Chapter Nine

Rin sat at her window seat, her eyes reflecting the sadness that was washing up inside her. She closed her eyes and bowed her head, a tear sliding down her cheek. "My perfect world..." She whispered, her brows knitting together as she dropped her face in her hands. If I had been oblivious...If I had continued this...What would have happened to Mr. Inutaisho? – To Sesshomaru? She took a shuddering breath and raised her head, wiping her tears. None of them knew, of course, but today was her birthday. She was now fifteen. Today is the best day to change everything, to make things better.

The female went to the bathroom and stripped off her silk nightgown after shutting the door behind her. The nightgown dropped to the ground and she reached to pick it up, but then paused, staring at her reflection in the mirror in surprise. Abandoning the nightgown, she slowly straightened and moved towards the counter that had her feminine products: perfume, lotion, shampoo, and other needed things. Rin usually never looked in the mirror. She hadn't ever had the chance. She reached up to push her slender fingers through her mass of silken dark curls. Her face was unflawed with fair skin with high cheekbones and round, chocolate brown eyes that stared back at her with surprise in the mirror. She reached out instinctively to the mirror, but then her eyes moved down to her breasts.

"Don't ever let anyone touch you here, or here, Rin," Mayala told a twelve-year-old Rin, pointing to her budding breasts and the place between her legs. "Especially a man. He's not allowed to without your permission."

"But how come?" Rin asked, her brows furrowing in confusion. "There's nothing special about those places..."

"No," the latter assured, her expression grim, "there's something special about them."

I never used to know about sex, Rin observed as her eyes flickered briefly down to the triangle of hair. I never had to, because I had Mayala and the rest of them protecting me. I wonder...will Sesshomaru protect me from those kinds of men? She shook her head and stepped into the shower, closing the glass door and turning the water to lukewarm. Sesshomaru, if he knew what I have been doing...he wouldn't protect me from anything.


Sesshomaru sat broodingly at his desk in his study. He would soon have to leave, but that hardly mattered with his current situation. His Rin was acting very strange lately. For the last two days, she had avoided him and spoke little. She had suddenly stopped meeting him when he came home. She was putting walls up around her and he didn't like that. Rin wasn't a recluse like she was acting. She was bright, beautiful, cheerful – not gloomy and depressed like she was acting. He wanted to ask her if anything was wrong, but her behavior towards him wasn't one that he appreciated.

With that thought, Sesshomaru's amber eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened slightly. He glanced carelessly at the door as it swung in sharply. It was Rin. Interesting, was his first thought, noticing that she was dressed and looking prepared to go somewhere this morning. Of course, as an older male, he shouldn't have noticed it, but she was looking "Rin," he greeted mildly. Rin flashed a quick smile that he knew wasn't genuine.

"Good morning, Mr. Inutaisho," she chirped. "I have a very important letter to mail today. May I go to the post office?"

"Put it in the mail box," Sesshomaru grunted. "It'll be picked it up." She looked at him in surprise.

"What? Oh! No, no, I couldn't. It must be delivered today. It's a, ah, personal letter, anyway." In fact, Rin hadn't even written the letter. She didn't want to do it in the house just in case someone read over her shoulder or saw it. She was lucky to even be able to write, really. Thankfully many of the homeless people could write since the majority had simply had a life crisis of some sort. "Please?" Rin added a bit desperately. Sesshomaru frowned at her, then glanced back at his papers.

"Very well, Rin," he carefully said. "I don't particularly like you walking by yourself; however, it is only a short distance, so I'll allow it this one time. Be careful, though."

"I will, Mr. Inutaisho! Don't worry!" She started towards the door, relieved, but his voice called back to her.

"Rin." She turned back around. His expression neutral as always and his body relaxed, he made an elegant gesture for her to come to him. Her heart leaped to her throat and she swallowed, stepping into the plush azure carpet, her red slipper shoes making no sound on the ground. When she was in front of him, she kept her eyes to her feet. Rin started slightly as his fingers slid beneath her chin and tilted her chin up. She blinked, her lashes sweeping her cheeks. She knew it was nothing new to think, but Sesshomaru Inutaisho was an annoyingly attractive male. And perhaps that knowledge was what made heat fill her cheeks – that and the shame that she had once betrayed him and could have destroyed him. "You are well, I suspect?"

"Yes, Mr. Inutaisho," she replied softly, almost whispering.

"Then explain your behavior of late. I do not like it." His eyes turned to slits as he glared at her.

"I..." I have no excuse, Rin realized, staring at him with a bewildered expression on her face. What am I to tell him? "I'm...I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me..." His fingers dropped her chin, his long, sharp nails tickling the tender skin beneath her jaw.

"Go," was all he said as he returned to the paper work. Rin nodded quickly and hurried out of the room, shoving past Jaken who was entering the room. The imp gave an irritated sound, glaring after her. Sesshomaru steepled his fingers, a bored expression coming to his face as he observed the opposite side of the wall, that of which had a Claude Monet painting of a lake. A girl sat on the bank beneath a tree, reflected in the water that had soft, soothing blues in it. It was a calming picture and had helped in the past, but now, as Sesshomaru stared at the painting, he became even more frustrated. He had taken Rin in, hoping that he could improve her life. This was what he received in return? Something was going on and he intended to find out. "Jaken."

"Ah, Mr. Inutaisho?" Jaken queried, blinking his wide eyes at him curiously.

"Follow Rin. Find out what's happening with her." Jaken blinked again.

"Yes, Mr. Inutaisho..." Jaken left, puzzling over his boss's wishes. He never questioned Sesshomaru about some of the things he was requested of, but sometimes he wondered where the youkai's mind was at times.


Kagome chattered cheerfully to Inuyasha as they headed to the post office. Inuyasha rarely ever accompanied her to the post office since he thought it better just to put a letter in the mailbox. He always complained to her about trying to get rid of the only fat on her bones by walking to the post office nearly every day. Kagome, though, ignored his comments, like she had learned to in the past.

Inuyasha suddenly stiffened and Kagome looked at him in concern, ceasing her talking. They were in front of the post office with its glass windows and two-story, brick building. At the side of the building were two blue mail carriers with cars driving up beside them every once in a while. People weaved in and out of the post office. One particular person had caught Inuyasha's attention. He wasn't sure, but the young female that was standing in the post office, writing, looked very much like the one that had been in the magazine that Inuyasha had read in the café. There had been a picture, but it hadn't been the best since Sesshomaru hadn't allowed them very close and if they got close and were able to get a picture, he usually tore the camera apart. But Inuyasha was almost certain this was his elder brother's girl.

Inuyasha raised his nose to the air and narrowed his eyes as he gave a quick sniff. He could smell Jaken, Sesshomaru's faithful employee, near. And when he turned his nose to the building, he caught the girl's scent mingled in with Sesshomaru's, which suggested that they had been rather close to each other before she came to the post office. Jaken smelled of Sesshomaru, too, but not nearly as strongly as she. Weird, Inuyasha thought with a frown. Sesshomaru would usually get closer to a youkai than a human.

"Inuyasha?" He blinked and turned to his wife, who was appearing concerned.

"Forget it," was all he said.


Rin finished her letter and glanced around nervously before peering down at it, her lips trembling with worry. It was straight to the point: Mr. Hatton. I can no longer work for you. The money is not important. I don't want to hurt Mr. Inutaisho. You can find yourself another rat. Rin. She folded it and sealed it in the envelope and pressed a stamp on it, letting out a breath. She moved towards the line, but bumped into a male that was somewhat taller than her. She blinked, raising her eyes to the narrowed amber eyes. Her eyes widened slightly as she took a step back. The male continued to watch her with a careful gaze that was abnormal in a stranger. Those eyes look so much like Sesshomaru's, she thought, never moving her eyes off his. Then a woman came up to him and took his arm, pushing him away, glancing at Rin in curiosity. Rin swallowed and hurried to a postman.

"Please. I need this delivered today," she said, staring up at the man with huge eyes that were begging with him.

"Well...I suppose we can manage that," he told her, smiling. Her own smile lit up her face.


Jaken frowned, watching as Rin exited the post office. Her eyes were downcast and her shoulders were limp. She seemed oddly distressed, but he couldn't see why. Was a friend of hers dying? But that couldn't be. She only had homeless friends, didn't she? Honestly, Jaken irritably thought, what a waste of time. Who cares whom she's corresponding with? Why in the world did Mr. Inutaisho have me follow her? If he wanted me to keep her safe, why not just have me go with her? Why spy? Arrgh, who cares! What Mr. Inutaisho does is none of my business! "So stupid, though," Jaken mumbled to himself, scowling.

"What's stupid, now?" A familiar voice queried from behind Jaken. The imp whipped around to see his employer's younger, hanyou brother, Inuyasha. It had been quite awhile since he saw him and was surprised that Inuyasha had even bothered to pay him any mind. When all of this had gone through his head, Inuyasha abruptly grabbed him by his head, glaring at him. "You'll explain to me what's going on with my brother. Now."

"Let me go this instant, worthless fool!"


"...I meant, of course," Jaken sputtered, a huge lump forming on his head, "that I'd be willing to tell you everything."

"That's what I thought."


Thomas Hatton grunted as his secretary tossed his mail on his desk the next day. He finished the document he was typing and then sighed to himself, sending a resentful look to the stack of mail. He gently stroked his mustache before undoing the rubber band around the mail and flipping through it, muttering, "They're only bills..."

He paused at the last letter, his brow wrinkling at the feminine curves of the handwriting. Ignoring the rest of his mail, he took out a small knife that he used for opening envelopes and tore the blade through the paper. Releasing the paper from its confines, he unfolded it and read the message briefly. "This cannot be...This will not happen!" He roared, slamming the letter down on his desk and rose to his feet, grabbing his cane. "Alice!" He snarled to his secretary. "Call my driver. Tell him to bring the limo out."

"The destination, sir?" She queried.

"Sesshomaru Inutaisho's company," Thomas growled, his eyes narrowing on the letter on his desk. Rin was the only thing that could get close to the youkai, Sesshomaru. Jaken, too loyal and stupid (at least in his opinion,) would never be able to be of use to Thomas! I won't let you go so easily, Rin! He roared in his mind angrily. I won't let you ruin all of my perfect plans!!!


Jaken stood, hunched, by the divan in Sesshomaru's office. It was more for decoration than actual use since Sesshomaru never paused in his work to sleep on it. The divan itself was a bit too tall for Jaken to get on unless climbing onto something. He didn't dare try that. As he watched his employer work, he felt his heart drop to his waist. Inuyasha's beatings always made him spill everything out. He had been slapped more than twice for going off topic. Jaken felt a wry humor take over him as he mused to himself, Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are violent. I suppose their father was like that, too. He got slapped and punched by Inuyasha, and stepped on and kicked by Sesshomaru. He would never win.

"Jaken, where did you get those bruises?" Sesshomaru questioned in his quiet, calm tone. Jaken shuddered, hearing the words, "If you do not tell me, I'll add some more to your collection," lying underneath the youkai's question. But Jaken hesitated nonetheless. How would he feel about his hanyou brother – who he hadn't spoken to or heard of since he took over their father's company – being suddenly interested in what was going on in Sesshomaru's life? Somehow, Jaken had a feeling that he would get bruises from Sesshomaru either way.

"I, um, was shoved around a lot today," Jaken managed out. It wasn't necessarily a lie. Inuyasha had, more or less, shoved him.

"Hm..." Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed slightly on him in cynicism, but he wasn't given a chance to wonder whether he was about to be kicked across the room because Sesshomaru's eyes darted from him. The ocher orbs darkened slightly as he glared at the door. A sudden commotion erupted from outside the door, causing Jaken's sweating brow to furrow. Sesshomaru swept from his desk, gliding across the room to the door. Jaken grasped his Jinto-jo in his skeleton-like hands and hurried after Sesshomaru. When he appeared behind his youkai employer's legs, he saw Thomas and Sesshomaru's secretary practically screaming at each other. "What is this?" Jaken winced at the sharp edge in Sesshomaru's voice and slowly drew his eyes to Thomas.

The man was not his elegant self today, the imp noted. His hair, usually smoothed back, was sticking up at strange angles and his clothes were ruffled – probably from gesturing angrily at the secretary. His face, a usually handsome color, was a blotchy, crimson red covering his neck and his face up to his eyes. His forehead was still his normal skin tone, but glistening with sweat. Jaken knew then by the shaking of Hatton's hands, and his flushed appearance, that he was enraged. What he didn't know was why he was in such a state of fury.

"Finally!" Thomas snarled at Sesshomaru, raising his hand that was gripping a crumpled piece of paper. "It's about damn time you came out here, you filthy youkai!"

"Leave," Sesshomaru ordered, ignoring Thomas's insult, turning to return to his office. Jaken followed, casting an uneasy glance at Hatton's suddenly smug expression. The ruddiness of his face was fading. "I don't have time for brainless humans like you."

"Is that right?" Thomas's cocky voice followed him. "You might not be saying that if you knew I had a letter from your precious ward, Rin, here in my hands." Jaken nearly slammed into Sesshomaru as the youkai halted abruptly and turned his head the slightest bit to look at Hatton. "Don't take my word for it. Read it." He moved forward and extended his hand with the paper in it with a flourish. Sesshomaru glanced at the paper and then at his enemy's face. Slowly, he turned around completely and took the paper, careful not to touch Hatton. The slightest hint of Rin's scent was on the paper and he knew by the handwriting that it was hers.

Jaken watched Sesshomaru read the paper and saw something flicker across his fair-skinned face. He read it again, more slowly, his eyes narrowed on the words written on the paper. Both Jaken and Thomas watched him and every movement he made. But Sesshomaru had no response to the ugly truth that he was being faced with. He continued to stare at the paper, even though he had read it enough times to know that she had been the spy Reynolds had warned him about. A horrible feeling of betrayal and anger rushed up to meet him. Before he could lose control, he clamped his teeth together and raised his eyes to meet Hatton's. He knew that his were nearly a ruby red by the nervous shifting of Jaken below him.

"Leave," Sesshomaru repeated his command from earlier. Thomas smirked and shrugged, running a hand over his thinning hair and sauntered away towards the elevator. After the elevator doors had shut on his haughty expression, Sesshomaru turned to Jaken and snapped out, "I wish for no one to disturb me." Jaken sputtered out pieces of words as Sesshomaru whipped around into his office and closed the door behind him sharply.

What did the letter say? Jaken wondered to himself, glancing at the secretary with an anxious glance. What did Rin say to Hatton?


Inuyasha flipped through channels on the TV broodingly, his thick brows brought down in a scowl. He kept replaying everything Jaken had said through his head. Why would Sesshomaru just up and save a girl off the streets? Inuyasha thought, his long-nailed thumb continuously jabbing an arrow button of the remote. That doesn't sound like the older half-brother I know. It doesn't help when she's a human girl. If Jaken doesn't know why Sesshomaru did something like that, then obviously no one but Sesshomaru knows. Hell, how do I know Sesshomaru even knows? What is it about that girl that's so special? She doesn't look barely sixteen...

"INUYASHA!" He jumped and stared, dumbfounded, at Kagome who had stepped in front of the TV. "Stop channel surfing! If you're going to watch something, watch something!"

"Fine, fine," he mumbled, settling on a game show. Kagome huffed and returned to the kitchen. I wish I could just ignore what's going on in Sesshomaru's life, but this is different. There's just something about it that makes me uncomfortable.


Jaken had returned before Sesshomaru, seeing as how the youkai had decided to lock himself in his office. Rin had greeted him with a false smile that had a nervous tremor to it. He didn't question her about it. He wasn't certain what was going on; however, he did know that it wasn't his place to try and nose his way in. Besides, he didn't want to enter the conflict.

When Sesshomaru did come home, it was at the same time as usual and he was as expressionless as ever, but with a tension about him that had Jaken cringing inwardly. Rin hadn't come down from her room to greet him and though Jaken was slightly baffled at her behavior, he did not say anything about it. Sesshomaru didn't mention her absence, either. As soon as Jaken had greeted him, he fled from his employer.

The amber depths of Sesshomaru's were dark. That was never a good sign.


Rin shivered as she sat in bed, her legs brought to her chest. Jaken had come up earlier, asking her if she wanted anything to eat since she had never come down for dinner. From her place in the dark of the room, she had given a quiet, negative response. He had left her then and she had sat in her room, dreading the future. She couldn't understand why Sesshomaru hadn't up to her room yet except that he was either busy or hadn't noticed. The first she could believe, the other, not quite.

He must know, she thought, swallowing and hugging her arms around her knees tighter. He must know what I did to him, who I was to Mr. Hatton. She pressed her face into her knees, her mouth trembling. I never knew. I just wanted to have a good life. I never thought it would hurt him!

Her small frame froze, the shivering evaporating as fear soared up in her. The door, which hadn't opened since Jaken's visit, slowly swung open and closed quietly. Slowly, she raised her head and stared at the youkai. There was no expression on his face, but that was usual. It was the darkness of his eyes that made her begin to shiver again. He knew; and he was angry.

"So, Rin," Sesshomaru quietly spoke, gliding towards the bed, looming over her. Even after so much crying, tears pricked her eyes. She blinked to keep them at bay, even though her lips had begun to tremble again. "You are the one that is Hatton's infiltrator." He lifted a hand, his long nails gleaming in the moonlight. "I did not expect you to betray me."

"M-Mr. Inutaisho," she whispered, a tear leaking down her cheek, "I'm sorry. I...I didn't know!" More tears escaped, flooding down her pale, frightened face. She sniffed, pushing her face in her hands, whimpering, "I didn't think he would try to hurt you. I just thought I was getting information and that was all. I never tried to get anything vital, I swear I didn't. I never stole any company records or anything. He offered me money and I needed it to build myself a new life. I could have been happy." She paused, her shoulders shaking as she released more tears. "...But then...then you showed me so much kindness. I am already so happy! I didn't want to hurt you...I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Sesshomaru kept an impassive gaze on her as she continued to sob in her hands. Inside, his logistic mind was being confused with emotions he had never experienced, nor did he wish to further comprehend. Despite his earlier anger and betrayal, he believed her. The fury he had entered her room with was vanished at the sight of Rin sobbing. He supposed he could understand the logic in it. She had hardly known him when he first spoke to her and had been living on the streets. There was good reason for her to accept the offer, no matter what the circumstances. He wished he could be angry with her again. That was an emotion he understood. The one he felt now was one he didn't even have a name for – or refused to give a name to.

"Rin." She raised her head, biting her lip. He reached out and pushed her hair from her damp face, his face softening the slightest bit. "This Sesshomaru will forgive you this one time. There is honesty in your words. However, if you are to perform such a treachery again, I will kill you." She nodded jerkily. He carefully settled on the bed and took her in his arms. Rin blinked in surprise, but then pressed her face in his shoulder and sniffled pathetically.

"I promise, Mr. Inutaisho," she whispered, raising her face to look at him, "that I will never do anything to hurt you." He gave a brief nod, inwardly surprised at how she had worded it. A beautiful smile spread on her lips and she relaxed in his embrace, turning her head so she could look out the window. That's a promise I'll never break.


DIS: As usual, I'm sorry for the late update. I have been losing interest in the Inuyasha fandom. All you see when you look around is the same plot over and over again and it was just getting irritating. Not to mention, the same thing continues to happen in the anime: Kagome gets hurt, Inuyasha saves the day, Rin gets hurt, Sesshomaru saves the day. You can see why I got stuck on this fic for awhile. Nonetheless, I intend on finishing it – and fast. Only a few chapters will be left. Sorry.

It is a fanfiction SIN to leave without reviewing! Please review on your way out. Ciao!