Sealed With a Kiss - Author's notes

Well, there it is, my favorite fic that I've ever written. ^-^ These are just some notes and junk, don't expect you to read 'em, you don't really have to.

I started SWAK on May 21, 2001 and finished it June 19, 2001 (not long, I know ^^;). I wanna say thanks to Jou-chan-sama, Molly, Fuu-chan, and all the reviewers for loving the story, and a really big thank-you-glomp to Peach Goddess (an amazing author ^.^) for helping me out with this fic so much. Luv ya, Peachers! I had a lot of fun writing this and I'm glad that people enjoy it. ^__^

As for why I chose Geo... Well, Peach and I spent a little while going through the Rayearth guys, trying to pick one that would work. And the only one that I could really see Fuu-chan with was Geo (Zazu came up, but I thought she might go better with Geo ^-^). Yes, he's a lot taller than her... But that can't really be helped, can it? ^.^; Anyhoo, it's also quite a matter of opinion.

I realize that the whole fic was a little rushed... I can't think of a good excuse for that. ^_^;;; I tend to rush things, so sue me... _O; I still like it, nyah.

As for Kazeka, their daughter born to them at the end, she's a character that I made up once out of boredom and wondering what their kids might look like. ^^; Kazeka means "beautiful wind" (I think, don't quote me on that ^_^;). She is © me. You can use her in a fic as long as you get permission from me first and say that she's © suzanami, of course. ^_- If you'd like to see a pic of her, here's one of her: She's older in it, but it's her. I may do a sequel to SWAK revolving around Kazeka, but not any time soon. Must think of plot first. ^^

I originally wrote three different endings to SWAK. Of course, I only used one of them, but I liked the other two, so I'm going to be nice and let y'all read them. ^_- Personally... I like the second one the best, but the one I chose was a better ending (*I* think) for this story. After all, too many F/F fics end with a proposal, and I want to be as original as I can, and the other one is too much like the ending to "Okaeri." Well, just read. ^~


It was a cold December night. Fuu shivered as she walked through the night and pulled her jacket closer to her shivering body. Ferio had asked her to come over, but he hadn't said why. Maybe he wanted to give her her birthday gift. Today was her nineteenth birthday, December 12...

She finally arrived at his apartment and rang the doorbell. She frowned when he didn't come to the door. 'Is he home?' she thought.

Ferio finally opened the door. He tousled his wild green hair and blinked a couple times. "Hey, Fuu. C'mon in." He put his arm around her shoulders, leading her to the living room. "You're shivering," he said as he sat her down on the couch next to him.

She nodded, crossing her arms to warm herself. "It's cold tonight," she commented. "And it was a long walk."

"You should've driven, then," Ferio said half-heartedly.

Fuu looked at him. He looked like his mind was a million miles away. He looked up at her as she took his hand, weaving their fingers together. "Ferio," she whispered, her skin tingling against his. "Are you okay? You look so distracted." She frowned. "You know that I worry about you..."

"Oh, Fuu..." Ferio whispered, touching her cheek with his free hand. "I'm sorry. It's just... there's some stuff I have to tell you." Fuu gazed at him curiously as he took a breath.

"Fuu, I love you more than *anything,*" he said softly, rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand. "I'd... I'd go hungry if I had to to feed you, I'd go blind if it meant that you could see. Fuu, I would *die* for you without a second thought. I've never felt like that before, and it makes me feel so strong to know that I have someone to take care of, someone I *want* to take care of. Fuu," he ran his fingers over her soft cheeks, gazing longingly into her eyes. "Fuu, I want to take care of you for the rest of your life."

He paused, trying to decide whether he should get down on his knee or not. He decided to, and Fuu's eyes widened in understanding as he did so. She felt tears gather behind her eyes, unsure of what to do but stare at him, swallowing the lump in her throat.

Ferio still held her hand gently in his own, but he slowly untied his fingers from hers, running his over every inch of her hand. He finally looked back up at her, his nervousness melting away at how she was looking at him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the simple ring he had had since late April, the ring that he had worked so hard to buy.


He shook his head, silencing her. "Fuu, the only thing I want out of life is to make you happy and safe." He slowly slipped the ring on her finger, hearing a sob tear though her as he did. He looked back up at her to see her crying, praying desperately that they were tears of joy. "Fuu, will you let me take care of you forever? Will you let me be your everything, your life, your heart... your husband?"

Fuu's mind reeled with emotions. She saw the pleading, begging look in his earnest amber eyes and nodded weakly, falling into his arms and crying freely now. "Ferio... Ferio, yes! Yes, I want to be yours, all yours, only yours for the rest of our lives. I want to devote every second to making you happy, I want to be your wife... I want to take care of you, Ferio. I love you, I love you, I love you..."

Ferio's eyes now filled with tears as well as he held Fuu tight to him, sitting on the floor and leaning his back against the couch. "Sh, don't cry," was all he could whisper.

Fuu pulled back, looking into his eyes. She brought her hand to his cheek, wiping a tear off it with her thumb and smiling weakly. "*You* don't cry," she whispered back.

Ferio smiled back, touching his nose to hers. "I love you, Fuu."

"And I love you," Fuu replied, kissing him once, twice on the lips lightly, leaning on him as he deepened the kiss. She broke the kiss, her hands pressed to his chest. "There is no girl as happy as I am right now," she murmured, her eyes reflecting all her love for him.

Ferio sighed, touching her hair. "To go along with that, there's no man as happy as I am now..." He smiled. "Happy birthday, Fuu-chan."


Ferio sighed, touching his sleeping new wife's face lightly. Her silky skin brushed against him as he slipped his arms around her bare waist. "Fuu..." he whispered, wanting to kiss her again. But no, he couldn't bear to wake her. She looked too much like an angel in her sleep to disturb her.

Ferio sighed to himself. Even after the passion was gone, he didn't love her any less. He could never love her any less. Only more. More and more every day. Every minute, every second. They had been through so much together, and he thanked whoever in heaven might be listening for letting him be able to hold her right now.

His eyes widened as she stirred. Had he awoken her? No, she was still asleep. She snuggled up to him, tying her arms around his waist and pressing her cheek to his chest in her sleep. His eyes softened and he put one arm around her middle and the other around her shoulders, his fingers weaving into her golden curls. He considered going to sleep, but this moment was too wonderful to let it end. He'd consider staying awake like this all night just to touch her like this, to feel her skin on his.

Fuu sighed softly in her sleep, her warm breath tickling his chest gently. "What are you dreaming about?" he whispered to his sleeping goddess. He hoped she was dreaming about him. He knew that if he ever fell asleep, his dreams would be filled with her. He kissed the top of her head, wishing he could see her beautiful, serene face right now.

His nose filled with her sweet scent and he sighed again, gently holding her tighter. Never close enough. She could never be close enough to him, even with her body pressed to his, never close enough.

The moonlight shining through the window made her shoulders glow softly and Ferio felt his heart quicken a little just at the sight of her. How could she not think that she was beautiful? Everything *about* her was beautiful, physically and not. She had a beautiful face, hair, and body. Her personality was beautiful, and her soul shone with beauty. The physical beauty that she possessed was so natural, so modest, yet so breathtaking.

Ferio felt his eyelids begin to droop. 'No, you can't fall asleep...' he told himself. 'You'll never get this moment back!' He laughed softly to himself. "Yes I will," he said, feeling a little ridiculous carrying on an argument with himself. "Every night for the rest of our lives, the rest of our *life.*"

"Ferio, go to sleep," Fuu murmured, not moving.

He blinked. How long had she been awake? Only for that second, he realized, as she fell back asleep. He smiled to himself. 'Go to sleep, you big lunk,' he thought to himself, snuggling himself into the pillow, happily falling asleep with an angel in his arms.


If you've ever heard the song "Don't Wanna Miss a Thing," that was the main inspiration for the second one. ::starry-eyed:: I love mushy love songs. I'm such a sap. ^-^ ... Well, I can't think of anything else to write, although I'm sure I will after I upload this... 9_9;

Love and bishounen for all!
* suzanami
