AN: I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it, too. Please read and review.
Kathryn forced herself to remember them. She tried to imagine them accusing her for their murder, their faces twisted in pain and hatred. She knew, she would have nightmares, at the very least, when this was over, but in order to save her ship, she had to do it. There was her dad, Justin, every crew member she lost during this journey. Her heart twisted in agony.
Captain Janeway was very good in hiding her emotions, she always appeared calm or at the very least angry during attacks. She never showed fear. That is why she tortured herself at the moment. So when she finally looked up to meet her captures eyes, they saw a broken and probably very frightened human female, a really small one at that.
A spy? Probably not. Nevertheless they liked her terrified expression. Maybe Leader would let them keep her. Days on Voyager were very dull. Since they couldn't sleep (humans must be really weird, they liked to listen to loud wailing while being asleep, quite annoying really), they needed something to entertain them. The old Voyager crew was no fun as they were always together and Leader didn't allow his subordinates to take one or two. Why did they keep them prisoners, anyway?
Leader jumped up and practically run to the spot where they held the human, as soon as he was informed by one of his officers. Did they finally found a spy? The ship was acting strangely. It was possible that somebody had tampered with it.
When he saw her at last, he was very disappointed. No, she was nothing, or was she? You should never judge someone by their appearance, that he had learned a long time ago. Good enemies knew a lot of tricks. He would treat her as such, until she proved him otherwise.
"Get up!" His shouting was directed to her, though two of his men grabbed her and hoisted her up, a third pressing a rifle end in her back. Sobs were shaking her, she hung her head.
"Look at me!", he barked at her. "That is it", she thought, "forget the last minutes!" She gritted her teeth and slowly raised her head to meet his gaze. Her face was tear-stained.
Leader looked directly in her eyes. First they seemed dazed, but then they focused on him and widened with recognition? There was nothing that prepared him for the sound of her laughing. It was almost hysterical. He could hardly conceal his anger. One of his men raised his arm with his two hands to hit her. "Not yet!", Leader bellowed.
"You are laughing at me, woman?", he voice dripping with velvet poison, "I'd like to know why?"
"Hehehe, Chakotay, I have never seen you in this ridiculous mask before. Is it Halloween already?" She laughed like a maniac. Then she spotted a man with dark features. She freed herself off her guard who had never expected her to be so strong, ran towards the alien and hugged him around the middle. "Tuvok, hehehe, I must say these ears really fit you", she pointed at his elephant ears.
One look of Leader made the guards take up their job again, this time they held her more forcefully, the rifle was back in place, that is aiming at her.
"Are you taking me back to my quarters, Chakotay? You know I can walk on my own. I am sorry that I didn't stay there, but I told you, that I don't like the ship jumping and lurching, so I ..."
"Silence!", roared Leader, he could barely restrain himself from hitting her. Oh, how he started to hate his assignment. First the ship and now this annoying female. His thoughts trailed longingly to days were they had killed the former crews of ships they took and sold the ship for good money. He sighed, he should never have listened to the Ktwiin king and his jabberings of loads of gold. He could care less of whatever grudge the king held towards the people. When this was over he would only work for him alone, that he was sure of.
"But Chakotay..."
"I am not Chakotay!" Arggh, this woman!
"You are not?" Kathryn chuckled. "So you wear these costumes all the time?"
His hand hit her cheek, she stumbled from the impact and only her guards kept her from falling to the floor. Tears started to flow again. This time she didn't have to act as much, as her cheek felt as if it was on fire.
As soon as the group, with Captain Janeway in the middle, entered cargo bay two she put on another show. She struggled and tried to break free. "No, I don't want to be here, I hate it. Where is Chakotay? I want Chakotay! Mummy!" She knew her crew would be shocked, but she had rather they would be stunned by the way she acted, than by her being captured and their hope gone. This way, it was more believable to the aliens. Nobody saw the small object flying across the room, hitting Chakotay on the forehead.
Chokotay caught the pip and understood at once. Nobody else had noticed anything as their attention was drawn towards the scene near the door.
"Captain Chakotay, I take it that this woman does belong to you? You haven't lost her somewhere, haven't you?", Leader asked, hatred distorted his face, while the guards shoved Kathryn in Chakotays direction. He caught her before she fell.
"Jenny!", Chakotay exclaimed, "Where did you find her?"
Kathryn hugged Chakotay fiercely, still sobbing. Oh, it was so good to feel his arms around her, his strength and warmth. She knew her plan was good, but the last few minutes had shaken her confidence. Chakotay's presence now reassured her, calmed her, although she didn't show it to everybody, except that she stopped crying.
"Oh, in one of the corridors. If you were that concerned for her, why did you never mention her? Slipped your mind, hasn't it? Although, I might forget her, too, seems a bit crazy this little scrap."
Chakotay sighed. "You are right, I did forget about her." He looked calmly into Leader's eyes. "You see, we picked her up just four weeks ago. We were so excited when we found the shuttle, a starfleet shuttle that is, here in the delta quadrant. But it was heavily damaged, three of the four crew members dead. Jenny, here, survived but barely." He absentmindedly stroke her hair.
"She healed physically, but never spiritually. We kept her in her quarters most of the time. But I guess, when the ship was attacked it reminded her of what she had been through and so she ran away. Nobody was really accustomed for her to be around, so during all the action we forgot about her. Thank you for bringing her here."
His voice sounded nothing, but sincere. Leader sniffed. So she was no spy after all, just some lousy human lunatic. He shrugged. "Be this as it may, but keep her silent! I don't want to hear anything about her!" With that he marched out of the door.
Chakotay lead Kathryn to a corner, shielding her from the eyes of her crew and those aliens guarding them. Many still gaped at her open mouthed and not quite a few questioned whether their real captain had actually lost her marbles.
"Are you okay?", he asked her gently.
She nodded and trace of a smile enlightened her face.
"What did you do to him? The leader loathed you!" He returned her smile. Trust his captain to find a way to be as annoying as possible when something wasn't going her way.
"Silence back there!", yelled a guard, "I don't care whether she is insane. I don't think Leader would mind her dead either."
"Never mind", she whispered. "I have to go."
"But how...?"
"Just trust me."
"Well, if you manage to get out of here, what will you do?"
"I will get my ship back. I only need a diversion."
Tom, sitting not too far off, looked at her intently. Suddenly he started to cackle and to crow.
"Silence, I said! This starfleet must be a club of madman! Or did they send you here to get rid of their insane, as the lunatic's wards were overfilled?"
In Kathryn's eyes, however, gleamed a spark of understanding.
"Chakotay, get everybody ready to overthrow our kidnappers...and forgive me", she jumped up and casually approached the door of the Jefferies tube. She started to yell for her mum, dance around and laugh as if her life depended on it.
"For the last time, be silent and sit down!", the angry guard roared.
Kathryn obeyed for a few minutes then she locked her eyes on the wall, walked towards it and opened her arms as if to embrace somebody. "Daddy", she sobbed, "Daddy, I finally found you. Where have you been. Why did you leave me?"
The guard shot at her without warning, though that was what Captain Janeway had anticipated. She quickly jumped out of the way, a searing pain burning in her shoulder. With a thud she hit the floor and didn't move.
The doctor and several others wanted to rush to her side and help her, but the guard aimed his weapon at them and yelled: "Keep away from her!" They retreated back to where they were sitting, their faces showed pain, loss and utter confusion.
Chakotay, however, run towards the guard and seized him. "Why?", he asked with pure hatred in his voice. "Why did you shoot a crew member of mine? You have no right!"
"Yeah?", asked the guard, a Kazon, lazily. Two of his comrades had already rushed to his aid and were now keeping Chakotay at bay. "I had the impression she was worthless to your crew anyway."
"Even if she couldn't distribute her work for our welfare, anymore, she still is human and belongs to my crew, thus stands under our protection. Don't you know anything about charity?"
The Kazon just looked at him. "No", he said, "and you better go and sit down." He raised his voice. "I stand by my word. Nobody goes near her and I don't want to hear anything, anymore, or there will be dead next." "Really", he thought as he walked away, "so much fuss about an insane female!" He already started to forget about her.
B'Elanna looked towards the wall where her captain lay. She was surprised by what she saw. She smiled, tucked at Chakotay's sleeve and pointed to the wall. He turned around and stared at the spot. She was gone...