Disclaimer: I don't own Superstar Saga or the characters from it.

A/N: I wrote this some time ago, but suddenly decided to start posting it. The story occurs after SS takes place under the assumption that both Fawful and Cackletta were still alive after the occurences of the game.

Chapter 1: Magazines

"Get out!" The rage-induced shriek emanated from behind the heavy iron door of a certain Beanbean Kingdom witch's evil lair.

"I am being sorry, Cackletta!" Came the high-pitched answer.

There was a loud crash as Cackletta flung an expensive antique vase at her assistant, missing him by inches. "It's too late for apologies! As if this place isn't expensive enough to maintain without you spending all of our hard-earned coins on your frivolous hobbies!"

"I was not knowing they were being subscriptions of magazines!" Fawful responded desperately, dodging the items that Cackletta was viciously throwing at him. "I was thinking that they were the forms of the obtaining of free items!"

Cackletta stopped heaving things for a moment, trying to comprehend Fawful's twisted dialogue. "So what you're saying..." she began, "Is that you mistook magazine subscription forms...for free item forms? Can you even read! There's no such thing as a 'free item form!'"

Fawful pulled out an extra subscription form and handed it to Cackletta. "The paper is saying 'you will be obtaining a free maker of smoothies if you are filling out this form.'"

Cackletta stared at the paper. "It says that you get a free smoothie maker with your paid subscription to Beanbean Fashion magazine!"

"See?" Fawful said hopefully, "you are getting the free maker of smoothies!"

"With a 500 coin subscription!" Cackletta looked about ready to kill something.

"That is not being too expensive," Fawful responded hesitantly.

"Well," Cackletta began in a sarcastically sweet voice, "it kind of adds up when you sign me up for 100 different magazines that all cost 500 coins, now doesn't it!"

"It is now being 116," Fawful mumbled to the floor.


This time, Fawful thought it best that he actually listen. He began to think this even more when a toaster went flying by his head. Struggling slightly, he managed to open the large, iron front door and flee from Cackletta's rage.

When Cackletta saw that Fawful was gone, she sighed. Fawful was a helpful assistant in that he was fairly adept at designing weapons and other technology, but his harmfulness far outweighed his helpfulness at times.

"And he can't even speak proper English," she said to herself.

Cackletta examined the subscription form that Fawful had given her. "'Subscription not available for cancellation,'" she read, trying hard to keep her temper under control. Getting out a pen, Cackletta turned the paper over and did some quick calculations. "Five-hundred coins times one-hundred sixteen subscriptions is FIFTY-EIGHT THOUSAND COINS! I'll be in debt for the rest of my life!" This was somewhat of an exaggeration, needless to say.

Meanwhile, Fawful had gotten as far away from Cackletta's lair as possible.

"Cackletta is being scary when she is vexed," Fawful said out loud, "she is having even more fury than me! Although the current anger of which Cackletta is possessing is seeming to be more than usual. I am being worried that she will not be allowing the return of me to her lair."

Fawful's soliloquy was interrupted by a sudden thought. What if he were to earn enough money to pay back the 58,000 coins that he now owed Cackletta? "But," Fawful said, talking to himself, "Job opportunities are being limited in the Kingdom of Beanbean, so I must be going to the Kingdom of Mushroom to be making coins!"

With that, Fawful set out determinedly, forgetting all about the Mushroom Kingdom to Beanbean Kingdom coin exchange rate and the dreaded border-crossing test that divided the two kingdoms.


Well, that was chapter 1. I know it was short, but I'll probably post chapter 2 soon. Please R&R. XD