Okay, I would like to start this off with an important message. Recently, a friend of mine managed to get into my account and, as a joke, post a story called, "Lilo and Stitch: Humorous Moments."

This was, however, plagiarized from another story, "Meditation Methods." This is the first time she's done this here on fanfiction. However, this isn't the first time she's done this to my internet accounts. As a result, I have removed the story and apologized to said author. And now, I apologize to anyone who read the story, and I think one person who placed it in their favorites, for the problem that occurred here.

I'm not sure how many of you will read this message. But I have finally decided too let everyone know the reason why it's gone.

And now that my message is out of the way. It's time for a short chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Lilo and Stitch or Family Guy.


Bonnie stood in line with Sparky at a Tony Robbin's book signing event. Sparky stood with his entire body posture implying he was scared to pieces. She let out a long sigh and looked at him.

"Sparky, for the last time, Tony Robbins, is not going eat you." Bonnie said, her voice laced with annoyance.

He turned and looked at her. "But just look at the guy Bonnie, he's a giant!"

She sighed again. "So what, everyone looks big to us. Were three foot tall experiments, every adult looks big to us."

"But I-"

"No but's Sparky. Now come on, you're up next." Bonnie said coolly, Sparky's body went rigid with fear.

But Bonnie's last piece of patience went out the door and threw Sparky up on the table. He found himself face to face with a grinning Tony Robbins. Sparky finally found the courage too timidly offer his book and ask the question.

"Uh... could you sign this book? Please?" Came Sparky's meek response.

"Sure I can! This is a book signing event after all!" Tony exclaimed cheerily as he signed the book.

Sparky looked at the book in disbelief.

"Th-th-thank you, sir!"

"It's been my pleasure."

Sparky hopped off the table and walked over to Bonnie. She grinned widely.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it."

Sparky was about to respond. But he stopped when he saw a fat white man ask Tony to sign his book.

"TONY ROBBINS HUNGRY!" Was his enthusiastic cry.

The electric experiment could only watch in complete horror as he saw Tony suddenly devour the poor guy in a manner resembling a snake.

"See, Tony Robbins would never eat us. Were far too small for his big gullet." Bonnie laughed out loud.

Sparky stared for a few more seconds, just before he did the only thing a man like him could do in this situation...

He fainted.

As always, remember to leave a review.