title: In The
Interest of Intergalactic Relations
Author: m
Fandom: Stargate
Pairing: Jack/Jonas
Rating: R
Spoilers: eh if you know
where Jonas is in S7 you're set.
Word Count: 533
Notes: For
Challenge 4 "Offworld" and written cause angelsgracie
wanted new Jack/Jonas. So not beta'd.
Oh General Hammond would so kill him for this...
One of the upsides of taking the promotion, Jack knows, he can justify the visit as being a matter of diplomacy. Checking in on the intergalactic relations with a supposed ally is a fine use of a General's time isn't it?
Of course, it's not as if this is exactly the kind of relations that the White House would have in mind, not with this president anyway, but it's not like they've been invited to watch.
The Langeran House of Assembly is a pretty ornate building, big on the pomp and circumstance for a bunch of people only halfway toward any kind of joint government. It's supposed to intimidate the shit out of you but the days of Jack O'Neill being intimidated by anyone pretty much went out with disco. They got points for it, however. Even if it doesn't really work on him he's got to give them the points for effort.
It's equally lost on his host. Jonas makes the appropriate tour guidey words and gestures which kinda has Jack picturing him in one of those little uniforms from back home and that's not really something he needs to be thinking about at that particular moment in time. Dress uniforms might look snazzy but good at hiding a hard on they were not and one of them has to look remotely composed. Jonas is sure as hell not, apparently the whole 'man in uniform' deal really is a universal concept. The looks he keeps sneaking are as close to scorching as propriety'll let him.
Who knew he'd turn out to be such a stickler for protocol? The effort to hold it back is taxing, Jonas is blushing, skin reddening above his collar, and Jack's resisting the urge to reach out and see if it's as hot to the touch as he thinks. If nothing has changed, if his memory holds true, then it is and it will be and when he nonchalantly inquires as to a room for private us, Jonas damn near trips over his own shadow.
Jack grins.
It's a grin that fades when they're in a room barely big enough to qualify as a room and he's trying to figure out the mysteries of Kelownan business attire. Jonas looks hotter'n hell in it but damned if he can figure out how to get it off. No apparent zippers, flaps, hooks, hell, there's not even any sign of Velcro and first thing he's doing when he gets back is suggesting to the right people they friggin' share a few fashion secrets with the Langerans. No way, even with what the precious government's paying him, Jonas can afford him ripping up his suits like he's pretty damn tempted to do.
"Wait," Jonas forces the word out in a gasped breath, shoving him back. "Here." Whatever he does, his clothing falls away beneath Jack's impatient hands and they're kissing. Before his thoughts become a whirl of heat and skin, Jack manages to make one crucial decision for all concerned.
He is so teaching these guys the meaning of the words 'easy access'. If only for his own peace of mind...and Jonas's wallet.