FanKnight: I'm sorry it took so long to update guys! I've just been so busy with my life!

Daisuke: Yeah…college….love life….

Taichi: …what love life?

FanKnight/Daisuke: HEY!

Taichi: What? He doesn't own Digimon adventure 02.

FanKnight: Well damn…why is so cranky Dai-chan?

Daisuke: Prolly because I wouldn't give him he-


Taichi: What? You wanted to know….damn little…

FanKnight: Yeeeaaahh….and yes to all those asking the same question.

Daisuke: Yup, He'll start updating normally once more!

Taichi: Greeeaaatttt

Daisuke: Oh come on sempai! I still love you…

Taichi: …I know…


Night fell earlier each day in the digital world it seemed. As a whole the digital also seemed to be changing, as if some sort of infection was growing about it. It had been nearly two weeks since the attack on the bearers of courage and miracles. They had searched out the other chosen only to lose their tracks each time they would find a lead. It was both frustrating as well as tiring.

"Sempai…can we take a break?"

Daisuke's voice was worn, his appearance that of well traveled as Taichi's extra clothing didn't fit him so well. He sighed as he leaned against a near by tree, watching Taichi's back as he continued on. The elder chosen stopped at the top of the hill they were climbing. His back to the younger he looked over the hill in concentraition.

"Maybe for a little while…"

Came Taichi's reply. It had changed in the past two weeks Daisuke had noticed. It wasn't as rough as it was now. He had noticed that the closer the call the faster Taichi changed. The older boy usually took the night watches, leaving Daisuke alone by a small fire in the only sleeping bag.

Most nights like that Daisuke would lay away watching the older boy from afar. He couldn't sleep anymore without Taichi ever since the night of the first attack. It was as if Taichi's heart beat was a narcotic to him. A powerful, addictive narcotic that Daisuke had now become addicted to.

"Come take a break Sempai."

"It's alright. You rest, I'll keep watch."


Disappointment was thick in his voice, but he obeyed and sat down where he once stood. He sighed and looked towards the sky, the wind blowing ever so softly. DemiVeemon sat next to Daisuke, a frown upon his face as he looked between his partner and Taichi. He nuzzled Daisuke's leg only to have the boy blink and smile a bit, a single pat on the head and Daisuke returned to his sky gazing.

Noticing the same changes in his own partner Agumon frowned, and gestured for DemiVeemon to come a ways from them both. The small blue Digimon frowned for a moment before nodding once and waddling off in the direction.

When both Digimon were present they faced each other and gave a unison sigh.

"Whaish wong wit dem Agumon?"

Agumon pondered for a moment before frown crossed his snout.

"I'd say this whole journey is taking a toll on them."

"A wha?"

"A toll, it's taken a lot out of them."

"Oh…buh what could we do fer them den?"

"I don't-OH!"

"Oh? Ish that like some kind of massuage?"

"A massage?"

"Dat's what I shed."

"Oh….alright…no…I just had an idea is all."

"Well what ish it?"

"Do you remember the feeling you got when Daisuke was first saved?"

"Yesh. It was all warm n fuzzy. Kinda like lur-ooohhhh."

"My thoughts exactly."

"So you tink they're in-"

"It would explain a lot."

Both nodded and were about to continue when a voice startled them both.

"So what are you two plotting exactly?"

Both Digimon turned somewhat nervously to find Daisuke frowning, arms crossed over his chest.


"We were just worried about you and Tai."

Agumon replied before DemiVeemon could spill the beans.

"Oh…well…that's nice but-"

"That's not the entire truth."

Taichi's voice added as he appeared behind Daisuke. The younger boy blushing as he became startled a little at the sudden appearance of his sempai.

"But Tai I-"

"Come on Agumon, you're a terrible liar."


"We were gunna try an get ye two together!"

DemiVeemon spouted happily causing Daisuke to blush rather hard and Taichi to blink before laughing.

"What? Why would you two try something like that?"

"Because you love one another."

Agumon stated, rather than questioned.

Taichi blinked and glanced towards his kohai. The younger boy was bent over now, muttering to his Digimon who looked rather pale in fright.

"Love eh?"

Daisuke shivered a bit as Taichi spoke. It was so apparent now they cared for one another. Daisuke had even admitted to loving Taichi before this whole thing had even taken place, it was their love that had caused it.

Daisuke stood quickly, his Digimon in his arms. Turning to return to the pack and the tree he had been sitting under, Taichi quickly caught his arm. DemiVeemon taking this chance to jump out of his arms.

"Have fun Daishukeh!"

With that both digital partners vanished to where their partners had originally come from.


"We never did talk about that…."

"What's there to say?"

"I dunno…a lot?"

"Isn't is obvious? I'm stupid, I cause this whole thing, and now our friends could be hurt, or captured, or something horrible!"

"It happens."


"It happens."

"How can you say something like that?!"

"Because it's true. You can't help who you fall in love with. Love isn't something anyone can really understand. Just ask Sora."

"Right….sure…doesn't make me feel any better."

"You're avoiding the question now."


"I want an answer."

"Well…what if I don't have one?"

"Then I guess I'll be waiting for awhile then huh?"


"And stop calling me that."

"what? Taichi?"


"Why? That's your name."

"So? It's Taichi-Sempai to you."


"Or are we no longer that close?"


"Ah ah."


"There ya go."

A silence passed between them now. Daisuke looking at his feet. Taichi staring at the younger boy in wait.

"Hmph…well…what was the question again?"

Taichi sighed and shook his head.

"Why didn't you ever tell me how you felt?"


Another silence before Taichi came closer to the younger boy, both hands on his shoulder.


"I didn't want you to reject me."

It was a quiet answer. One that Taichi had to strain to hear.

"Reject you? Why would I reject you?"

"Because…I'm in love with you?"

"Oh…so you're still in love with me then?"


"Well which is it?"

Taichi asked being rather stubborn, a grin was now plastering itself on his lips as he tilted the boy face towards him.



"Well…then I suppose I have a decision to make huh?"


"Well…I suppose I could be an idiot and waste a perfectly good chance to kiss you….or…"

He licked his lips then, causing the younger boy to blush.

"I could take it and wonder where we stand later…."

"Sempai…you shouldn't try and make me feel better just because I-"

Taichi silenced him quickly. The stress and tension that had been building for the past three weeks now gone in a single action. Hands began to wander, sounds began to echo, and foot steps could be heard close. Both boys didn't care until a familiar voice and an even more familiar click sounded.

"Well it's about damn time."

Pulling away quickly Daisuke looked towards the owner of the voice, his face red as could be, his lips swollen slightly, the spit that lingered on his lips glistening upon his lips.


"Aww but I wanted to get a few more pictures Dai-chan."

"Come on Dai, give the lady what she wants."


Daisuke could only stand in shock. They'd been looking for so long for them and there they were.

"How did you guys find us?"

"It was easy. We followed the moaning."

Blushing Daisuke hid his face in his hands, only to have them pulled from his face by Taichi's.

"Aww you're almost as cute when you blush as you are naked."


"How do you think you got dressed in the first place."


Taichi only chuckled and wrapped his arms around the younger boy.

"Leave him alone Taichi."

"Sure sure…what ever you say Sora."

How Taichi knew one of his best friend's voices was beyond Daisuke, though he couldn't see her, his face hidden in Taichi's chest.

They laughed now as Daisuke's stomach gave a loud growl. It had been a long while since they had laughed like that, almost a month in fact. They gathered together before walking back towards Taichi' s pack to find the Digimon celebrating being reunited.

It was a small relief, one that was badly needed indeed.

Hours later, after dinner, catching up as well as hugs all around they slept, well, most of them anyway.

Sora and Taichi sat around the fire, Daisuke out cold against Taichi's shoulder. His body cradled against the older boys.

"I'm happy for you guys."


Both older teens eyes were glued to the small fire before them. They had a bond, much like that of Taichi and Yamato.


"Yes Taichi?"

"Do you think…everything will work out?"

Sora gave a small worn smile.

"Of course."


"As long as we're together….everything will defiantly be alright."

Taichi could only smile before looking upon the three digital moons. Sora followed suit, both watch the moons glow and the stars shine.


FanKnight: Well I hope that update was worth the wait.

Daisuke: Yay! A kiss!

Taichi: Finally!!

FanKnight: Yeah, yeah, I know….anyway…Please Review and give any comments you want.

Daisuke: Flamers will be used as Taichi's soccer ball!

Taichi: YES!