"Do you see what I mean?" El-A-Lese asked when she and Fate had returned to her apartment.

"Very intriguing. I sensed no guile, no subterfuge in him. Just a genuine desire to help Phoebe. Most curious."

"And he seemed genuinely resigned to his fate."

"Yes, he did," said Fate. "Perhaps I have misjudged him. His repentance appears quite genuine. He is honestly regretful for his past deeds."

"And not because of his punishment either. True repentance cannot be achieved after death. It can only be accomplished without the threat of retaliation. You've told me so many times."

"Yes, I have. Anyone can repent when they are facing judgment. But true repentance can only be achieved before judgment is pronounced. Without the coercion that punishment necessarily produces."

"Do you understand why I had questions regarding his punishment?"

"I do. And your questions are quite justified."

"Well, as you said, it is a unique situation," said El-A-Lese. "He repented his ways as a demon and tried to change. But he was overwhelmed by forces and situations beyond his control. And he died before he could even begin to atone for his past deeds."

"And therein lies the problem," said Fate. "Even considering that all you've said it true, how can I afford him an opportunity not afforded to others?"

"You have stayed your judgment before," El-A-Lese offered. "When a mortal exhibits true repentance you have provided them with the opportunity to make up for their past mistakes."

"While they were still alive. Before they had died."

"I've known you to allow some to continue to live past their normal times. In order to allow them the time for the opportunity."

"Those instances are very rare."

"But not unprecedented."

"And none has ever been restored to the living once they have passed over," said Fate.

"I know. But you did say this was a unique situation. And you now have information you weren't aware of before. Isn't it possible that the matter could be reconsidered in light of this new information?"

"And if it's decided that the punishment is just?"

"I will abide by your decision whatever it is, as always," said El-A-Lese. "I only ask because I believe it is important to consider all aspects of the situation. Especially with a judgment as severe as this."

"You realize this is not my decision alone? There are other considerations to be considered. Considerations that do not fall under my purview."

"I realize that."

"And I cannot guarantee the others will see it as you do."

"I understand. I only ask that everything be considered before a final determination is made."

"I agree with you," said Fate. "There are other factors that need to be considered here. I cannot say how long it will be but I will let you know when a final determination has been made."

"I appreciate that," said El-A-Lese. "Thank you."

"I should be going now," said Fate. "And in the future please come to me directly when you have a question. I'm available whenever you may need to talk."

"I'll remember that. Again, thank you very much."

Fate faded away leaving El-A-Lese alone in the apartment. She knew there was little hope of altering the current situation. Fate rarely changed his mind. And it was unlikely that any of the others would agree with her and Fate.

Still, she had to say something. If only for her own peace of mind. So that she would be satisfied she had done everything in her power to make things right. As it was there was nothing left for her to do but wait and hope.

Concluded in "Intercession"

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