Swaaa! It's DarknessGryphon here! Fuuuuuuu... I'm tired and hyper right now... shuu... -.- zzzzzz... :sleeping and hopping around the room simultaneously)

DISCLAIMER: I can't really own this game or these characters now, can I? If I did... ZELOS AND YUAN WOULD BE A COUPLE! MWAHAHAHAHAHA:fell on the floor asleep: (uh... I used up too much of my energy...)

WARNINGS: This is a yaoi fic (A.K.A. Slash, M/M, whatever you want to call it...), if you don't like it then please don't read it. There are also some spoilers...

NOTES: I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies I may have put it here. Also, I don't know how, but somehow Zelos and Kratos are both in this fic and on the same side, post game...

Also, I didn't notice before, (it is corrected now) but I left the 'r,' 'l,' and second 'a' out of Kharlan -.-u how emabarrassing...


"normal speech"

Chapter 1 A Strange Incident

Lloyd's POV-

There's nothing scarier than Kratos, the human seraphim, my real father yelling in all his fury...


Umm...Maybe we should start earlier...

Normal POV-

"Hello ALL my gorgeous hunnies!" Zelos walked into his dining room with arms spread wide for a hug- only to be hit by no less than sixteen pancakes in the face.

"Damned pervert!" Sheena yelled, hand poised for more pancake throwing.

"Really, Zelos. You wouldn't get such a response if you weren't such a philanderer," Raine scolded coolly while wiping syrup off of her hands.

Genis had a now sticky, syrupy kendama in his hand and was standing like a little lion cub in front of Presea.

"Don't talk to Presea like that!"

Presea turned towards Genis and gave him a normal reminder, "It's alright, Genis. You don't need to protect me. The probability that Zelos was actually serious is about two percent."

"Oh. Right." Genis flushed and sat back down. Colette, as usual, was her usual ditzy self and just giggled in that Colette-ish way. The stack of pancakes fell off of Zelos' face and he gave a look of mock defeat.

"Waa! All of my friends hate me! Save me Lloyd!" he proclaimed and glomped Lloyd who was walking zombie-like through the doorway.

"Morning..." And the swordsman kept walking while dragging the former Tethe'alla's Chosen with him.

"You alright, Lloyd?" Sheena asked, eyes full of concern, before she turned on Zelos.

"You can let go of him now!" Zelos let go quickly and flashed everyone a cheezy grin.

"Yeah, I was just up late thinking about Kratos... he's supposed to visit soon..." Lloyd explained after a time.

"I don't appreciate you losing sleep over me...son." Lloyd looked up quickly and walked over to his father, smiling. The red-haired man pulled his son into a strong embrace.

"Cute." A blue-haired seraphim walked into view.

"Yuan?" Colette smiled.

"What are you guys doing here...together?" Lloyd asked exuberantly while pulling away from his father.

"Well, your dad said he'd visit you and we have something to tell you..." Yuan explained, crossing the threshold.

"It's not something about Derris-Kharlan is it?" Genis asked worriedly.

"No! No...How do I explain th-" Yuan was cut off by Kratos grabbing him and kissing him roughly. Yuan was startled for a moment, but quickly relaxed. Footsteps sounded through the suddenly still house.

Regal stopped abruptly at the doorway.

"Is this a bad time?"

Yuan and Kratos broke apart quickly, Yuan blushing furiously and Kratos running his hand through his hair looking uncomfortable. Everyone was staring at the couple appraisingly, Lloyd with and odd expression, not sure what to make of it. Presea finally broke free of the silence.

"Hello, Regal..."

The President of the Lazareno Company was looking much more like his old self since the end of their journey. His hair was combed neatly and tied back. His clothes were once more of excellent quality. Everything was as he promised Alicia.

"So, Regal!" Raine started loudly," How's rebuilding Ozette going?" While they talked animatedly about Regal's work; Lloyd, Yuan, and Kratos were still in the same position as five minutes before. Suddenly:


Lloyd was just a bit angry, and his outburst caused Yuan to unfreeze and Kratos to turn a bit red. Colette, in one of her short bursts of smart intuition, stood up quickly.

"Sheena, Raine, Presea- how about we take the rheairds down to Altamira and have a girls' day out?" The three of them stood up quickly as well.

"Yes, Colette. That would be an appropriate action..." Presea confirmed in her calculated way.

"You know Genis, Regal...I could use some help doing...uh...uh... oh forget it. Just run!" Zelos tried to come up with an alibi and gave up, instead choosing to blatantly clear the room. Of course, none of them were really leaving Zelos' house. The seven of them all crouched by the window, safely out of sight in Zelos' garden.


As Kratos looked like he was going to keel over from embarrassment, Yuan decided to take a stab at explaining.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way for you to fid out about...us."

"Not the best way? NOT the BEST WAY! No, no...I totally expected me dad to kiss a GUY that he's been TRYING TO KILL! OF COURSE THIS WASN'T THE BEST WAY!"

"Lloyd!" Kratos had worked himself out of his embarrassed stupor and was back to normal, albeit a little flushed, "I admit I was a bit forward, but you are overreacting! Gah! Look at me! I'm arguing with my son about my boyfriend! This should be the other way around," The older swordsman began to pace and mutter to himself. Yuan looked like he wanted to laugh, but refrained from doing so when he saw the father and son's faces.

Lloyd combed a hand through his hair. He took a deep breath, contemplated if he should hold it until he passed out, then let it go. There was no use in acting like he was three.

"Okay...I'm sorry...but! No...What is this?" Lloyd said after a time. The seraphim looked at each other and Yuan nodded. Kratos wrung his hands for a moment, then took Lloyd's wrist and made him sit down on a couch. He then went around the coffee table with his love and sat down.

"This isn't going to be easy to explain... Yuan and I- we've loved each other for a long time; even before I met your mother. At first we both denied it...but then he stopped pretending. I alone rejected those feelings and convinced myself to fall in love with your mother. I didn't see him for a long time- past the events with your mother and her Cruxis Crystal. But when I did... I knew I couldn't pretend any longer. I wasn't fooling him and I wasn't fooling myself. Then...Yggdrasil sent me to look after the Chosen of Sylvarant and, well... you know that story..."

Kratos looked like he was going to be sick.

Since Kratos couldn't look at anyone, Lloyd turned to Yuan and the question shone clearly in his eyes.

"He was never trying to kill me. He just didn't want me in the way. Or hurt by Yggdrasill." The twin sword- wielder gave a nod of understanding.

"Okay... I get it. But why would you have been hurt by Yggdrasill?"

Kratos looked like he really was going to die and Yuan looked away with a hard edge in his eyes.

"He-he-he...had umm... a thing for me." The indigo-clad seraphim had an unreadable expression through his mélange of emotion. Lloyd turned pink and he mouthed a soft "o."

"That's beside the point. Are you okay with this, Lloyd? With us?" Kratos looked up now, a piercing glare directed towards his son, willing him to say yes.

Lloyd put on his goofy grin and nodded.

"Anyways... If I said no I still wouldn't have been able to stop you." He walked around the table, gave his father a hug, and shook Yuan's hand.

"Thank You, Lloyd." The red-clad swordsman patted both seraphim's backs.

"Now, now. What's with those faces? I'm happy for ya'! Let's celebrate!"

Outside there was a chorus of cheers. All three grinned, unsurprised.

"I guess we're taking everyone."


As the group walked through Meltokio, people stopped and bowed to the heroes. A few crazed fans and would-be suitors threw gifts at them. Plenty were fawning around Zelos, there were some shy ones staring at Raine, a couple more of the same type for Genis and Presea, Regal received heartsick sighs from noble ladies, Kratos and Yuan had and even group of handsome young men and beautiful young women, Sheena and Colette were being hit on openly, and to everyone's surprise, Lloyd was being buried by gifts in a mostly male crowd with offers of marriage and splendid nighttime activity.

Once they had cleared the suitors and Lloyd hacked and burned his way through the many gifts, they got to the rheairds and prepared to fly to Altamira. While in the air, the two seraphim (on one rheaird, how sweet) stayed close to Lloyd and stared at him often, whispering to each other, looking away, and doing it again. The swordsman noticed eventually and stared back, at which Kratos chucked and Yuan pinkened.

Sometime later, they landed and walked leisurely into the city. Zelos was in front; then Kratos, Lloyd, and Yuan (respectively); then Colette, Sheena, and Presea; finally came Raine and Genis. Regal had gone ahead to the restaurant.

"So Lloyd," Yuan started, "Do you have a special woman..."

"Or man," his father assured.

"...In mind?" Lloyd was so surprised that he stopped walking for a moment which was perfect timing, of course, as Colette tripped and instead of falling, pushed Lloyd into Zelos who had turned around to ask a question.

Both boys fell with a deep thud to the ground.

'Zelos...smells good...ah! What am I thinking!'

'Hmm...Lloyd is comfy and smells like leather...mmm...gahh!'

Sheena cleared her throat. Lloyd rolled off of Tethe'alla's former Chosen and Kratos, smirking, helped his son up. Zelos got up and dusted himself off before he made eye contact with Lloyd.

It was suddenly very warm.

"Sorry Zelos..." 'But not sorry enough to not want to be on the ground with you agian- what the hell! I'm not gay!' The red-clad swordsman pinkened.

"S'okay! You looked stunned..." 'And adorable. Waa! Zelos Wilder! Get yourself together!' Zelos flashed an obnoxious grin and started to walk and pick up girls again. As they resumed walking, the angelic couple tried to ask Lloyd their question once again, but he glared harshly at them.

"No. And IF there's someone... it's a GIRL."

Didja' like it? Hmm... sorry. Some of the characters are definitely ooc...

Fuu... -,-u

But please... Review... I'm begging you :big teary anime eyes: