--Jaci's Note: Ok, here is another story by me. Everything I write takes place before that travesty of a season finale, so this is all pre-AJBAC. This is more expositonary than everything, and i'll try and get the second up in a few min.--

Chapter One:
"Logan?" Max shouted as she pushed open the front door with her foot. "You here?"
Max pushed her bike down the hallway, glancing in each room as she passed. The penthouse was completely quiet, the only sound her enhanced hearing picked up was the light humming of air being pushed out of the heating vents in the floors.
Shrugging her shoulders, she pulled off her backpack and leaned the bike against the kitchen counter, making a beeline for the fridge. She didn't mind making the Jam Pony delivery to a Foggle Towers an extended lunch break, Max thought as she pulled up the door to the fridge to dig around inside.
Max was pulling out a plate of various leftovers out of the microwave when she heard a key slide into the lock on the front door. She leaned forward in her chair as she took a bite of blackened fish to see Logan walk in, his hair wet and spiking everywhere, his black jacket streaming with water. "Hey Logan!" She called, her words muffled by the food in her mouth as she impolitely talked with her mouth full.
Logan looked up from the mail he was flipping through when he heard Max's voice echoing from the kitchen. He grinned as he walked into the kitchen, tossing his car keys onto the counter. "Hey Max." He said, still smiling. "Cutting work again?"
"Nope. Got a Jam Pony delivery for a Mr. Logan R. Cale." Max said, picking up her book bag from the floor with one hand as she took another bite of fish. She pulled out a large, flat envelope and handed it to Logan. "Its not ticking or anything, I checked."
"Nice to know." Logan muttered as he tossed the letter onto the counter.
"What does the 'R' stand for?" Max asked, smacking Logan's hand lightly as he reached across her shoulder from behind to grab a piece of fish with the easy familiarity of close friends, skirting on the border of something more.
"So I see you helped yourself to my food, once again." Logan said, skirting the question.
"You weren't going to let me venture back into that cold, hard city undernourished, were you?" Max asked, trying hard to pout, but failing miserably as she broke out into a large grin.
"You're using me for my cooking, aren't you?" Logan shot back dramatically.
Max laughed, glancing up to where Logan stood above her. Their eyes locked, and Max sat unmoving as she lost herself in their icy depths. She could have sat like that for hours, but it was in that moment that her pager decided to emit a series of shrilling beeps. Max rolled her eyes as she looked down, digging through her bag to find the source of the annoying noise.
While Max pulled out her pager, Logan quickly moved away to stand on the other side of the counter, suddenly feeling unbearably warm in his light polo shirt. He leaned against the counter as Max stood, shrugging on her book bag. "Normal is freaking, I got to go." Max grumbled as she collected her belongings. She pulled out a signature card and handed it to Logan, finishing off her fish in several bites.
"Dinner tonight?" Logan asked as he handed back the card to Max. It was really a pointless question, because more often than not these days, Max was hanging around the penthouse, whether there be an Eyes-Only mission for her to do, or whether she was poking through Logan's movie collection.
"Eight?" Max asked as she pushed her bike towards the front door, walking backwards as she talked to Logan.
"Sounds good." Logan called after her, grinning as Max walked out the door.
At the last second, Max stuck her head back in the door. "And don't think I am not going to find out what that 'R' stands for. You haven't outsmarted me yet." Logan snorted as the door swung shut. He scratched the back of his head as he ventured back into his office to get back to work.
A few minuets later, Max pulled her baseball hat on as she walked down the street, rain soaking her jacket in a matter of moments. She was just lifting her leg to straddle the bike when a hand clamped over her mouth from behind, dragging her roughly into an alley directly behind her.