TITTLE: "His Neck of the Woods"

AUTHOR: fresitaazul

RATING: Older Teens

CATEGORY: Angst/Romance

PAIRING: Sam and Jack

SPOILERS: Season 7 (Lost City), Season 8 (Threads)

SUMMARY: This idea was born after a suggestion brought up in the Sam/Jack yahoo group and I borrowed this particular scene from "Threads". It takes place when Sam shows up at Jack's house and before she returns to the SGC to find Jacob is sick. It would have been fun if Sam's phone hadn't rang and she would have stayed that afternoon with Jack and Kerry. Hope you enjoy it because I had a lot of fun writing it! I may write a sequel if I get some feedback. Please! It's the first fiction I post.

WARNINGS: Some references to sex and minor language. I must warn you, I am not a Pete and Kerry hater. Since neither one ended up with Sam and Jack, I treat them with respect. There is mention of both in this piece and I put them in a good light.

DISCLAIMER: The characters used in this story DO NOT belong to me. I'm just borrowing them for fun. I am not getting any money for this and don't expect to either.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to Katy for your help with reading it and helping me with your enthusiasm and advise. Also, to my mom for her support and excitement on my new-found love for writing fan fiction.

Here goes, enjoy!

Sitting frozen behind the wheel of her Volvo, Sam Carter felt her mouth dry and her hands sweat as she stared at the house in front of her and watched the smoke coming from the backyard, clearly confirming he was there maybe enjoying a beer and grilling. She had been parked in his driveway for what seemed like an eternity, so she instinctively checked her watch to confirm the grotesque amount of time she had been sitting in her car while her mind raced at amazing speed thinking how wrong it was for her to be there. She let a soft sigh escape her mouth as she realized it had only been ten minutes since she arrived and weakly closed her eyes in dismay, realizing she was parked dead, unable to move her hands and open the door. A weak smile brushed her lips as she confirmed she had absolutely no courage to face him or herself for that matter, but being that it was the sixth or seventh time she was there, she tried not to remember, she decided it was now or never… funny how a cliché defined the situation she found herself in. So with her mind set, she took a final glimpse of the diamond ring she wore in the finger of her left hand and opened the car door quickly before she listened to her head once again and drove away, like she had done all those times before.

Walking slowly, she felt her knees getting weaker and weaker as she approached the back yard of her Commanding Officer. She had been at his house in many occasions, but not since the last year or so. She cringed as she tried to recall what was the last time she had been there and almost turned around as she remembered it was since he had returned from Stasis after being frozen in Antarctica. Pete and she had started dating then, but it wasn't serious. After she feared he would die because of the Ancient Download in his mind, she had been determined to tell him how she felt. Off course, Daniel and Teal'c had showed up right before she spoke and threw herself in his arms for a long, awaited kiss. Their timing back then and even now, had been for the best. What would she have done after such a scene and him returning to become the Base Commanding Officer? Things would have been too awkward between them and then there was the issue of the rules and regulations that had hunted them for eight long years. She shook her head as the mixed thoughts of how this was a very bad idea kept popping in her mind. She made a sudden stop and breathed deeply, convincing herself that she had to do this now, before it was too late. The memory of Pete showing her the house he had just bought for them made her stomach turn because he was a good man and he loved her. And now, she was about to finally admit and speak out loud that she was making a mistake, a very big one. After that, her breaking his heart was inevitable, but she had to know if her overcooked feelings for another man were reciprocated.

As she turned around the house slightly, she found him pouring a more than necessary quantity of beer in the grill, causing a huge cloud of smoke to cover him entirely. She smiled as she thought about how he honestly believed everything could be seasoned with beer. Quickly shaking the trail of her thoughts again, she walked closer to him as steadily as she could and forced a smile, "Hi, Sir!"

General Jack O'Neill turned his head to his left quickly towards the person standing a few feet away backyard. "Carter!" He felt the speed of his heart increase considerably.

"Sorry to bother you at home like this, but…"

He interrupted her, gazing to the inside of the house quickly, then back at her, "How'd you know I was here?"

"I saw the smoke," She said with a soft and nervous smile.

He brushed the ashes from his blue shirt and eyebrows, "Oh, yeah" He looked up at her again.

She swallowed the huge lump that had formed in her throat and tried her best to meet his puzzled eyes, "Look, is this o.k.? I mean, I should've called first, but…" She trailed off, not knowing what excuse to give for her lack of manners. He was obviously uncomfortable by her sudden visit.

"No, it's o.k. I mean… it's fine." There was an odd silence between then, until he finally spoke again, "So, what brings you to this neck of the woods on such a fine day, in my backyard?" He asked in a light tone.

"Well, actually," She cleared her throat, "I-I've been sitting on your driveway for the last ten minutes trying to work up the nerve to come and talk to you," She swallowed hard again.

He didn't say anything, simply raised his eyebrows.

"The…The truth is, I've been trying to work up the nerve for a lot longer than that," Yet again, she swallowed the stupid lump that she just couldn't get rid of.


"Pete put a down payment on a house." She blurted out suddenly.

"Well, that's great!" He said, trying his best to sound sincere and excited for her.

"It's a beautiful house," She said, more to herself than to him.

"But…" He continued, raising his eyebrows at her.

"See, the…. The truth is," She swallowed again, followed by a quick clearing of her throat, "I'm having second thoughts about the wedding." She looked at him expectantly, hoping that he would understand and she wouldn't have to say anything else.

Jack tilted his head slightly, "Why?"

"See.. th-the closer it gets, the more I get the feeling that I'm making a big, huge mistake," She looked at him, he looked at her, exchanging the gazes that told each other what had remained unspoken between them for the last four years.

Jack knew exactly why she was telling him she was having second thoughts, and that scared the hell out of him. After she got engaged, he truly believed the feelings they once shared had died and he had tried his best to let her go. Now, when he was finally beginning to feel o.k. again, she threw this at him! He couldn't do it, he couldn't let her throw her happiness away for simple doubts, probably the proverbial 'cold feet'. So, what did General O'Neill do? He hid his head in the ground and ignored the obvious. "Look… Carter… I don't know what…"

"Look, I'm sorry to bother you with this, but… there's actually a very good reason why I'm bothering you with this, and if I don't tell you now, I might…never…" Her voice faded as she heard a female voice coming from inside the house.

"Jack, I looked everywhere and I could not find it!" Agent Kerry Johnson cut her words as she found the blonde Lt. Colonel standing still in front of her. They smiled at each other awkwardly and she looked at Jack quickly, then at Sam again, "Colonel Carter." She said, politely.

"Miss… Johnson," Jack said, introducing the young brunette to Sam. "We were just meeting here, in my backyard on this fine day, to… discuss the state of affairs," He moved around carelessly, spilling the beer he held in his hand all over the deck's floor.

Sam looked at him, then down to the ground raising her eyebrows in disbelieve – this could NOT be happening to her. After the amount of effort and courage it had taken her to drag herself and stand there at that moment, he confirmed he was sleeping with the CIA agent, a fact she had suspected when she saw her in his office the day before. She kicked herself mentally for making a fool of herself and prayed to God she could take off and run from there as fast as possible.

"Well, this is… awkward," Kerry said lightly, smiling and looking on Jack and Sam's direction.

"Ya think…" Sam murmured between her teeth.

"Jack didn't want anyone at the SGC to… know about…us..." Kerry continued as Jack approached her and took the potato salad and napkins from her hands, and then returned to his spot by the grill.

Sam looked at him and then at Kerry swallowing away her pride, once again, "No, really, this is my fault, I should've not come unannounced like this," She gazed at Jack, who was obviously trying to avoid her eyes.

Kerry noticed how Jack had not said a word and tried her best to lighten up the mood as she shrugged, "Well, now that you're here… why don't you just stay," Sam looked at her, "I'm sure there's enough char meat on the grill for all three of us." She smiled at Sam in reassurance.

Jack lifted the steak fork showing the burned piece of meat hanging from it and raising his eyebrows with a nervous smile.

"No, thanks, really… I should…" Sam gestured to the exit of the backyard with her hand.

"Oh, please Colonel. I assure you, we would love the company. Like Jack said, it's a beautiful day and I've been dying to meet you!" Kerry continued with the most sincere tone.

Sam looked at the younger woman and her heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach. She was beautiful, and she seemed kind and sweet. She took another glance at Jack, as Kerry joined him by the grill, both of them looking at her expectantly. "Well, I- I…"

Kerry gazed at Jack for a moment, as if asking him to say something, so he smiled and leaned down to open the cooler on the floor to take a beer from it, "Carter," He said as he walked towards her and handed her the bottle, "You haven't had my special steaks in a while. I think you should stay and tell me if I have seriously improved or if I should give up on grilling all together."

Sam's heart was pounding. Hard. She was afraid they could hear it too, so she took a very deep breath and put on her best smile for her favorite General, because she just could not say no to him and he knew it, "O.k.… I… guess I can stay for a little while," Right after she spoke the words, she regretted them. –What was she thinking? Staying to see him with her? Pure brutal torture, which she guessed her subconscious thought she deserved for getting engaged to Pete and rubbing it in his face.

"Wonderful!" Kerry exclaimed after she glanced from Jack to Sam. "I'll go get another plate." And with that, she entered the house again, leaving the two officers standing frozen in the most awkward of situations.

"Sir, I really should…." Sam said pointing to the exit of the yard again.

"Carter, please. Stay." Jack said in a serious and determined voice.

They looked at each other intensely for a moment, creating the spell they used to make years before when they could look at each other in that unique way. The magic was broken quickly as Kerry walked out again with a plate and a glass in her hands, "Colonel, I brought you a glass in case you prefer to pour your beer in it." She smiled and handed it to her.

Sam poured the liquid in it and took a long sip – she really had to be delirious to consider staying at the General's house with him and his girlfriend. "Thank you, and please call me Sam." She said to Kerry as they both took a seat on the nearest bench.

Jack, Kerry and Sam sat at the table prepared to eat the few pieces of meat that were the least burned. Sam had done a great job sorting them out and cutting them, as Kerry had quickly put burger paddies together and cooked them on the grill. The conversation up until then had been about the SGC and the Pentagon. Nothing specific and nothing important.

"So, Sam, how long were you in D.C.?" Kerry asked as she ate her last piece of steak.

"I lived there for five years. That was right before coming to Colorado Springs."

"Do you miss it?" Kerry continued as Jack watched the two women chat.

Sam smiled and raised her eyebrows, "Not really. It was nice, and I wouldn't mind going back every once in a while, but I have fallen in love with The Springs." Sam's voice had a trace of nostalgia. She loved Colorado Springs but mostly because of what it represented for her.

"Jack says he hates it! D.C I mean," Kerry laughed and drank some beer from her glass as she looked mischievously at Jack. "He says that it would take a major miracle to get him to live there."

Live there? What was she talking about? Was Jack thinking of moving in with Kerry already? Was he leaving Colorado Springs? Sam began to panic feeling awful because after all, she was the one who had supposedly moved on first and was getting married. "Oh… yeah, off course." Was Sam's little, non-significant response to the statement. Her mind was working overtime, trying to think, again, what was she doing there and why had she even thought he still cared about her that way.

Jack cleared his throat, obviously very uncomfortable by Kerry's comment, "Why don't I bring more beer?" He stood up and entered the house, disappearing behind the door.

"He gets uncomfortable often, doesn't he?" Kerry commented with a smirk.

"Yeah," Sam answered raising her eyebrows. "So, do you like D.C.?"

"It's nice, but I'm being transferred, so I'm not getting too attached."

"Really? Where, if you don't mind me asking?" Sam's voice was a bit nervous, as she saw the possibility of her moving to Colorado with Jack.

"L.A." She said simply as she looked at Sam with a small smile.

"Oh?" Sam couldn't help feeling surprised.

Kerry watched as Sam looked at her, not daring to mouth the words, "You're thinking about my relationship with Jack, aren't you?"

Sam almost chocked on her food, so she took a long sip of her beer. "No, off course not. That's none of my business."

Kerry looked at her narrowing her eyes with a smile, then at the potato salad left on her plate, "I think it is," She was quiet, "I mean, he's your Commanding Officer and I'm sure he's also your friend." She looked up again, watching that Jack was not on his way back. "I wondered why he didn't want anyone to know about us, but now I understand."

Sam felt her face turn pink and she lowered it to hide it as much as she could. She couldn't think of anything to say, had she been that obvious?

"He likes to keep his personal life private," Kerry lied. She knew too well why Jack didn't want anyone, especially Sam, to know about their relationship. Still, she continued nonchalantly, "And I respect that. So, I'm o.k. with keeping it between us." Kerry gazed at Sam one more time and then smiled as Jack approached them, opening the glass door.

"Ladies! Anyone need another beer? I've got plenty here with me," Jack said, trying to keep his eyes on Kerry, every so often looking on Sam's direction. He placed the multiple bottles in the cooler and started to sit on his chair, until a beeping sound disturbed the silence in Jack's yard.

Kerry checked her pager and then her watch as she stood up and went around Jack, "Sorry. I'm called back to work so I really should get going." She placed her hand softly on the small of his back. "Wanna walk me out, Jack?"

Jack tensed up a little as he felt her warm hand on his body, "Yes, off course." He looked at Sam, "I'll be right back, Carter. Don't you dare move from here; you haven't told me if I passed the test on my steaks."

Kerry and Sam smiled widely and then Kerry extended her hand to Sam, which she took, "Sam, it's been such a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you, I'm glad we got a chance to talk even if it was short."

"Like wise, Kerry. I'm sure I'll see you soon." Sam said, mirroring her smile with Kerry's.

"Yeah, maybe. Our jobs will have us meet again." Kerry smiled again and walked through the door, followed by Jack.

As Kerry picked her purse and car keys from the dresser in Jack's room, she saw him stand right outside the door, looking at her. "Jack…" She said from the spot where she stood, not approaching him.

"Yeah?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest and gazed at her with a small side smile.

She thought about what words to use, but found none, so she simply walked to him and kissed him softly on the lips, "I'm sorry I have to go,"

"Yeah, me too."


Jack frowned at her question "Off course! What do you mean by, 'really'?" He said, almost offended.

"Nothing. I mean nothing." She shook her head and looked into his eyes one more time before she walked around him towards the front door.

Jack grabbed her arm to stop her and turned her around gently, "Something wrong?"

She smiled softly but sadly, "No, off course not. I'm fine," They looked at each other for a fraction of a second and then she moved her arm to release it from Jack's light grasp, "I'll come see you tomorrow at the Base, o.k.?"

"O.k." He looked down to his feet, then towards the deck where Sam was, still sitting on her chair with her back to them.

Kerry followed his gaze and lowered her eyes, "I better go, Colonel Carter is waiting." She turned around and opened the door, but Jack closed it immediately.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jack gazed at her, with a pint of frustration in his voice. "If you want to tell me something, I'd rather you say it now."

"What I mean is that she's waiting and I have to go." They stared at each other, her eyes sad, and his confused and mortified, "Jack, please. I do have to go."

Jack was failing miserably at handling the situation and he felt awful because he did want her to go and leave him and Sam alone so she could finish what she had come to tell him.

"Look, I…" He trailed off, passing his hand through his hair in desperation.

"Jack, you don't have to say anything, really." And with this, she opened the door and left, closing it behind her, not looking back.

Jack stood there, staring at the closed dark wooden door. He dipped his head between his large hands and dropped them roughly from his face. This was so not the way he thought his day would end. It started well, with him in bed with Kerry; then, it began to worsen as Carter called and he had taken off to attend the weapon issue with Teal'c and Bra'tak. After that, Carter had gotten two desperate calls from her beloved fiancé, and the wedding item was rubbed in his face once again. After he had retreated from the briefing room to his office, he had called Kerry and asked her to meet him at his house for a grill out. He needed to forget that Carter was getting married soon, and that he would loose her forever. So Kerry, a beautiful, smart, funny woman who for some strange reason he could not explain liked him back, was being the best excuse for him to leave the Base and not deal with his troubled heart.

He felt like the biggest bastard that ever existed. The fact that Kerry Johnson had found out today he was using her to forget about a certain blonde Colonel was killing him because he didn't think she would ever have to know. Neither one of them would ever have to know. Certainly the last thing he ever thought was that Carter would show up at his house while he was playing hot shot with a woman half his age. Well, maybe not half, but close.

He gazed again to the backyard and with a deep breath, poured some of his Jack Daniel's in a clean glass and then he walked towards the deck. He opened the glass door and smiled. "Hey!" He said cheerfully.

She turned around and looked at him with a small smile, "Hey, Sir." She watched as he moved to his chair and drank a long sip of his whisky. "Sir, this is not what I…"


She lowered her face and looked away from his eyes for a moment. She needed to sort this out; she needed to take action, like she did with her job. "How is it that I can manage to blow up a sun but I can't sort out my own life?" When she realized she had spoken her thoughts, her face turned dark red and she hid it with her palms as she supported her arms with her elbows on the table.

He raised his eyebrows at the confession and felt even more awkward, if that was possible. "You can sort out your life, Carter. At least I thought you had," There, he had managed to make it more awkward.

She pulled her face from her hands and lifted her eyes to look at him. She rarely saw the look he was giving him right now, a look of pain and confusion. "Sir, we need to talk."

"Yes, we do." He affirmed after a small pause.

Neither one of them said the next word. They simply stared at each other, communicating with eyes what words could not express. But still, even for them, eyes could be misleading, and she needed to get this out of her chest so with a deep breath, she stood and walked to the rail of the deck, her back to him, "Pete is a good guy. He's a great guy, actually."

He turned to look at her, as she spoke. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. He is kind, loving, hard working, funny…"

Jack wanted to yell at her for giving him a full detailed description of how great her fiancé was. He could only hope this would lead to somewhere good, otherwise, he was going to have to snap at her. So he took a deep breath and interrupted her before she continued on and told him how great he was in bed. "All wonderful things I suppose… and again I dare ask… but?"

She turned around to look at him, supporting her weight on the railing. "As much as I've tried and as much as I want to, I will never love him the same way he loves me." She swallowed hard and looked away, almost embarrassed at the miserable confession.

He looked at her again, and then looked away, lowering his head and taking the glass of whisky form the table. "I see..." He took a long drink and waited for the alcohol to reach some of his brain before he got the nerve to say what was coming. "And you're telling me this, why?" He knew why, but since she had come here to talk with him first, he was going to give her the honor to make the first move.

She darted her eyes on his, and then swallowed hard once again, "Because I thought you should know." She walked back and sat down on the chair across from him, taking a sip of her own drink. They remained quiet for a moment, not daring to look at each other, each lost in the confusion of their feelings.

"I think Kerry and I will be over by tomorrow."

Her heart jumped as he suddenly brought her back from her thoughts with his words. "She told you that?"

"No, I just… know." Just then he met her eyes again and a small and fast smile painted his lips. "Please don't say you're sorry."

He knew her well, and all she could do was smile. "Sir…"

"Carter, would you mind calling me Jack for now? If it's too hard, don't call me anything, just… drop the 'Sir', will ya?"

"I'll… try." Sam responded with a soft smile.

Jack gazed at her and thoughts of how much he respected her and admired her invaded his mind. - What was he doing? Where were they going with this? He was still her CO and even if they spoke out their feelings for each other, which they hadn't still, they would be back on square one. The regulations were still there and all the years they had restrained from breaking those rules, would be for nothing. So, he took another long sip of his drink and took hold of all the courage he had to tell her what she deserved to hear, "Carter. If you think Pete's such a great guy, why don't give it a chance? I mean, you could grow to love him more, you know," He sighed, "Sam, you deserve to be happy."

Her heart dropped to her feet. Of all the things she thought he would say, she didn't want him to advise her to actually go on with the wedding. This made her very angry because she knew Jack O'Neill and knew how self-deprecating he was. "I can't believe this!" She stood up angrily form her chair and walked closer to him shaking her head, standing up so his face was at the level of her abdomen. "You think you know what I want? What I deserve? You don't have the slightest idea, Jack O'Neill! Believe me I try my hardest to remain calm, centered, focused; to be perfect, to do what's right all the time. You and everyone around me ask this of me and I always put others ahead of me because that's what's expected," She tried to breath, but the anger and frustration was boiling, and if she didn't let it out, she was going to explode. "Pete goes and buys a house… a God damned house! Like that's gonna make life so much better. Like I'm gonna turn into this housewife who will wait for him pregnant while he goes to work. Now there's nothing wrong with that, but that's just not me! Maybe he deserves someone who wants that, who will love him back just the same and maybe more. Who will look at him and want to give up her own life for him, regardless of the consequences. Someone who no matter what, will see herself old and happy with him, lying by her side. And, someone who definitely doesn't look at him and wish every second she's with him that he's someone else… Someone who doesn't want him to be you!" She felt the warm tears hopelessly falling from her eyes too late to block them. They were sad and angry tears and she was helpless when her effort to stop them failed.

His eyes were on her face the whole time she spoke, yelled even, because she was pouring her heart out to him, and Samantha Carter didn't do that often. She was too much like him, keeping her emotions in check, cautiously locked inside. So when she was done and she searched his eyes blinking away the water that clouded them and turned them into the most wonderful tone of blue he had ever seen, he wrapped his arms around her waist as tight as he could and pressed his forehead against her stomach.

She was surprised by his action and stood frozen for a while until instinctively her hands came around his head and she stroked it with her fingers. She leaned over and hugged his head to her body resting her cheek on the soft silver hair, as he hugged his own arms even more around her tall frame.

After many minutes passed, he softened the embrace and raised his head to meet her eyes. He smiled softly and pulled her to him to sit her on his lap. She let him guide her, feeling weak and vulnerable, but she didn't care. She didn't mind because when he did this to her, she felt safe, secured and loved.

"Sam, there is nothing else in the universe that I'd want more than to be with you and make you happy until we're both really old." He thought about it for a moment and continued, "Now, let me tell ya, that would be unfair to you because I'm already old…"

She giggled against his hair and continued her tender caress on his short gray strands.

He gazed at her with all the love and adoration he felt for the woman who stole his thoughts and dreams for the last eight years, and with tenderness he brushed the tears from her cheeks with his thumb. "Say the word and I will do it." He whispered seriously.

"You don't have to do anything."


"Not an option."

He looked up and as their eyes locked, she lowered her face and her mouth met his, brushing her lips softly against his. The gentle and intimate contact sent electric shocks through both their bodies and before their mouths joined fully, their eyes met again and with them they smiled at each other, as they finally locked into a blissful kiss. It started tender and subtle, and then she deepened it as she opened her lips and freed her tongue to lick his warm thin lips, begging for entrance. He obeyed quickly as his own tongue explored the depths of her mouth, shy at first, and then hungry and needy. Their tongues and lips moved inside one another, enjoying the wonder and fulfillment of that first true kiss. His was expert and careful, and hers was sensual and soft. His arms wrapped around her back and hers grabbed his head strongly against her mouth, not letting him brake contact. Soft and passionate moans escaped both their mouths and they each swallowed the other's as the kiss evolved and she instinctively turned her body around and straddled him against the chair. Desire was consuming them both, as they felt the other's heart beat thump fast and eager. His hands moved down to caress her lower back moving towards her butt, and as he realized that if they didn't stop they would end up having sex right there on his backyard chair, he tried his best to regain control and murmured into her ear, still groaning with desire, "Sam…Oh, God..." She kissed his neck, trailing wet kisses along his pulse, up to his jaw. "Sam… If we don't stop now…"

Her mind was a blur, all she could think about was the strength of the feelings she felt for the man she was kissing and she didn't care about anything else. When she heard his voice saying her name, she was suddenly brought back to reality and how they still needed to sort other things out before taking that much wanted step. So, with a moan she separated her lips from his face and held it between her hands. "Yes, I know…"

"You know…" He said, his eyes dark with love and passion for the woman sitting on top of him.

"I know." She began to stand up but he pulled her back down. She frowned and looked at him puzzled.

"I ah… my pants are a bit revealing, if you know what I mean…" He said shyly, his face flushed with lust and a bit of embarrassment.

She smiled and giggled against his hair, "Yes, I can feel it," She darted her eyes on him and gave him that smile that melted his heart every time, "Thank you."

"Thank you? For what?"

"Just… thank you."

"Sam…C'mon! Tell me."

She dropped her face down against his neck and then looked up again, "For wanting me."

Now, Samantha Carter had seen Jack O'Neill smile, but the smile he gave her at then was unique in its kind, "For wanting you? You're kidding, right?" He laughed and pulled her body closer to him, nuzzling his face on her neck, "I've wanted you since the moment I met you, Sam. You doubted that?"

She blushed at the revelation. Not that she didn't know they had a boiling sexual tension for years, but she thought that somehow it had died on his side along the way. She smiled as she felt the vibration of his voice against the soft skin of her neck, "Maybe…" She confessed.

His smiled turned into a smug, "Carter, Carter. Sometimes I wonder what really goes on inside that head of yours."

"Oh Jack, do you really want to know?" She raised her eyebrows challenging him.

"There has to be more than techno babble in there, I know it." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Now what is that supposed to mean?"

"What?" He asked innocently.

"That! The eyebrows thing. What do you think goes on in my head?"

"A lot of confusion and more…confusion…" His hands flew to the sides, in a typical Jack O'Neill manner.

"Just confusion?"

"No. I'm sure you also get some fun ideas every once in a while,"

She laughed and dropped her head back, "Fun ideas? Like what?"

"Well, just now you said you thought I didn't want you anymore. Do you want me, Carter?"

"Uh, I don't know Jack. Let me think because if a kiss like the one we just had doesn't tell you how much I want you, then I don't know what does."

"True." He reflected.

"By the way, how do I sitting on top of you help with your… problem down there?" She lowered her eyes and smirked.

"Shut up." His face was bright red, because he knew she could feel the prominent bulge between them. He kissed her cheek and stared at her for a moment. "So, going back to the point of the initial conversation… got a plan?"

"Plan? No. Do I know what I want, yes."

Now he adored her for many reasons, and that had to be one of them. She went with a plan and he knew it, well, at least she said she knew what she wanted, that sounded like a plan to him. "And… Pete?" He said the name reluctantly.

Suddenly, she realized she was still engaged to Pete and was now straddling her CO in his backyard, "Oh God…."

Yup, she had returned to the land of regulations and rules. Jack sighed because he knew she would back out soon enough. When she didn't, he was down right shocked, "Sam?"


"Are you o.k. with this?"

"With this being…" She trailed off.

"You, straddling me, very, very close to my crotch, which is extremely nice don't get me wrong…" She laughed into his hair once again, "This. You and I like this."

"Well, I was hoping we could make some changes so we won't be breaking the rules after all. I mean, after all this time, it would be pretty stupid."

There it was! She would not be here like that with him if she hadn't thought about the options first. God, he loved her so much!- What? Loved her? He really hadn't admitted that to himself, and he was doing it now. That could be a start of something good, something great. "What's on your mind, then?" He narrowed his eyes as he shook the previous thoughts from his head, "You won't consider my retirement, and you know I will not accept your resignation. So…"

"So, I'm thinking of taking a post somewhere else." He widened his eyes in horror, "Jack, please. Would you at least consider it?"

"Absolutely not, Sam. If someone's leaving the SGC that will be me. You are much more needed than I am."

"Why is that?"

"Did you really ask me that?"

"I'm waiting…" She challenged.

Jack's face was turning red. She was not gonna let him off easily and he was trapped between her legs. -Wow, he never thought he would actually think that… Trapped between her legs.- The thought of it sent tingles to all the right places once again. After a pause and her eyes darting his he sighed and looked at her as serious as he could. Yup, no way out this time, O'Neill. "Because you're a brilliant scientist, an outstanding Colonel and leader, and you're younger and way better than me."

She looked at him, knowing quite well what he would say, so a smile painted her lips and she caressed his hair, "You exasperate me Jack. First, I am not better than you," He was about to respond, but she silenced him with her fingers, "Ah, ah! No. You are very important to the SGC and to the Universe, for that matter. If you weren't, believe me, the President would've not promoted you to General and appointed you as Base Commander. But you know these things, deep inside because you're way smarter than what you let people believe. Your biggest drawback Jack is that I already know you too well, and I don't buy your act anymore." She stared at him as he lowered his eyes, "Don't give me that crap about how you'll retire and we'll live happily ever after, because that won't happen and to tell you the truth, it wouldn't work, at least not yet. You are brilliant to me, Jack. You have any idea how wonderful you are to me? I don't care what General Hammond thinks, or the President, or anybody for that matter! I, Samantha Carter, want you just the way you are. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Plain Jack O'Neill, huh?"

"Yup. Plain Jack O'Neill."

He gazed at her again, "C'mere," He pulled her into a hug, one of those that melted them into each other.

When they came apart, he brushed her cheek with his thumb and kissed her forehead, as she rested her head by his neck. "We'll deal with it. It'll be o.k."

"Yeah, I know." Sam smiled and caressed his face tenderly. "Now, I better get up and go before I end up dragging you with me to your bedroom."

"Why don't cha?" He teased with an evil smirk.

She narrowed her eyes and shook her head, "I better ignore that, General." She stood up and fixed her skirt, top and sweater. She looked down at him still sitting on the chair, his eyes locked on her. "What?"


"You're staring. What?'

"Oh, nothin'. I just… I always wanted to stare at you freely like this. It's nice." He was grinning, definitely grinning.

She felt her heart jump, as if she was a school girl with a school crush, with the deep blush of her face and everything. She shook her head and smiled, "Well, General. I better get to the base, Dad is there and I promised him we would play at least one or two games of Chess."

"Say hi to Dad for me." He said as he stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her nose lovingly. "Does it feel weird? Y'know, us like this?"

She smiled warmly, "No, it actually doesn't."

"I'm so glad, because it doesn't feel weird for me either. Cool!"

She lifted her head and pulled his neck a bit to kiss him gently on the lips. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah." He lowered his arms as he acknowledged they still hugged her, not wanting to let her go. She finally pulled away and as she walked towards the curb around the house he screamed, "Carter!"

She stopped and turned around, "Yes, Sir?"

"Thanks for stopping by."

She smiled warmly and her eyes lit up, "Anytime, Sir. Love your neck of the woods."


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