Disclaimer: Merely a work of fandom.

The Proverbial Can of Worms

By tarot-flair

Still only Eighteen

A gentle brush of lips; feather soft and tantalizing. An exchange of breath; reverent and electric. Then the slight pressure against her lips increased as he pressed his mouth over hers and stayed. He slanted his mouth persuasively across hers until her lips parted and he could touch his tongue to hers. The kiss exploded.

Cagalli wanted more and when he did not seem willing to provide it, she snaked an arm over his neck and pulled him closer, her fingers tangled in familiar, soft locks of hair. She parted her lips willingly, and he obliged, exploring her mouth hungrily with his tongue, lost in her scent and taste.

She could vaguely feel long, slender fingers coasting tenderly over her cheekbones, brushing back and forth on her neck. It sent shivers down her spine; shivers of the pleasant, wholly sinful kind. He pressed openmouthed kisses to her cheek, her ear, into her hair, leaving deliciously damp traces of his affection. His hand cupped the back of her head, as he trailed languid kisses down the curve of her neck before lingering at the spot where her neck met her shoulders. She could feel a vague stinging sensation and she instinctively arched her head, giving him more access to her neck.

Cagalli woke up with a start, her chest heaving from the sheer realism of her dream. It had felt so real. He had felt so solid. Bracing her forearms against her knees, she tried to catch her breath and then she raised her head, instantly recoiling in a blend of embarrassment and surprise when she met a set of amused green eyes.

He smiled, -an infuriatingly smug smile. "Did you sleep well?"

She could feel the crimson heat rising into her cheeks and her mouth worked helplessly but it seemed as if her voice had temporarily abandoned her. Which could actually be a blessing in disguise or she might have blurted out the strange fantasy she had been having of him. And then she would have to fire him.

"Well, you have an appointment with Chairman Durandal in thirty minutes." He consulted his watch and directed yet another smug grin (she couldn't figure out why he was so unusually arrogant today) at her.

Then, there was no time for embarrassment as she leapt from the bed and made a beeline for the dressing room.

Struggling into the exasperating dress she had brought along with her for the important meeting with the Chairman, she paused and moved closer to the full-length mirror in her walk-in closet. Angling her head to the right, she stared incredulously at the mirror. At the vivid scarlet mark on the side of her neck.

Author's Note: My version of why Cagalli brought along a dress and yet ended up in the Representative outfit for the meeting with Durandal in the first episode. The very useful /cough/ high collar of the Representative blouse… Yeah, I know I ought to update "A New Dawn" but the last scene just refuses to be written… if you cross your fingers it might be up tomorrow. My apologies! Oh and of course please remember to tell me what you think of my overactive imagination.