A/N: Hey! What's up people? Thank you for those who voted and I'm sorry for those who voted for "You're A Pharaoh" and didn't win. The score was 6 to 4 so it was pretty close but this story won. For those for wanted "You're A Pharaoh", don't worry, I'll still write it only at a different time. Anyway, here's the story you guys been waiting for!

"Broken for a Bit"

By Dark Shining Light

Pairing: Téa and Atemu

Rated T


Summary: Téa's had a hard life but when she meets Pharaoh Atemu, she's recovering. But now that they found this girl, is it possible that he's falling in love with her and not Téa? How will it end?

(I Don't Own Yu Gi Oh!)( Review Please!)

Téa smiled as she and her friend Atemu rode off to the Nile River. It has been a hard life for her with her family dying, she being sold into slavery, and now serving her master, But the turn of it was that her master was the seventeen year old pharaoh, a kind king and had made her his friend; not servant.

She looked at the handsome boy who of course was only one year older than her. What would she have been with out him? He was the real reason why she was here and not crying about her lost. She was very lucky to have him but there was only one problem, and that was that she had fallen in love with him after being with him.

She sadden; how could a young, rich, smart and handsome pharaoh like Atemu ever fall in love with a poor commoner like her?

"Téa?" Atemu's voice called her.

She blinked. "Huh?"

He stopped his horse. "You weren't looking very good and I thought you would faint."

She too stopped her horse. "I'm sorry. I was just having a couple of back flashes."

"Well, if you're okay than." He smirked, kicked the side of his horse and the horse started to run.

"Hey no fair! You took a head start!" She complained jokingly. "Come on girl," she told the horse. "Time to get those boys!"

The horse jumped into the air happily before heading off to find their competitors.

But in less than five minutes, which was weird because it usually took her ten minutes to catch up with him, the horse was already spotted by the edge of the Nile. 'Strange.' She thought. 'Atemu's not on his horse. I wonder if he's okay or just playing around with me.'

Once her horse was next to Atemu's, she ran off to find him and it wasn't long til she did. He was holding some girl in his arms, who was completely naked. She had long red hair and pretty white skin. She was very skinny with a perfect shape. "Téa!" he said kind of relieved. "It's a good thing you are here. I found this girl at the shore of the Nile and I think we should take her back to the palace."

The brunette nodded and got the horse; just in time cause the girl was starting to wake up; her eye's were green. "Huh? Where am I?"

"You're safe." The pharaoh responded. "We're going to take you back to the palace."


"My friend is here too." He nodded his head over to Téa. "Now come, we have to take you to one of the priestess to see if you're alright."

"I understand." Atemu gently placed the girl on his horse before hoping on. He wrapped his arms around her so she wouldn't fall while she carelessly rested her head on his well tone chest and then the horse started to run.

"Atemu! Wait for me!" Téa yelled and ran to her horse so she could catch up with him. As she rode to catch up with him, she could see the red head's mouth moving and Atemu chuckling. But what really surprised her was the fact that girl kicked the horse's side and it started running faster, as if she did so she wouldn't be able to catch up. 'What's with her?'

Minutes later, Téa was finally able to reach the palace and she asked this servant girl if she knew were Atemu was. "In the Dining Room with his guest." The servant responded.

"Thanks." And the brunette walked into the dining room, only to see Atemu and the girl talking away.

"Téa, where were you?" the pharaoh asked as she came in. Téa just looked at him. He had left her behind and was he expecting her to just be in the palace once he arrived?

"Anyway," Atemu cut in, not even letting her answered the question. "This is Kora."

"Hey Kora, feeling better?" the brunette asked.

"Yes." Kora said simply before turning back to the pharaoh. "Anyway, as I was saying. I'm a Saudi Arabia princess."

"A Saudi Arabia Princess?" Atemu repeated in interest.

"Yes and our palace was destroyed but a tremble fire that could not be stopped. I was the only one to make it out and I had to travel here to Egypt, hoping that I could start another life."

"I see and you are more than welcome to stay. Téa?" She was a bit surprised since she thought he forgot that she was even here. "Could you tell the chief to bring out some of his finest wine and a huge meal? You must be hungry Kora."

"Oh yes. Yes I am." Kora responded and looked at the brunette, glaring at her as if saying 'do it.' But Téa couldn't believe it! Here was her friend, treating her as if she were his servant to go and get him some food. But because she was Téa, she agreed and went to tell the chief.

A/N: Well, that's the chapter! The next chapter I'm going to make is for "My Protector" so it's going to take a while. Review!