Me: I had a thought after reading 'Remember Who You Are' by Fairy Whisperings, so, after crying for a long while,I decided to do a story on how Nova gains back Shuggazoom and finds a shocking secret, with my own view on things.

Nova: You hate me.

Me: No I don't.

Nova: Then why are you doing this to me?

Me: Because I can, my civil rights allow me to speak my mind.

Nova: I hate you.

Me: I love you, too. I don't own SRMTHFG, but I do own rights to torment them. And if you think this will be just like 'Remember Who You Are' then you are sadly mistaken, cause my ending has a surprising twist. SO DON'T HURT ME! On with the story.

How it got to this

She stood upon a cliff outside of what use to be Shuggazoom City, a once proud city that was brutally taken over by the Skeleton King, after he killed her brothers. Her eyes narrowed at the thought. She remembered it so clearly, the memory had engraved itself into her mind.


The Skeleton King stood above the hyper force, "Fools, do you actually think you can beat me?"

"Think? We know we can beat you, wing-head." shouted Sprx. 15 minutes after that statement, the hyper force were struggling to keep on their feet.

"You were saying?" cackled the overlord. He then hit everyone's jetpack, destorying them. "Now you have nowhere to run."

"We have no need to run." said the silver Antauri.

"We vowed to protect Shuggazoom and that's what we're going to do." shouted Chiro.

"Then you will die protecting it." SK shouted.

The team fought gallently, but were beat to the ground. Skeleton King was above them laughing, "Look how the mighty has fallen, and shall never be seen again."

The king went to strike, but Nova, mustering what little strength she had, rammed him. The king stumbled backward and grabbed the gold monkey, holding her at arms-length. "You were the strongest, yet your friends held you back from your full potential."

"We never held Nova back!" protested Gibson.

"Yea, she was always helping us get stronger." yelled Otto.

SK laughed, "Oh so you think. Well my little simians, she always knew how to get her full potential."

"What are you talking about?" shouted the struggling monkey in his hand.

"Well, well, well. I thought it was pretty obvious. Betray your friends and serve me. Let your anger out on those you hold dear. That is how you find your true potential." SK said.

"I would never do that. I love my brothers and nothing you will do will ever change that!" shouted Nova. She was thrown to another wall. Struggling to stand, Nova looked into those menacing red eyes. "The fire grows within you but you won't let it out, all because you want your friends to stay safe. Well... WHO SAID THEY WERE SAFE FROM ME?"

With that, SK shot an energy blast above her team, causing rocks to tumble down on them. Nova run toward them, but she was stopped by an invisible force. At first, she thought it was SK, but lookng at her friends told her otherwise. They had combined their remaining power to put a barrier around her, to keep her away from them and safe. Tears poured from her eyes as well as theirs.

Time seemed to stop as they said their final words, "We love you, Nova, never forget that." and the rocks consumed their fate. The barrier was released and Nova charged forward, but SK blocked her path. Blinded by tears, she charged him. She didn't care what happened to her. Her friends were gone, her life didn't matter anymore. She was smacked to a wall.

"You little pest. You still defy me now that your friends are gone. But you're broken so I have no use for you, Now DIE!" SK blasted her, but she put up a barrier of fire, she didn't know how and she didn't really care. When the barrage was over, a hole was behind her. She jumped out of it, listening to the evil creature's fading words, "Now matter where you run, you can not hide from me.

She ran until her legs gave out. She openned her eyes to see where she was. The meadow, Why here? It brought back memories of them, painful memories. She sat there crying her heart out, at least, what wasleft of her heart.

/end flashback/

After that, Skeleton King took over, destroying any hope the citizens had left. She had been captured shortly after her escape, but a visit from her friends helped her heal herbroken heart. She thought it was a dream or an illusion, but she remembered something Antauri had once said, 'Though we're in different places does not mean that we are separated.'

After that, she carried every piece of advice they had ever given her close to her heart, and it made her stronger, much stronger. And because of that, she started a resistance. Every person she rescued was a part of it, each using their individual skills to help bring the SK down. All looked to her for leadership. She was once just third-in-command, now she commanded her own team, one that decided Shuggazoom's fate.


She turned to met the voice, it was Jinmay. "Nova, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Jinmay, just...remembering."

"Remembering how it got to be like this?"

Nova smiled, most of the time the girl could read her like a book, "Yea, but the good thing is, they're here, yet they're not."

Jinmay giggled, a good thing to hear, "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were all six hyper force members rolled into one."

The girl was right, Nova had adopted characteristics from each of her brothers, Sprx's piloting skills, Otto's mechanic skills, Gibson's knowledge, Chiro's leadership, and Antauri's spiritual wisdom. All this came from the books she found in the SR, which she managed to save and hide from SK. She maintained her strength and fighting spirit, but adopted something else. She had found out SK was right about her having a fire inside of her, she just needed to find a way to release it, which she did.

"Come on, Jinmay, we need to get back inside." She said turning around.

"You need your sleep too. No buts, you've gone three days without sleep. When you made me second-in-command, I promised that I'd make sure you keep your health up." Jinmay said.

"Yes mother." Nova smiled, it was times like these she enjoyed.

She entered her quarters she shared with Jinmay, who was in the command room briefing everyone on their status. She noticed a mirrior and looked at her reflection. Her yellow fur, nowa dark yellow from battles, was covered by a black ninja outfit she worn to conceal herself. On each hip was a sword she had forged by her own fists. Taking off the articles, she looked at her white stomach. Present there were five circles which she put on with her fire power. They were engraved until she felt the need to remove them, but that need had not come yet. The center circle was orange, the one above it was a mixture of black and silver, the one below the orange one was green. Then the one to the left of the orange circle was red while the one on the right was blue.

No one but Jinmay knew the 'tattoes' (sp?) were there, but she wasn't going to tell them anytime soon. She went to the bathroom, took a shower, and went to bed. She welcomed the softness gratefully. Before she drifted to dreamland, Nova heard the door open. Someone pulled the blanketup to her neck. Jinmay.

"Good night, Nova. Try not to wear yourself out next time." was the last thing Nova heard before drifting to sleep.

Me: How was that?

The hyper force(minus Nova): YOU HAD US KILLED! WHY?

Me: It makes the story better.

(Team (minus Nova)charges me and I run.)

Nova: How come every story she writes causes people to run after her? Oh well. Please read and review and FireNovaLover will update soon...hopefully.