Disclaimer: Don't own Kim Possible Disney does... but if I did I would make Ron my sidekick!
This is my first Kim Possible story and I plan on making it into a mulit-chapter story if people enjoy it and want me to continue with it. Also planning on making this into either Ron/Tara or Ron/Bonnie haven't decided yet. This story is about Ron stepping out of Kim's shadow and stuff, it will not contain much if any Kim bashing.

Reviews will get you positive karma points so if you have done something bad eariler his is your chance to break even! wink wink hint hint

The fog slowly lifted and a faint silhouette of a person could be seen. A faint blueish glow surrounded the figure and helped to further dissipate fog. The girl stared in mute awe at what she saw.

All around her were the unconscious monkeys that only mere moments ago were trying to abduct her. She had been terrified when they had broken into her room and dragged her from her warm and comfortable bed, out her window onto the roof. Until now she had been to shocked to do anything but now she started to scream and yell for help. Hoping her daddy would hear her and come and save her, but he never came.

Once on the roof one of the monkeys had carelessly tossed her off the roof and as she was plummeting to the ground she was terrified that she was going to crash into the ground. Fortunately for her another monkey was waiting to catch her. If the situation wasn't so scary and frightening for her she would have found monkey's dressed as ninjas to be cute and adorable. She had started stopped screaming shortly after the monkey on the ground caught her. Instead she started crying silently praying to God to send her an angel.

She remember all the stories in the bible that had angels in them. She even had little cherubs decorated on her walls and little figurines on her night stand. She had always believed in them and now she desperately prayed, mumbling to herself as small tears ran down her cubby baby face.

The monkey held her tightly in a fireman's carry and waited until the others dropped from the roof to continue on. They moved slowly and cautiously to avoid running into anything in the thick fog. The darkness and fog only added to the child's fear. She closed her eyes tightly and continued to pray. She had started a mantra in her mind, chanting angel, angel, angel over and over for what seemed like forever until the words themselves gave her courage to stop her crying and open her eyes.

She could faintly see the glow of several streetlights in the distance, and she could clearly see that the ground they were walking on was asphalt from the street. While she lived in town, her yard was larger than most, and it was distressing to her that she was already so far from home. To girls her age leaving her yard with out her parents was like sailing across the ocean. An unfathomable distance for her to cope with. Again tears welled up in her eyes and this time instead of praying for an angel, she prayed for her mommy.

Suddenly her abductors stopped, and somewhere closer a loud screech was heard. She couldn't tell in what direction it came from but it was close. The sound was what caused her monkey kidnappers to stop. They glanced at one another and made several weird signals with their hands. And then again came another screech, and she still couldn't tell were it came from, only that it was closer then the last time.

Even with the masks on, the girl could easily see that the monkey's were unnerved, they huddled closer to one another one standing on each side of the monkey that was holding her. Several minutes passed and nothing happened. Tentatively the monkey in front of her took several steps forward until he faded into the fog.

Nothing, the silence that surrounded hear was starting to become deafening, and just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore and was about to open her mouth and scream it happened again. This time however, the monkey's didn't just stand there they leaped in the direction were their fellow monkey had went. They too had faded into the fog. She could see nothing, only several quick flashes of blue light, that she wasn't even sure she really saw.

She couldn't see anything but she could hear everything just fine. She heard screeches and calls coming from the monkey's they were loud and almost panicked sounding, until the hollering stopped, it was sudden a screech had been cut off midway. The monkey that had been holding her dropped her onto the asphalt and scurried off into the opposite direction. Apparently that monkey was smarter than his buddies.

The figure was closer now and the fog had lessened considerably. It was a man with short blonde hair and almond colored eyes with ears that looked a little too big for his head. He was dressed in a pair of grey khakis and a black shirt, over his shoulders was a black leather duster that went stopped just below his knees. The blue aura that had been surrounding him had slowly been fading with each step he took towards her.

He came to a stop a few feet away from the little girl, unsure of how to approach her, the last thing he wanted to do was scare her anymore than she probable already was.

"Uh, hey there little girl, um.. you okay?" Ron said uncertainly.

Before Ron had time to even blink the girl had wrapped herself around his legs and was hugging him tightly. Okay so maybe she wouldn't be afraid of him after all.

Looking up at her blonde haired savior she let go of his legs and lifted her arms into the air. Recognizing the gesture, Ron bent down and carefully picked the girl up, and she snuggled into his chest.

"Okay, I didn't picture this happening, I figured you would afraid of me or something." Ron said to the young girl.

"Why would I be afraid? I asked God to send me an angel, but I guess he sent you instead." the girl replied. "Can I go home now?"

Blushing slightly at the girls comment Ron nodded and started carrying the girl back towards her house.

"Not bad for my first solo mission, not bad at all" Ron thought to himself.