Riviera: The Magical Union

Disclaimer: Riviera is a product of it's respected company.

Cierra and Rose were in their kitchen fixing herbs for a new potion to use in Cierra's new spells. "Okay Gateau, all I need to do now is to chant the spell and it should strengthen my thunder casting." Cierra said with a huge smile on her face.

"Meow meow meow." (Or you could blow up the entire side of the house for the fifth time this week.) Rose said, still in under the effects of the potion.

Cierra began to chant the spell and the potion began to react. " Looks like it's working." Cierra said with glee, taking her hands away from the chanting stance.

Rose began to hiss. "MEOOOOOOWWWW!" (Cierra! Put your hands back in the chanting position! If you don't the potion will...) Then the potion exploded, sending a bolt of lightening through the roof.

Cierra looked up and saw the hole. "Oops, forgot not to take my hands away from the chanting stance." she scratched the back of her head, embarrassed.

"Meow meow." (I'll go get the broom.) Rose said with a sigh.

Ein was in the middle of making a new home in the ruins of Nelde. Ein was using anything he could find to make it. He even used the top of a giant mushroom as the roof of the house. He was taking a break looking at his handy work. He had been working on this house since he started living in the ruins.

He could be proud to say it was nearly complete. All that was needed was a bed for his new house to be complete. Fia was supposed to bring one in from Elendia in the next few days. "Alright, time to go to work." Ein said while standing up.

When he took his first step a lightening bolt struck the house turning it to ash. Ein stared in disbelief. He had worked on that thing from scratch for three years.

He sulked for a moment. "Wonder if Cierra has a spare room in her house." Ein said slumping his way towards Cierra's house.

Cierra was sweeping up the dust and stone pieces that fell from the roof. Suddenly she looked down to see the man she had grown affectionate of since they met. It was Ein.

She suddenly began to panic. Thousands of thoughts raced in her head. 'What am I gonna do about this. What should I do about dinner for him. What about my dress.' She looked at her everyday clothing, her witches' essentials. Her hat, sleeveless dress, and long gloves going to her shoulders. Everything seemed to be in order.

She turned to the mess. She thought for a moment of what to do about it. She then turned to Rose. "Gateau, can you be a dear and clean up this mess?" She asked Rose nicely as she turned to the door.

"Meow Meow!" (What am I supposed to do about this mess? I don't have any thumbs!) Rose screamed. She took the broom in her mouth and swept using her neck.

Cierra got to the door and straightened her dress of any wrinkles. She then go her breathing to normal and opened the door to welcome Ein.

A/N: How did you all like my first fanfiction. This is only the first chapter. Sorry for it being so short. Next chap will be longer promise. Please r&r flames are welcome along with any ideas.