Disclaimer: Cloud, Tifa and all the FF7 characters belong to Sqaureenix, I am in no way making money off of this inspiration for this story came from the movie Jenny Juno make sure to watch it it's a cute movie! Its safe to call this an adaption. Almost.
Summary: After a night of passion high school kids Cloud and Tifa face the fact that they are going to be parents. fearing the worst from their own families the pair decide to hide the pregnancy to avoid the chance of losing their child, but how long will they be able to keep it secret? CloTi
Sixteen-year-old Tifa Lockhart sat alone on a queen-sized bed positioned neatly in the center of her bedroom, jittery, the young girl held a white pregnancy test in her hands. To her right was a small white and pink box reading the very straight forward title of 'E-Z Home Pregnancy test' written in bold italic white lettering running across the front of the box. The box had stated that the results for her test would take a solid 2 minutes.
With a stomach full of fluttering butterflies, the youngster walked over to an adjoining bathroom. The box had instructed the user to take the test first thing in the morning for the best and most importantly accurate results. Tifa took the test in the adjoining bathroom. She washed her hands after placing the strip on the countertop next to the sink and nervously walked away from it. She had decided on waiting the two minutes though she was sure that the test was already showing the results.
She hoped and prayed with all her heart that she was only overreacting. Tifa only had sex that one time and they had used protection! But Tifa knew having been a student in health class that condoms were not always effective. Tifa knew that it only took one time to get pregnant. Tifa did have reasons to suspect that she was with child, the biggest clue being that she had missed her period, even though she had felt it coming, lower back pain being a big symptom-alas- no monthly visitor.
It was only after the day of her next cycle had come and gone, but the lower back pain persisted. In fear she had looked up pregnancy symptoms online. An article she had read listed lower back pain as a symptom as the hips were expanding to make room for a baby. Tifa at first figured that it was only coincidental, she had not felt sick in the mornings. The last symptom for early signs of pregnancy, then a few days later. The morning symptoms began.
There was such a thing as hysterical blindness though wasn't there? Tifa hoped that it was only her fear getting the best of her.
Tifa remembered having missed a few periods before. Of course, that had only happened to her back when she was beginning her cycle at the age of 12. could she still miss them now? Yes! that was absolutely possible! Tifa knew that some girls who did sports would often miss a few menstrual cycles, she practiced martial arts that could cause such an imbalance. But then again, Tifa had been practicing for years now. Not once had she missed.
Reluctantly, Tifa finally found courage to purchase the test one day after school. Waiting until this morning to finally take it.
One minute passed. The strip still on the washroom counter, she did not want to look at it. Tifa was afraid.
"Please don't let it be positive…god I can't take care of a baby. Papa would be so disappointed!" Tifa spoke aloud as she buried her face in her hands. Her father was a good and loving man, but he was very strict and had always preached that she save herself for marriage. Tifa then wondered what the rest of her family would think? Tifa had an aunt living in Mideel whom had a daughter; a cousin Tifa had never really gotten to know. All Tifa knew of this cousin was that she had gotten pregnant at fourteen, the baby had been given up for adoption against her wishes. Was this the fate that Tifa had in store for herself? God she was so scared.
Tifa crossed her arms over her chest, she was quivering as she finally forced herself to pick up the test. It was time for the moment of truth. She had to look…she just had too. Slowly she walked over, outstretching her hand she picked up the strip while shaking. She gasped. It was positive.
Tifa looked at herself in the mirror.
she was pregnant.
"Tifa's News"
Tifa walked into school her heartbeat thudding rapidly. It was so loud; she could have sworn that other kids in the hall could hear it. She tugged on the hem of her blue school blazer that matched so well with her gray and navy plaid skirt, it was the school uniform. How long would she even be able to wear it? With her condition she knew that it would not be long. She was already a month into her pregnancy, she had slept with her boyfriend exactly one month ago today. A month and no pot belly yet- of course it was way too early to have one of those.
What was she going to tell her boyfriend? What would he say to her? Would he tell her to get lost? Would he live up to being a father at his age? She did not know, maybe she didn't want to know. The only thing that Tifa did know and was certain about was that he was going to be upset.
Tifa did not want to lose him. No, not again.
Taking in a deep breath, Tifa made her way to her boyfriend's first hour class. There only thirty minutes left until the bell rang. She had to make this quick.
When Tifa arrived at her destination; she noticed a small group of boys huddled in the center of the classroom a lot of them sitting on desks and chatting wildly. The boys were likely talking about girls or cars and bikes since they were members of the Motor club. A motor enthusiast group based at their high school. her boyfriend was a member of the group, he was well known for his expertise in fenrirs. Amongst the boys, she noticed a lean blond with his arms resting on a desk he was in a deep and heated conversation with another lean male classmate only the other with spiky black hair.
Tifa guessed that they were talking about either racing results of a match on TV or a race of their own, since Tifa's boyfriend would compete in 'side' races often. He was a bit of a speed freak. The blond was not wearing his school blazer.
Tifa noticed his blazer was hanging over the back of his seat and that the sleeves of his white button down were folded up to his elbows. Tifa knew that her boyfriend did not like wearing the blazer very much, that was a big no-no as per school policy. The school uniform was supposed to be worn correctly, with pressed slacks and black sneakers. Yet, he always wore his uniform as if he were getting ready to relax after a long day.
The relaxed look suited him well. In fact; the rolled-up sleeves and loose tie around his neck drove her wild! Needless to say, his look did make him appear somewhat rebellious though she knew him better, he just enjoyed being comfortable. He was no bad boy-far from it honestly.
But she had to take her mind off of that, for now at least.
Tifa sighed and quietly began to step toward the group of boys. Tifa twiddled her thumbs nervously s she struggled to ponder what she wanted to say to the blond. It was the spiky black-haired classmate the blond was talking too who noticed Tifa first, he tilted his head up and lifted up a hand to say hi to her before the black haired classmate had a chance to say his greeting, the blond looked over his shoulder.
"Tifa!" he said excitedly a smile forming on his lips, the blond then got up from his seat prompting the spiky haired boy in his group to swoop in and take it from him. The group this blond was in knew that when Tifa showed up he'd most likely leave to go and talk with her.
"I'll see you later Zack" The blond said to the dark-haired classmate as he grabbed his blazer.
"Alright Cloud see you in computer class then" Zack responded "It's great to see you Tifa!" Zack finally had a chance to give Tifa a friendly greeting, to which she returned. Cloud then said his goodbyes to the rest of the group and walked over to Tifa.
"Hey" Cloud said to Tifa as he wrapped his arms around her frame, hugging her tightly. But to his surprise and dismay-Tifa did not reciprocate his affection. "Tifa, is something wrong?" Cloud asked her his eyes concerned. Tifa looked up at him for a split second, before she lowered her head to avoid his gaze.
"There is, but I can't tell you here." Tifa responded making Cloud feel all the more concerned "Can we go somewhere and talk...alone?" by the sound of her voice Cloud new it was something bad, really bad.
After taking a moment to process what Tifa had said. Cloud finally nodded and silently took her by the hand. Cloud led Tifa out of the class-room and took her to another one down the hall that was empty, once there Cloud closed the door behind them leaving the two completely isolated.
A minute or two passed before either spoke. It would be Cloud who broke the silence.
"Tifa, are you breaking up with me?" Cloud said silently his eyes drowned in sorrow, Tifa's eyes widened in surprise.
"Cloud that i-" She began but was interrupted.
"I know your dad doesn't like me, but if he found out that were still together, than he needs to suck it up and leave us alone and learn to accept us." Cloud continued "But I care about you Tifa and if he can't accept I'm with you, then that's his problem!"
"But Cloud that's no-"
"No Tifa, I'm not going to shrink away like last time!" Cloud was balling his fists "You are your own person and he can't keep telling you what to do and whom to date-"
"Cloud that is not it! I'm not breaking up with you!" Tifa forced herself to raise her voice at Cloud, surprising him a little because she did not yell at him very often.
"Oh…I'm sorry" Cloud brought his hand up to the back of his head. the sleeve of his shirt grazing his ear "Then...what is it? You look so sad. You do kind of look the way you did the first time your dad told you to break up with me."
Did she? she must have looked pretty torn up to make Cloud ramble like that, Tifa's father did not like Cloud from the couple of times that he had met him. Tifa's father had demanded her to end her relationship with Cloud just two months after the two had begun dating. Tifa had not wanted to disobey her father, but she did not want to break up with Cloud, so they dated secretly. Only breaking up with Cloud after a nasty fight that had been about her papa. The fight only ended the relationship for a short period of time. It was a very short break up, lasting only two weeks. The two-week break up had caused Cloud and Tifa to miss going to a dance that Cloud had promised to take her too.
It was a little bit difficult, but in a few months they could say that they had been together a full year. But Tifa was afraid that Cloud would end up leaving her.
"Cloud..." Tifa began but stopped making the silence in the room all the more unbearable, she stepped closer to him touching him on the shoulder gently "You told me once that if something happened to me that... you would do what you could to help me...right?"
"Yes, why did someone say something bad to you again?" Cloud asked her. Tifa had been a victim of bullying, Cloud knew about it and was prepared to step in and help her, all Tifa had to do was give him the go ahead.
"No, I'm just saying...like if...I should lose my legs in an accident what would you do?" Tifa said nervously. Cloud blinked in surprise; and smiled awkwardly thinking that this was a silly question.
"Well, if you didn't have a wheelchair, I guess I'd have to carry you on my back." Cloud replied "You know I'm strong enough I could carry you for miles" Tifa blushed, that was sweet of him to say. But the question was too simple, she had to test him again.
"Um,what if I had also lost my hands or arms...what would you do?" Tifa asked him, Cloud's eyebrows raised slightly at the baffling question. He just did not understand why she was asking these weird questions all of a sudden.
" I guess than I'd have to feed you and help you do your homework then, I wouldn't leave you not when you needed me the most." Cloud responded. Tifa's heart filled up with hope, that was it! that was what she needed to hear! Now it was time to tell him. Oh please, let everything go alright, he could not just leave her after telling her that.
"What I'm going to tell you is something like that. You will have to carry a person a lot,and help them out when they can't reach for something." She added her voice cracking at that last part.
"Why are you going to ask me to carry you all over school and make me do your homework to prove how much I care about you?" Cloud's expression changed to that of confusion, Tifa shook her head.
"It's just...remember a couple of weeks ago we were at your house? And your mom was at work and you and I were all alone and we...you know" Tifa looked down nervously and Cloud's face suddenly turned red.
"When you and I-When we slept together?" Cloud's face turned redder.
"Uh-huh" was all Tifa said as she herself began to blush "Well, something happened. it's life altering, and I just don't know how to tell you about it."
"T-Tifa, what are you trying to say? "He asked. And then it hit him, His face paled, his eyes widened, and his arms dropped to his sides at the realization "Are you?" Tifa nodded.
"I'm pregnant." Tifa finally said it "I'm having your baby."
Cloud looked at her his blue eyes as still as a statue. Tifa waited for his response, a response that was taking a lifetime.
The bell, the timing could not have been any worse.
"I-I've got to get to class" Cloud stammered "I-I'll see you" Cloud's tone was flat as if he were in a trance, before Tifa could say anything he was out of the classroom. Moments later she left the room as well-not even bothering to chase him.
Maybe all he needed was time to think about it? Tifa told herself, but she was uncertain.
Tifa looked for him throughout the day, she would go to his usual spots between classes only to find out from his friends that he had already gone and during lunch he was nowhere in sight, she knew right away that he was avoiding her.
The last class of the day she shared with Cloud, she hoped that in this hour she would finally get a response. during the hour she would send him three notes all to which he did not respond too, during a moment in class Tifa had caught his eye, Cloud quickly broke the eye contact.
When the day had ended Tifa noticed Cloud springing up from his seat, Cloud slung his backpack over his shoulder and rushed out without even glancing over at her. Tifa felt her body go numb, as she left the school her eyes were watering.
For some reason Cloud's silence hurt far more than anything he could have said.
Why did it hurt so much?
AN: So, what do you guys think? I hope I did okay, so everyone who has read, please leave a review and dont worry Cloud is not going to abandon Tifa...he is just in shock.
Well then please review!