A/N: YES!! The end of the stupid story!!

A week after Cedar Point.

Jon, Alanna and Tina were sitting on the crouch, eye glued to the television screen when Thom burst in.

"I did it!" Thom explains, jumping up and down. "I did it!"

Confused by Thom sudden burst out, Alanna asks, "Did what?"

"I beat the game! The one Tina showed me on the computy!"

"Computer," Tina corrected lazily.

"Yeah, that! Okay, so the monster was almost dead, I didn't have any food left and my sword was getting weak. I needed a new plan. Then suddenly-"

"Thom, we really don't care," Jon interrupted.

"But don't you want to know how I defeat the evil Lord of Castle?"

"Not really," Jon replied shaking his head.

"You know what I just realized?" Alanna asked, joining the conversation. "We don't have a way to get back."

"Get back where?" The sorcerer asked.

"Tortall. Home. Remember? Or have you been playing on the computer to long and think we are home?"

"No, I know this isn't our home. And just for your information, I already know how to get back."

Alanna, completely taken back from his answered, replied, "You do?"

Thom started to shake his head while 'tsking'. "Have you forgotten that I am a powerful sorcerer?"

"Well, you haven't been acting like one for the past few weeks," Jon commented.

Thom turned to face Jon.

"Well, for your information, your majesty, we're not in Tortall. People don't expect me to be all powerful and such. Yeah, I like being a powerful sorcerer, but it gives me a headache when people expect you to know everything and ask you to do everything. Here, know one knows me and have never seen a sorcerer in their lives. I don't have to be all smart and act responsible. Anyway, I was bored and was searching through the history room when I came across ad dusty old book. I blew the dust away and saw that it was the same book Jon and I used to get here! Since I was mostly concerned on finding a way to find Alanna, I looked to see how to get to the future and completely forget to look up how to get back 

to the past so when I saw the book, I thanked all the gods and looked up how to get back! It's really simple though. All we need is a strong sorcerer to chant the spell and we're home!"

"Wait a minute. You're Thom of Tortall. The powerful sorcerer…well besides Numair, but the Thom of Tortall." Tina jumped off the couch and walked up to Thom.

"Uh, Tina. Are you feeling alright? You already know who I am. Who's this Numair you're talking about?" Thom asked.

"Oh, shoot. You don't know him yet. You meet him later in your lives. Well, you don't Thom but Alanna and Jon become good friends with him."

"How do you know? Why don't I get to meet him?"

"Uh…because you just don't." I can't tell him he died before he meets him. I don't think he'll want to hear that. Tina thought. "I know him because remember, my uncle told me stories about him. Sorry, for the weird statement I made. I just didn't realize that this is the same guy who made Ro-opps. Never mind. Don't listen to me." Tina quickly covered up.

"What are you talking about?" Alanna questioned. "You're acting odd."

"I'm sorry. I'm just having my odd moments. I get them once in a while. So, Thom. You know how to get back home?"

"Yeah. I wrote the incantation on paper. Though, I must say, writing with pencils are much easier then writing with a quill. I've got the paper right here in my pocket." Thom slid his hand in his back jean pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper.

"I'll miss you," Tina said as Alanna and Jon gathered around Thom.

"We'll miss you too," Alanna said, hugging Tina. "tf was nice getting to know you."

"Same with me," said Jon, hugging Tina as well.

"You better leave the room, so you don't end up in Tortall as well. Bye."

"Bye Thom," Tina hugged him farewell. Tina walked out of the room and waited by the door.

"Okay, Jon hold my left hand while Alanna hold my right." They did as they were told and Thom was soon reciting some mystercal words.

There was blinding white light and in a blink of an eye, there were gone.


Out of nowhere, three figures appeared in the Prince of Tortall bed chamber floor. They seemed to be knocked out.

-The next day-

Alanna awoke up, realized she was in Jon's room and tried to get up only finding out that her brother was on her legs. She shook him awake

"Thom? What are you doing on my legs?"

"I don't know," he replied when he awoke. "Where am I?" He looked around the room.

"Jon's bed chambers. How did we get here?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because you're the sorcerer!"

"Alright, fine. I don't remember being here as well. What was the last thing you remember?"

"I was dueling Roger when he ripped my shirt allowing my breast to be shown. The king saw and declared an explanation. Then I kind of blanked out. You?"

"That's what I remember too. Where's Jon?"

"Over there," Alanna said pointing to the figure next to her. Alanna shook him awake like she did with Thom.

"Jon, wake up."

"What?" His eyes were half closed. "What happened? My head hurts."

"So does mine. What's the last thing you remember, Jon?" Alanna questioned.

"Uh, the court just realized that you were a girl and that's it."

"We must have come to your room after the duel. This is confusing and I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat." Alanna got up, after pushing Thom off her legs. Thom and Jon did the same. The exited the room and went to find some food.

-A year or so later in Columbus, Ohio present time-

Tina was just passing the History when something caught her eye. She walked in the room and looked at the portrait of Alanna and Jonathan, though the woman in the picture wasn't Alanna. Her eyes were hazel and not violet and the hair color was jet-black and wasn't in the least bit red. Confused, Tina looked at the name plate and read:

His Royal Highness King Jonathan of Conté and his queen Thayet

A/N:Big twist in the end! Muwahaha! The reason why Tina kept on getting the weird feeling when she saw the portrait when she was younger was because it wasn't right. Something was wrong about it. I also tried to explain Thom's behavior. Hopefully it was good enough. Oh, and you might have caught it but when Alanna, Jon and Thom got back to Tortall, they didn't remember where they were. They don't remember Tina or anything so the story line follows the books now. Tina still remembers then since she didn't go anyway. Now, I better run before all the AJ fans start attacking me for making it AG. Now, please review to show how much you hated the ending??