Right Marine? Right Air Force.
Chapter One: New Beginnings
Interestingly enough some days SG1 doesn't do everything together. Some days she likes being alone. Well, she's not going to lie she loves her guys, they're her teammates, her best friends, and her family but sometimes.. it's nice to be an individual. Not going to lie, the first few times she sat in the mess alone or didn't have something to do on Wednesday afternoon she got depressed. Felt the loneness. And she wanted to call them all back up and say 'No, no wait I'm not actually doing anything'. But she didn't. She bore the pain out like the good little soldier. And she had no one to be mad at but herself.
It turned out to be okay though. It forced her to do stuff. She dabbled in a few hobbies. Deciding what she did and didn't like, storing them away for rainy days. And it became easier to discover and be Samantha Carter.
Captain Samantha Carter sat at a table by herself in the mess reading a lovely new fiction novel that Janet had loaned her when someone coughed, right above her head. Kind of near her right ear. Maybe they were clearing their throat she offered charitably. Memorizing her page number Sam raised her head prepared to fend off any unwanteds. When she actually saw whom it was her brow furrowed in consternation. And confusion.
She looked around, almost waiting for someone to say gotcha. "Can I help you sir?"
He nodded. "Mind if I sit?"
She shook her head and watched semi surreally as he placed his tray across from her. Eying his breakfast she noted that it was definitely well rounded and proportional. Admiring it she almost forgot who the man sitting across from her was.
"Um sir, not that I mind but what are you doing?"
The man sitting across from her grinned. "SG3 had the day off and you looked lonely. And the most approachable." His face had gone sheepish. Sam didn't know Marines could make sheepish faces. She tilted her head to get a better look.
In a daze she automatically replied. "Thank you, but I always eat breakfast alone on Tuesdays and Fridays." He nodded seriously, mentally stowing away that information.
He gestured to her book. "I don't want to interrupt you, continue please, you'll never know I'm here." She nodded appreciatively but for some reason her book wasn't as attractive as the manly cologne floating from across the table.
He sat with her on Friday too; SG3 was still off. And the next Tuesday as the rest of SG3 was in the infirmary. A pattern continued so that for the next few weeks so that Captain Samantha Carter, USAF, and Colonel Robert Makepeace, USMC, shared the breaking of the morning fast twice a week.
And they both, without realizing it, began to expect it.
"I'm assigning SG3 to this mission."
Jack's head whipped up. "Excuse me sir."
General Hammond tilted his head and put on his best stare down mask. "You have a problem with that Colonel?"
Jack squirmed. "Just why sir?"
His CO schooled his features to hide his evil grin. "Colonel this planet has a recent history of Gou'ald occupation. With your track record I want back up on this mission. Is that understood?" Jack nodded sadly. "Good, you all ship out in 20 minutes. Dismissed."
Captain Carter told herself that the butterflies flitting around in her stomach were from something she ate.
15 minutes later Colonel Jack O'Neill was ready and waiting.
16 minutes later Teal'c joined him.
17 minutes later Colonel Robert Makepeace and SG3 entered the Gate Room.
17.5 minutes later Daniel came rushing in.
19.5 minutes later Captain Carter deemed them with her presence.
She hadn't meant to be almost late. It was just that, well, he was a Marine. Sure they had breakfast together. And they talked. But neither one had mentioned introducing the other to their team or had even mentioned to their respective teams any hint that they even walked on the same side of the street. So she had waited until the last minute to enter.
And she could tell Colonel O'Neill was a little annoyed. Oh well.
Moments later combined forces of SG1 and SG3 were looking over the lush land of P3X-297. Jack stepped to the head of the group.
"Okay let's divvy up." He looked down at the four different trails fanning out from the Stargate. "Teal'c Lt. Johnson. Carter and Makepeace. Daniel you're with me and you two jarheads can stick together." Lt.'s James Prounce and Lucas Bouver just rolled their eyes. As the four teams started out Jack called over his shoulder: "Check in every hour."
Jack and Daniel chose the first center path while Teal'c and Johnson took the second leaving Sam and Makepeace the outer left trail. They walked for about forty-five minutes before either one said a word. It was Makepeace.
"Its not like I'm embarrassed. I mean I'm not slinking around I don't know why this is so awkward" he whispered.
Sam nodded. "It's not like were dating or something."
Yet suddenly images of flowers, Friday night dancing, curled up in front of movies and sharing a bed popped into both SGC member's minds. Robert shook from his mind thoughts of how soft Samantha Carter really was from his mind and Sam cleared her throat.
"We're just friends, right Marine?"
Robert nodded. "Right Air Force."
They spat, shook hands, and chuckled. All the tension had faded.
They had been walking for about an hour and a half when they found the temple. Daniel was overjoyed beyond words, Jack bored beyond tears. Daniel had been diligently working for an hour before he noticed Jack's wrinkled brow.
The man snapped out of reverie. "What?"
Daniel's gaze pierced him. "What's wrong?" Jack tried to wave his worries away. "Come on Jack I know something's bothering you, in fact this entire time you've seemed kind of distracted." Jack opened his mouth to retaliate but the retort died on his lips.
Instead he asked. "Have you noticed something off about Carter?"
Daniel puzzled for a moment before answering. "Nothing specifically, but she has seemed kind of tense today."
Jack indicated his agreement. "She was almost late, I mean usually she walks with either me or Teal'c but today.."
Daniel nodded back. "I'll make sure to fish about it tonight."
Jack huffed. "Speaking of which we should probably get going and set up a camp." With a flick of his thumb Jack recalled the four teams to the starting point so they could search for a decent campsite.