Holiday Ball

by bloomingfelton

Chapter 5: Oh, Diary

Oh, Diary,

I am so sorry I haven't written for years. I've been quite busy since that Holiday Ball where I met and, happy to say, fell in love with Harry James Potter. Since then, I have seen Harry a lot. I saw him for the second time at New Year's and very frequently throughout the year, when I wasn't finishing up school. But once or twice Harry showed up unexpected and the younger female students went into a frenzy. Let's just say that my professors were not pleased that We became quite close and I knew that I had found Mr.Right.

Then, just at last year's Holiday Ball, Harry proposed, in front of my entire family and friends and even the media. It was the amazing moment of my life. We were married a couple of days after Valentine's day, less than two months later. Now it is March and I have some very exciting news.

I'm pregnant! About a month pregnant to be exact. Although, Harry doesn't know yet. Only my doctor and I know so far, but I have a feeling that the entire wizarding world will know tomorrow. I think after quiet, romantic dinner I will tell Harry everything thing.

Just think. Nearly a year ago, a was still a seventh grade student at Beaubaxtons and now I am the wife of Harry Potter and mother to his child. It just feels like a dream, so surreal. Anyways, if it is a dream, I hope I never wake up.

Always with love,

Hermione Jane Potter and Harry Potter's First Son

P.S. "And they all lived happily ever after. The End."