time Angel, Sofi, Bobby, Jerry, and Camille were in the living room watching with smiles on their faces. Jack looked over at his brothers who nodded their heads with smiles on their faces.

"It was ma's." he replied. Kennedy looked up at him. "She gave it to me before we broke up. I have kept it ever since. I just had a feeling that we would be together again." Kennedy smiled at him with tears in her eyes. "I guess I have good feelings."

She laughed and nodded head before wrapping her arms around him. "I love you Jack Mercer."

"I love you too Kennedy Mercer." He had a huge grin on his face. She leaned up and kissed him. Finally she got what she wanted for the longest time. For her life to start over. No more nightmares, no more terrors of being alone, and most of she got to start it over with the one person she loved more than anything in the world. Everything was perfect to Kennedy that day. She had her best friend back for good. She knew Evelyn was watching them, with the biggest smile on her face. Kennedy looked over at the door and saw a figure standing there in white, smiling at them. "Faith gets you far my dear." She replied. "Don't let it go. I'll always be with you," Kennedy nodded her head with a smile on her face.

"I know." She whispered.

The end!

Author: Ok so let me know what you think! I am so sad that this is ending, but it had to! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I love you guys so much and it means so much to that you guys actually take time to read my story! I hope you guys liked the ending. I was going to let him die, but I changed my mind! Haha! ENJOY!

BeautifulBre: Ok you can take away the mean face now, he's alive! YAY! Yep they are going to get married. Go Jack and Kennedy! YAY! Hope you enjoyed it!

Ryo Wings: I know I am evil, but hey you know! At least he is alive, that's all that matters! Now everyone can stop hating me! Hahaha! Thanks for reading my story! It means a lot that you liked it that much to read 31 chapters!

Iszgarretthedlund: WOW! Ten kids! Dang that is a lot of doing the deed! Hahahaa! I would have ten kids with Jack any day though! Hahahaha! I love that, "what the beep" that was awesome! Hahahah! Thanks for reviewing all my chapters, it really means a lot! Thanks for reading!

Skye Mercer: Oh oh oh! Is it me! Hahaha Have you posted it yet? Thanks for sticking my story from the beginning and actually reading my covenant story! You are the BEST! You are always faithful in reading no matter what! Thank you sooo much! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, JACK WOKE UP! YAY! That's awesome that your boyfriend's name is Ryan. Hahahaha! Very cool! Thanks again!

SunnySkies: You can breathe now, JACK IS OK! Hahaha! Thanks for all the reviews! They really mean a lot to me! You are awesome!