Hello! Hello, my faithful readers! I know that you see that this story is on hold (unless I changed it) but I'm giving you my updated version along the way of my progress just so you don't get left behind. I would never do that to you! Not on purpose anyway… --,

Now I will say again that I have no personal experience with cutting or harming myself in anyway so I'm going from fanfics I've read on the subject so I apologize if it's off in anyway.

So anyway away from my ramblings for those who have read this at all and onto the story!

Disclaimer: I OWN THE SUPER ROBOT MONKEY TEAM! surrounded by lawyers Ahh! Kidding! I don't! I don't! lawyers back off and I sweat drop Man those lawyers are tough…

In a galaxy, among the many planets and moons, you'd find a single planet containing one single city amidst the barren wastelands. This city was that of the name Shuggazoom and currently there lay sleeping citizens as the moon protruded the night sky lulling them into a listless sleep. This city, although filled with people, is also occupied by several other beings.

In the very center of the city, where you could find the park, sit a large robot filled with six protectors of the urbanized town.

Should you travel to the inside, through all the hallways and tunnels, you would reach the snores from the sleeping team of robot monkeys, all dreaming their own different dreams. However on a second listen, you would hear the groans and whimpers of a teenage boy sleeping fitfully in his bed, just beyond the team's pods. He twist and turn with every disturbing vision he received, hoping and pleading deep down that it would stop.


He was running. Running as fast as he could though the thick brush of a forest, he worked to gain his prize. The smell of blood, sweet fresh blood from a human was lingering in the air's breeze. It smelled so good and he was so hungry. He had to eat!

'It's close' a small voice in his head said clearly and calmly

Through the foliage he ran hard before coming upon a small female child in an open clearing. She looked at him in fear and realization towards his purpose. Drool dripped from his razor sharp teeth down to the forest floor before he howled into the night.

The girl broke into a run trying to escape with no avail, as he ran and tackled her to the ground. He pinned her down and looked into her eyes full of terror. It was the last thing he passed his gaze upon before throwing his head down to the girls neck, biting it and letting her life's fluids run to the ground and in his open mouth.

He took his fill on her blood before looking back to her face. Her gaze was glossy and her features serene with an open stare as if the very look of them tore into his very soul.

He paid it no heed as he started to feast on her flesh.

Chiro shot up in bed, breathing heavily with a mixture of sweat and tears falling from his face. He quickly wiped away any trace of moisture on his face before forcing himself to relax, telling himself that it was just a dream, a really bad dream. His inner voice was full of doubt on the subject; he had lost count of how many times he had this dream of him being a blood thirsty beast. It was always a different situation but his appearance never changed, neither did his thirst for blood and flesh.

Chiro shivered when the stare of the little girl came back to him, wrenching his heart in a million ways more than one. Tears began to form upon his face again at the thought of his dreams – the killing, the blood and the destruction was just all too much for him.

Throwing his legs over the side of his bed, Chiro rubbed his arms, thinking about nothing but relief, from the fear and the pain. Grabbing the hem of his blue pajama shirt sleeve, he lifted it to his elbow to reveal thin lines over his forearm, and sighed at the proof of his release. Yes it was shameful and he knew that it was hurting his loved ones behind their backs but yet it felt unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Like a pure flow of relief and the giant pressure of your heart lifted off your chest, he always craved his relief.

Chiro never knew when he had started cutting himself, all he knew is that at least twice a week for a month he would wake up with cuts on his arms and now blood in sight, and no proof that the blood had been cleaned up, let alone spilt.

Chiro sat in silence as his thoughts caught up to him. For an hour he sat there not moving or doing anything besides filtering through his thoughts and craving his release that he desired so deeply. His mind came to slowly before he looked to the clock.

Hmm it's only three forty-five in the morning. I have a little bit of time before Antauri and Gibson wake up.

Chiro straightened his back as he reached to his bedside table, opening it and rummaging through his many belongings before meeting the familiar shine off of the blade that he swiped from Otto's shop. He carefully picked it up like a fragile object before grasping it between his thumb and forefinger, staring at it carefully; studying it's previously left stains of red.

He carefully listened for the sound of any movement outside his door and heard nothing but the wind blowing outside the robot. Satisfied with the silence that greeted him, he walked to his bathroom. He had learned his lesson the last time he used his blade. He almost got caught by Nova with bloody sheets and pajama's as he was throwing them in a dumpster two blocks away from the robot. After that incident he decided that over the bathtub was his best choice.

He walked inside his bathroom looking at the pearly white porcelain tub in the corner before turning to his door, shutting and locking it. Turning once again, he made his way to the tub taking his shirt off on the way. Chiro reached the tub and kneeled before it, leaning over the edge with the blade still in hand. He took a shaky breath of anticipation for his relief.

Chiro brought the blade to his skin and brought it across, leaving a bright red line in its wake.


Even before the first light of sunrise hit the serene town of Shuggazoom, only two beings had awoken from their nightly slumbers at such an early hour of the morning.

Exactly at four a.m. Antauri and Gibson awoke, ready and alert for the day to start, both of them moving on to their daily routines to prepare for the day.

Both were in charge of the chores involving the preparation of the robot. They warmed up the propulsion systems and activated all the necessary equipment to run the robot effectively. They always checked to see if the weapons needed reloaded, and if the water and food storage supplies were sufficient. Once their duties were finished, both would sit down for a long deserved cup of tea until the others came in at around six in the morning.

After a short time, six rolled around and the other three monkeys made their appearance in the dining room.

"Morning guys," Nova said very awake.

"Morning Nova," the black and blue monkey's replied.

The two other male monkeys simply yawned in recognition to their presence before sitting down to the table as Nova walked past all the boys to start breakfast in the kitchen. She had always been in charge of breakfast as the boys were horrible at cooking.

Sprx let out a long stretch from his arms to his tail and yawned again. He had never been much of a morning person but it didn't take much to notice that a member of the team was missing.

"Hey where's the kid?" he asked

Antauri placed his cup down after taking another sip of his chamomile tea. "Chiro has not yet awoken, which is quite strange he's usually up before you three." he commented

Otto nodded, "Maybe he's sick?" he implied.

As if she had been standing right there, Nova popped her head out of the kitchen with a concerned feature on her face. "Chiro's sick?"

Antauri shook his head. "We are not sure. We are merely contemplating at why Chiro has not yet awoken." he said

Nova nodded her head hesitantly before heading back into the kitchen to finish her chore of feeding five boys with bottomless pits as stomachs.

Gibson pondered as he took a sip of his tea. He set the porcelain cup onto its saucer. "Maybe someone should go check on him? Antauri?" he inquired his brother.

Antauri gave a glance to his brother Gibson and nodded in acknowledgement. "I shall check on him" he agreed as he placed his own cup down and stood from his chair. Without another word to anyone he walked past the others into the hallway towards Chiro's room.


Chiro slowly opened his eyes. At first he could only see blurry images of white and black that slowly came into focus. His gaze landed on the leg of his pure white porcelain bathtub.

I must have passed out again.

He made a movement to rise from the floor of his bathroom and his muscles screamed in protest. Obviously the long lie down on the hard floor had caused him to become stiff. Despite the small pain he received he rose off the black and white tiles and took a look around. Dried blood covered the inside of once white tub and the small area of tile he had blacked out on.

Chiro sat up straight and groaned at the mess that now needed to be cleaned up. He took a glance up at the clock to see that it was six fifteen in the morning

Shit! I was supposed to be up fifteen minutes ago!

He scrambled himself off the floor quickly turning the tub faucet on to wipe away the blood pooled at the bottom of the tub. He ran to the linen closet, grabbing some towels and unceremoniously threw them into the tub to get wet. He ran into his room quickly grabbing a long sleeve black shirt and his black pants covered in chains and straps before running back into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door as quick as he could in case someone tried to come and check on him. Chiro set his clean clothes on the sink before going back to the tub and started wiping up the blood from his last release.

Chiro heard the muffled sounds of knocking through his bathroom door, officially signaling that someone had come to check on him; he doubled his efforts. More knocking sounded through the door along with a muffled voice.

"Chiro?" he heard the voice of his mentor say through the door. "Chiro are you in there?"

Chiro's breath hitched, "Y-yeah I'm in here! Be out in a minute!" he frantically said.

He checked the tub and found it satisfactory before moving to the floor, scrubbing with all his might.

"Chiro, what are you doing in there? I believe you took a shower last night." Antauri questioned.

Chiro stood from cleaning the floor with the bloody towels in hand. "I did! I mean, I just felt dirty this morning and decided to take another one!" Chiro ran through ideas of what do so with the soiled towels and decided that hiding them on the bottom of the laundry hamper was the best bet that he had; he would just have to come back and get them later. He quickly jumped over to the basket, moving the existing linens to the side and threw the towels inside, covering them completely so they would not be seen. He figured that he would just have to retrieve them before Nova took his clothes for the laundry. He straightened up and looked around the bathroom finding that it didn't have a speck of blood left that he could see.

"Chiro I sense that your stressed as well as scared. Do you require assistance?" Antauri asked worryingly

"N-NO! I-I mean no Antauri I'm just getting dressed I'll be out in a minute." he said trying to sound calm and collected

No answer came to his ears as he reached for his clothes. That can't be good, he thought.

Chiro pulled his pants on first, snapping and zipping them up quickly. He fumbled with his shirt, trying to get it on over his arms and his head, finally pulling it on right. He looked at himself in the mirror and found his form acceptable. He looked over the bathroom one last time before unlocking the door and stepping out.

Antauri was standing a few feet away with his arms crossed and a skeptical look on his face. He raised an eyebrow as Chiro stepped out of the bathroom.

"Black again Chiro?" he inquired.

Chiro shrugged towards Antauri's question earning a reproachful look. Chiro didn't really care about the looks Antauri gave him, so he stayed still not thinking of anything to say to his mentor. All he could think about was his close call yet again with getting caught. He could feel Antauri's hard stare as he studied him carefully.

"Nova has almost finished breakfast, why have you not yet made your appearance to us?" he asked

"Nothing, I-I just overslept, really." he replied looking at the floor, not daring to look Antauri in the face.

Silence greeted both parties as they went through their own thoughts. Once Chiro had had enough of it he turned and walked from the room leaving Antauri to trail after him.

Chiro ran through his thoughts as he walked down the hallway.

Black again? What kind of question is that? Of course I'm wearing black; I've been wearing it for the past two months…

Chiro shivered as his dream came back to him suddenly, remembering the memory of the girl's cold dead stare before he reached the dining room. All of his teammates were looking at him, taking in his form. Sprx let out a deep breath of frustration while the others simply continued to look.

Chiro internally rolled his eyes before sitting down to the table with Antauri behind him. His breakfast was sitting in front of him, just as Antauri said it would be, but he couldn't bring himself to eat it. It wasn't that he didn't wand to eat because he did, but it was that he couldn't eat. Lately his stomach had been twisting and turning with nausea and could barely keep anything down. It was extremely frustrating.


Nova's voice cut into Chiro's daze and he looked up with a puzzled expression. "Huh? Wha'd you say Nova?" he asked

Nova frowned a little, "I said, aren't you hungry?" she repeated

Chiro shrugged his shoulders once again, "No not really, sorry" he apologized

Nova nodded and returned to her own food along with her brothers. All that is except for Sprx who looked agitated and couldn't take anymore.

"Alright that's it; I can't hold it back anymore! I have to ask and I know that everyone else wants to know too!" Sprx slammed down his fork and looked into Chiro's face which looked live with slight fear. The red monkey continued his ranting with a simple statement, "What's the matter with you kid? You hardly eat anything anymore! Not to mention your sudden fascination for black, AND all the time you spend in your room! It's like your trying to make yourself disappear! What's up with you!"

Chiro looked at Sprx, holding back any emotion that would show on his face. His cold façade was enough to make the monkeys hair stand on end. Chiro sighed and stood; he threw one more look at the team before walking away towards the exit.

"Hey! You didn't answer my question!" Sprx scolded.

Anger rose inside Chiro and he froze just in the archway to the hallway. He turned his head to the side so that he could look at them with one eye and an angry expression.

"I can wear whatever I want to, when I want to, it's a free country" he stated coldly

Antauri took on a very stern stare. "Chiro, I do not appreciate your tone." he harshly said.

Chiro turned around again and started walking for the exit muttering. "Whatever"

The monkey team watched him disappear in a state of dislike and shock of the new Chiro's attitude. Sprx was livid with anger and the others were racked with worry. Chiro had never spoken to them like that before, and not once had he disrespected an elder.

Sprx was letting out his steam, "There! Did you see that! He's changing into a punk kid and somebody had to set him straight! I've never seen such a kid acting like a ba…"

"Sprx!" Antauri shouted, stopping his next word from coming out of his mouth

The red monkey immediately shut his mouth; he knew his eldest brother never liked his language choices and sternly punished him for it when he used them. He became quiet as he began eating his breakfast again. The monkey team was at a loss on what to do about Chiro.

"Where do you think he went to?" asked Otto.

The others become puzzled, where did Chiro go when he left the robot for hours on end?

Well there ya go the first REVISED chapter of "Demonic Actions"

What do you think? Better or worse?

Don't forget to review and let me know!