
To all my readers:

I am SO sorry it's taking so long to get the next chapter out. I just started summer classes for college, and work is giving me a lot of trouble... they're trying to say i've been stealing... so i've been under a lot of emotional trauma here. But, all that aside:
My pre-started chapter was taken with the family computer up six hours north, but the good news is, i am going to retrieve it.
So of course, this is my apology.
I will get it as soon as possible i just have to request the time off of work and what not. So within the next week or two i should have it.
Thanks for sticking with me!

My apologies,

In the mean time... here is a side, short story to keep you all busy and to make up for my crappy-ness. Here's a little Riku/Sora yay yay story.. (But at the same time, don't expect great spelling without my Word Processor... )


Wet... dripping and panting, such a deep, aching pain in his muscles, but it felt so good at the same time. All he could think of was the emotions and the clear blue sky. A race against Riku to the ice cream shop after a cool dip in the ocean was all he ever needed to feel energized. The adreneline was intense and so intoxicating.

Riku and Sora had been best friends for as long as he could remember. Even though sometimes they fought, Riku somehow always made it better by saying something silly or sometimes just looking him in the eyes enough to silence him. However, the more they fought, the closer they got, and sometimes Sora felt like maybe their relationship, or at least his feelings, were not like any normal friendship.

It started a few months prior to present time. Sora and Riku decided they were going to explore the old dock at the edge of the island. There were rumors that it was haunted...


"Are you sure we should be here? I mean, even the adults don't come here." Sora whispered, clutching onto Riku's shirt sleeve without realizing it.

"Stop acting like a little girl... We're here to prove there isn't anything 'haunting' this dock and to establish a name for ourselves."

"A name? Riku, i don't care about that..." Sora sighed, feeling a little creeped out. Of course, Riku had insisted they go at night... much to the brunette's dismay.

"Well, we're already here... Look.. here's the door, nothing creepy yet, right?" There was a dock house next to the dock, which was really the only thing that could be haunted, considering the dock was just a tattered ramp of wood. Sora was feeling nervous before, but now he was nearly shaking, and his heart rate had been steadily climbing.

The moment of truth; they stepped inside and looked around. Nothing. Nothing at all. Just some fishing lures and junk that looked ancient, an open closet that lookedlike it had once contained a lot more junk,and another door, which they assumed led back outside. They started laughing softly, both wiping their brows in relief. Sora bravely started tinkering with some junk, setting one down and playing with another.

"I was really scared," he said, laughing nervously.

"So was i..." Riku admitted, making Sora look up in suprise. He was about to say something, but all of a sudden, there was a strange noise outside the other door. Their gazes shot to tat door and they scrambled to their feet.

"Just calm down, it's probably just some... you know, tree branch or something." Riku said, trying to appear strong and cool, but Sora wasn't taking note.

"R-R-Riku..." He whispered, pointing to the floor, under the door. Black, shadowy claws were pawing and scratching at the ground. At first, Riku thought it might be a cat, but the claws were spikey and unlike he had ever seen before in his life, and they almost appeared to be slowly melting the places it scratched into a shadowy abyss. Sensing danger, Riku did the only thing he could think of when the door started to deteriorate; he pulled them both into the small closet, shut the door and clamped a hand over Sora's mouth, staring into his eyes pleadingly. The scratching got closer, their heart rates rose and soared and they tried desperately to keep quiet. Sora closed his eyes tightly, trying not to whimper as he could feel the presence of the creature getting closer.

"Shh.." Riku assured, him, their faces touching now as his lips touched Sora's ear. It was so cramped the body heat was making them sweat. "Just concentrate on me...ok?" And he pulled his face away to look into Sora's eyes, unclamping his hand from his mouth. As they stared into each other's eyes, Riku gave him a cheesy smile and everything began to disappear. He should have felt uncomfortable, being so close to another guy in a cramped closet with their noses touching... And strangely, things turned serious, and Sora found himself wanting to lean in and kiss him. Since when had he ever wanted to kiss another guy? Especially his beat friend!

"Riku..." Sora whispered, leaning in to kiss him.

"Hey i think it's gone" Riku said, pulling away and putting his ear up against the door, knocking Sora rudely back into reality. However, Sora thought it for the better, and was glad Riku hadn't noticed he wanted to kiss him...

"R-Right... let's go."


Ever since that day, it was all Sora could think about night and day, and sometimes things felt really awkward. He hated to say it, but he was actually avoiding Riku most of the time. But today was inevitable.

"Here. Too bad i beat you again, hmm?" Riku said, handing him his favorite flavor of ice cream; strawberry. Sora instantly perked, his fatigue suddenly vanishing. Riku laughed softly, watching him closely. Sora licked his ice cream, plopping down on a cement ledge that faced the beach. Riku took a seat next to him, watching the brunette out of the corner of his eye.

"So how long has it been since we've been together Sora?" Teal eyes locked on cerulean. Sora nearly choked. Together? Did Riku know? "I mean, we have been friends since i can remember."

"Yeah. I was just thinking about that."

But strangely, Riku changed the subject, but not before Sora couldn't catch the small smirk that adorned his best friend's lips.

"Well, why don't you come over tonight? My parents are on the main island and they won't be back until the day after tomorrow, so we can be as loud as we want..."

All suspicion was erased as he was easily distracted, and he missed the strange tone that seemed to imply something much more than the appeared meaning.

"That sounds awesome!" Sora exclaimed in excitement. There was nothing he'd rather do than be loud and reak havoc... though he would never admit that. Riku smiled and stood, throwing the rest of his iced cream away and earning quite a pout from Sora as he watched it fall into the trash. Riku laughed and grabbed Sora's cheek, giving it a pinch and making him whimper.


"Come on, let's go get your stuff and head back to my house. Hopefully your mom will say yes, huh?"

"Yeah.. she loves you, she can't say no to your pretty boy face!" Sora teased.

"Pretty boy?" Riku sounded offended.

"Yeah, you know, the face that 'everyone falls for'?" Sora quoted, rolling his eyes and making quotations with his fingers.

"Does that include you?"

Sora gaped, utterly shocked and caught off guard... and alarmed. Maybe he was giving off this strange 'tease me' vibe, or maybe an 'i like Riku' vibe. He didn't have time to think; Riku pulled him up from the ledge, taking his strawberry cone and tossing it into the garbage and, because he was easily distracted, he momentarily forgot what they had been talking about. Sora was furious.

"I wasn't finished with that!"

"Well, you are now. Besides.. you live a comfy life, now don't you?" The silver haired boy said, smirking and poking Sora's tiny pooch of a stomach.

"Are you saying i'm FAT, Riku? Sorry i don't haver a six million pack like you," he retorted, crossing his arms. "Besides, i just haven't done anything this summer..." They began to walk.

"Yeah... becuase you've been avoiding me." Riku always managed to hit things right on the dot, didn't he?

"Pfft, whatever. Why would you say that?" Sora asked, hiding his nervousness rather well, actually.

"Well, considering i've known you practically all our lives, and we're been best friends since god knows when, and i can read you like a book... i'd say i know."

Well... Sora didn't stand a chance in this argument... did he ever against Riku? Honestly...

"So, why, Sora? I wanted to wait to see if you would tell me yourself, but it doesn't seem like that will be happening any time soon."

He sighed. "You're right... i've been avoiding you, but... i won't anymore, ok? But.. i can't exactly say why yet... maybe some day..."

"Some day? Sora... is it life altering or something? Should i be worried about you?" Riku was doubting himself now, wondering if he shouldn't have pried after all, not to mention he thought he knew what it was that was bothering Sora, but now he was cmpletely thrown off.

"Well... yeah." Sora said, a bit unsure, but pretty certain it would be life altering for him at least. What if Riku liked him back? But what if Riku didn't accept his feelings? It would be life altering for both of them either way. No Riku... Riku... No Riku... Riku? It was a hard choice.

"Well..." Riku started, "does it have to do with your family?"


"Does it have to do with your body? Are you sick?"

"Sick could mean... so many things" Sora said nervously, rubbing behind his head.

"Well.. are you going to die?" Riku said, raising a brow and looking at him expectantly.

"No. What is this, twenty questions, Riku?"

"If that's what it takes to get it out of you." He grinned.

When Riku smiled like that... things didn't seem so bad; things didn't seem so scary; things seeme dlike they would always be ok.

They were coming up on Sora's house quite quickly and this gave the brunette a reason to change the subject.Riku let it go for the moment as they stepped inside.

Of course, Sora's mother said yes and Sora packed up and they raced on over to Riku's house and as soon as they were there, Sora paraded around noisily, tossing his things onto Riku's bedroom floor and grinning towards a predatory Riku. He wanted to know if his suspicions were true...

"So back to why you're avoiding me..." The smile from Sora's face dropped at he heard these words, only making Riku smile.

"Do we have to talk about it?"

Riku didn't appear to listen, slowly walking forward fluidly, as if he were under water. Everything stopped. Sora panicked. RIku was advancing on him, cornering him, and the worst part was, he looked really sexy doing it.

"Please, d-don't... Riku." But Riku was upon him, pushing back onto the bed and pinning him there, sending a shiver through Sora's body.

"Are you avoiding me... becuase... of this...?" he asked, trailing his fingers down Sora's chest to where his heart lay beneath the skin.

"I.. i don't understand..." And he really didn't. This wasn't something he was very familiar with.. All he knew was that those hands on his body were making him feel the most pleasant things he'd ever felt and it was making him rather aware of the body that was now on top of him.

"Maybe... you understand this..."

Everything collapsed around him. Everything he'd been worrying about got even more confusing. The lips on his were so intoxicating and to know that they were Riku's... Gods... everything felt so good. And when Riku pulled away and looked into his dazed eyes, a small whimper escaped his throat.

Ah... Riku always seemed to hit things right on the dot.

"Do you still not understand?"

In truth, there were still a lot of uncertainties, but he wasn't sure if he was really ready to find them out in such... hands on ways.

"N...No i think i got it."

Riku smiled. "You like me, huh?"

A blush.

"Yeah, i thought so."

"You mean.. you knew!" Sora exclaimed, panicking. But anything he could have added was silenced by another, deeper, morepassionate kiss. He swooned, letting out a deep sigh as Riku pulled away.

"Sora... you will be mine." Riku said demandingly, yet his voice was soft as he gently cupped the younger boy's face.

"Y-yours?" He asked, a little unsure, a hand moving to rest upon the one on his cheek.

"Yes... And no one elses. I've waited for this for a long time, you know."

"Riku..." He was touched.. Riku had been waiting for him? He'd been waiting all this time... Gods, it felt.. it felt so right.

Silver hair gently tickled his face as their lips met again, and gently, hands clasped and their bodies molded perfectly together.

"Could you just... take off your clothes?"



Scythe: Annnnnnnnd Scene. Thank you. I'm not sure how great it was, but it was spur of the moment and i thought it was a cute idea, so i thre it out there. Again, sorry for the lack of update, i hope this will keep you busy for a week or two (if not... i'll write another for you)