Hey people!!! Yes...it's another chapter! Yay! It would have been updated a lot faster...if I didn't keep forgetting my notebook that I wrote it in at school...sometimes I wonder about myself lol. All righty then...here's the chapter! And since I've been slacking majorly in the updating process, I shall have two chapters for you! lol

Disclaimer: I do not own anything that is or related to Harry Potter. Although, does it count it I owned them in my dream...I'd like to say yes. Lol

Oh yeah, someone reminded me that this is OOC...lol I should have put that in the summary. So this story is OOC and HBP didn't happen!

The Greatest Gift

Get Down!

Draco, Ginny, Harry and Ron felt like they had just touched a portkey that was very long. They fell onto a hard cement floor in a dark room. The room had a few lamps, but they didn't light up the room. There was a dark figure against the wall opposite of the group. The figure was obviously a girl, you'd have to be blind not to see that. The girl looked at the people who were lying on the floor, and a smile lit up on her face.

Ginny was the first one to regain her balance. She looked over to see a girl standing up walking towards her. Ginny ran to her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Hermione! I've missed you so much!" Ginny exclaimed as she gave her best friend a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry I wasn't there! I would've hexed them into next week!"

Hermione laughed and squeezed Ginny again, and turned to Harry. He enveloped her into a warm embrace. He too, gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh Mione, I'm so glad you're okay! Wait you're okay right? They didn't do anything to you did they?" asked Harry without taking a breath of air.

Hermione laughed, "I'm glad I'm okay too, and yes I am okay, and they didn't do anything to me."

"Hermione, I'm sorry I called you a whore," said Ron walking towards her, with his head down.

Hermione put her hands on her hips and glared at him, "You need to learn to trust me, Ronald. Harry does! I'm a big girl; I can make my own decisions. I hope you can get that through your skull soon."

Even though scolding Ron, she gave him a hug. Not as tight, but a friendly hug. She looked over his shoulder to see bright blonde hair. Hermione let go and ran to Draco, who stumbled back from the sudden impact of his girlfriend. He snaked his arms securely around her waist and pulled her closer. Draco pressed his lips against hers for what seemed like they hadn't seen each other for an eternity. But too Draco, it felt longer than that. Draco put his tongue against her bottom lips and she parted them immediately. He kissed her with so much passion, that Hermione's knees almost gave out. Draco smirked against her lips, then tears began to fall.

"I'm so sorry Hermione. I missed you so much. I should've cursed them or something," he whispered, his forehead leaning against hers.

"No it's my fault, I should have punched that bitch."

Her mind went back to when she saw Kira kissing Draco. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"You didn't kiss her did you?" she asked menacingly.

His face went into shock, "Of course not! I tried to get away from the whore! How can you ask me that?"

"Well it didn't look like you were trying very hard," she said freeing herself from his grasp and crossing her arms defiantly.

"I'm not going to just push a woman! That's just wrong! Even it they are a whore, a man should never hit a woman," he said defensively.

Hermione put her arms down and smiled, "Always a gentleman aren't you?"

Draco smirked, "Always a perfect gentleman. Besides the only one I wanted to kiss last night was you." He leaned towards her ear, "Maybe even more."

She raised her eyebrows and turned around to see her friends. Two of whom were smiling, one just had a blank expression. (Two guesses who? lol)

"Now I would very much like to get out of this dank place as soon as possible. I would've done it myself, except I would rather not get expelled from Hogwarts," Hermione said looking at Harry smiling.

"Hey the first one was not my fault! And my lovely Aunt Marge deserved it. And that bloody Umbridge toad sent those Dementors after me and Dudley. Besides I got cleared of all charges, so it's like it never happened at all," laughed Harry.

"Anyways, the door is locked from the outside and Alohomora doesn't work," explained Hermione.

"I thought you just said you didn't use your wand," said Draco.

"I didn't, I used wandless magic," she saw the look on his face, "What it's not that hard to do Alohomora without a wand."

He rolled his gray eyes that were still a little red from crying.

Then Ginny said something, "Why don't you use one of Fred and George's No Secret Keys? They work on all locks."

She took out her green bag with cherries, and pulled out what looked like a piece of metal chocolate. Ginny went over to the door, took the No Secret key and shoved it through the lock. There was a bunch of clicking, and then one loud click. The door unlocked, and the key discenigrated into thin air. Ginny just turned around and smiled cheekily.

"Yay me! I'm genius!" Ginny said in a sing-song voice, as she skipped over to the group.

"Yeah whatever, I could of done that," mumbled Ron, Ginny rolled her eyes.

Even though everyone was happy that they were now free of the dungeon room, there was something about this place. Draco was having a deja vu, he knew he had been here before. He just couldn't place it. Hermione turned to look at Draco, who had a serious expression written on his face.

"What's wrong Love?" she asked him looking worried.

"No-nothing's wrong."


"It just that this place seems familar to me. I think I've been here before," he whispered.

"So you've been in this room before?" asked Hermione.

"I don't think in this room, but that lock sounds extremely familar," Draco started to rub his temples.

"You'll think of it soon, don't worry," Hermione reassured him.

Ginny's voice filled the room, "Well I really want to get out of here, so let's go," she said as she pointed to the door.

Ginny went in front of the door and the others were on the side in a huddle. Draco was still trying to think of why he knew this place. Ginny turned the handle slowly, and it clicked. The door and Draco's memory.

"Get down!" he yelled.

Ginny pulled the door open only an inch before Draco tackled her to the ground. Ginny tried to move out of his grip but he held her firmly against the ground. Just as she was about to bitch him out she got silenced by a streak of red illuminating the room. Her eyes went wide and she closed her mouth. After the glow of the spell went away, Draco let Ginny up. She turned to him, and hugged him tightly and let go.

"Thanks Draco," said Ginny.

"How did you know that that was gonna happen?" asked Harry slowly.

Hermione asked, "You know where we are now?"

He nodded slowly, "This is Bellatrix's house."

No one said anything for a few minutes, then the shock wore off.

"What?!" exclaimed Hermione.

"That's why this place is so familar. Mother took me here when I was little. She said that she had to get some stuff from Bellatrix or something like that. I remember she had to disarm all the enchantments and curses so we could get through safely. Damn Bella," explained Draco.

"So you must know how to get out of here," said Ron.

"No Weasley I just said I wanted a firewhiskey," Draco replied sarcastically.

Ron said nothing, he just glared at him.

"Okay, so I will lead us through this bloody house."

"No I will, I'm have a better chance of surviving than you do," said Harry.

"Potter you don't even know where to go," sneered Draco.

"I have a map Malfoy."

"How do you have a map of this house?"

"I don't have to tell you anything about what map I have or where I got it that will get us through here alive without running into anyone," Harry answered.

"Well I don't care anyways. Plus, I'm sure the wizarding world would die if something every happened to their famous 'boy-who-lived'," smirked Draco.

Hermione told them to work together or she would burn their broomsticks, and every new one they would get. That shut them up quickly.

Draco opened the door and looked around the corners. It was a long, dark corridor. He felt for a switch on the wall, and pushed it. Lanterns appeared along the walls with candles that burned dimly. Harry looked at his Marauder's Map that fortunately Ginny brought with. Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Ron walked briskly through the twisting hallways and winding stairs, until Harry disappeared. No one saw where he went, but they could hear him. Panic started to set in for Hermione, Ginny, and Ron. Draco whispered 'Lumos' and pointed his wand towards the floor. Harry was hanging on with one hand on the edge of a large crevice in the floor. He threw the map at Hermione's feet. She picked it up and held it to her heart.

"Shit!" whispered Draco.

He bent down and grabbed Harry's arm.

"Potter, give me your other hand."

Harry was reluctant to do so, "Why so you can drop me?"

"Why the hell would I drop you?" he asked trying to pull him up.

"Uh because you're Malfoy. Jeez why did you make Head Boy?" grunted Harry.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? And besides why would I kill you by dropping you ? What's the fun of that? If I were going to kill you, you would be dead already, or we would be dueling," smirked Draco. "So are you gonna give me your other hand or do we have to stay like this forever? Seriously pick the first one, you weigh a ton."

"Damn it Harry! For Merlin's sake give him your hand! He's not going to kill you," shrieked Hermione.

Harry finally swung his body so his hand grabbed onto Draco's. He started to pull him up as Harry climbed the wall with his feet to get higher. Soon Harry was safe on the floor breathing hard.

"Thanks Malfoy."

"Yeah whatever. I thought I should, because if you die, the Daily Prophet's going to go out of business."

Hermione rolled her eyes, and kissed Draco on the lips.

Ginny spoke up, "So anyways, let's try and see how long this is. And why are there no lanterns in this corridor?"

She took out a glow-in-the-dark ball and threw it across the hole. It fell into darkness. Ginny tried again, and this time she threw it at the side of the hole. The glowing gob hit a switch that turned on the lights.

"Nice aim Gin," said her older brother.

The hole in the floor seemed to be about ten feet long. Hermione took her want and said a spell that made a bridge that went across the floor. She smiled broadly towards Draco. Harry walked across the magic bridge without wobbling. Then Ron, went and he almost tripped. When Ginny went across, she decided to be a show off and walked on her hands. Draco didn't want to get shown up by a Weasley. He looked up and saw two bars about eight feet from the ground. He jumped up and reached the first bar. He swung his legs over the bar and stood up on it, then took a leap to the next bar. As soon as he swung his legs for again he let go and landed right by Ginny.

"Come on Hermione, walk across like a good little witch," Draco smirked but soon it faded as he saw her take a few steps back.

Hermione had jumped up to reach the bar. (AN: a few gymnastic terms coming up, so bear with me) She kipped up to the bar into a handstand and went around the bar, released and flew to the next bar. She put her legs in a straddle position and went into another handstand. Her legs went together as she swung around the bar, let go, did two flips, and landed next to Draco.

"You're just bound determined to outdo me in everything aren't you?" he asked grabbing her hand.

Hermione smiled and said, "Yep, not that it's really that hard to do."

Draco bent down and whispered in her ear, "I'm going to make sure you pay for that."

They walked for about five minutes when they reached the entrance to Bella's house. Harry looked at the map and told them the coast was clear. The gang of five walked outside.

"Alritey then, let's apparate now," said Draco.

"Why didn't we do that in the first place?" asked Ron.

"Because you can't apparate in that house, Weasley."

Hermione looked at all of them and a tear ran down her face, "Thank you for saving me."

Harry gave Ginny and Hermione a kiss and hug, shook Draco's hand, then apparated back to the Burrow. Ron gave them hugs and just looked at Draco. Then a loud crack filled the air.

"Draco, Ginny, I want to go home now," said Hermione.

Crack! Hermione, Draco, and Ginny had apparated back to the Granger's home.

so did you like it? Tell me what you think! Please! Next chapter they go back to school..yeah there's going to be some innuendo, teasing, and more! lol. so tell me what you think!! yea click the pretty review button! and Draco will appear at your house!.. (well maybe not...but review anyways!)

luv ya

