Chapter Fourteen
Sixty Years Later…
"Moving on to our Entertainment news, Gracie Lang is live in Toronto; Gracie?"
"Thanks Nicole. I'm standing outside of G Major recording studio. As we reported earlier in the week music legend Jude Harrison passed away. This morning family and friends gathered for a memorial service, which was broadcasted live on CTV's Music Network. Fans have been paying their respects all hours since word first broke out of her death. Candles, flowers, letters, balloons and even stuffed animals surround the outer surface of G Major.
Fans we interviewed were greatly impacted by Jude's music, some of them have been fans of hers since she first started in the business when she was just fifteen years old. One fan left behind a guitar shaped music box, the note attached reading, "May your music play on in everyone's heart," She told me Jude was an inspiration to all, not only did her music touch lives but her endeavors to support cancer research were admirable."
"How did she get so involved in the crusade to find a cure for cancer?" Nicole asked over the air.
"After the death of her husband music star and respected producer Tommy Quincy, Jude was determined to support the foundations as much as she could."
"Didn't Tommy have a brain tumor?"
The cameras flashed back to Gracie before she spoke into her microphone, "That's correct. He was diagnosed shortly after he and Jude married. With treatment the tumor was cured, but about a year and a half later the tumor was back, and had sadly spread to other parts of his body. He died a year later, leaving behind Jude and their one year old son Aidan.
Three years after Tommy's death Jude began raising money for cancer research; never taking anything on full time. When her son was ten Jude founded a non-profit foundation she later named 21 H&Q. 21 H&Q offers support for love ones of cancer patients, while raising funds to be divvied out to cancer research University's. Her foundation is still running strong today, her son Aidan took over ten years ago. Jude spent and dedicated herself to the company."
"If she was dedicated to 21 H&Q, why and when did Jude get back into the music business?"
"Jude walked away when Tommy was re-diagnosed with cancer. According to her family at that time Jude had every intention of returning later on; once Tommy passed away Jude was devastated, she lived the next thirteen years forbidding anyone from mentioning her return to music.
When Aidan, her son turned fourteen he wanted to learn how to play guitar--- Jude brought out her old Gibson and taught him how. After that the music bug struck a chord in her heart. The next year Jude was back at G Major recording again; she never toured, only agreeing to do performances here and there.
When interviewed about her music career Jude is quoted saying, "I had many offers from different record companies, but I'll never leave G Major. My music is in my heart, and since my heart is with my husband, I feel grounded here. When I'm recording a song I can see Tommy sitting behind the soundboard like he used to. I can never leave that; these people are my second family."
And a second family they were. Everyone here at G Major loved and adored Jude. Her music expands over four decades, throughout her career Jude released twenty-two albums, twenty of them reaching number one on record charts; forty number one songs, ten music videos staying in the top three for more than two months; sold out concerts and a top selling autobiography. Over the expanse of her career Jude received many awards and top honors.
All of her profit Jude gave away; money from the albums she put into trust funds for her family, all other profits Jude earned she gave away to 21 H&Q and many other charities. To say the least, Jude led a great life, showing the world her amazing talents.
Jude Harrison Quincy, mother of one, grandmother of four, and great-grandmother of two. Daughter, sister, wife, friend and inspiration to all passed away last week of natural causes in her sleep; she was eighty-five years old.
Reporting live from G Major studios I'm Gracie Lang, Nicole back to you."
"Thank you Gracie. As mentioned earlier Jude Harrison's memorial service was held this morning, following the service family gathered for a private burial. This music icon was buried next to her husband, Tommy Quincy." Shuffling papers Nicole faced the camera again, "Thank you all for tuning in, we will be ending our broadcast tonight with footage of Aidan Quincy speaking at his mothers memorial. Until next time, may Jude's music play on in everyone's lives and hearts."
Aidan's Speech
"No one can ever prepare themselves for this kind of day; a day in which we say our final goodbye; goodbye to someone who taught us all with just one smile what the meaning of love is. My mother, Jude Harrison Quincy was and will always remain one of a kind; a true and rare gem. I could not have been more blessed with a better mother. My mom was beautiful from the inside out, her eyes sparkled and her voice could melt any heart," Pausing Aidan glanced across the room observing all his friends and family taking in their teary eyes.
"She would have been angry at us all for crying right now," Gently smiling he continued, "Determined and stubborn beyond belief my mom lived each day with one wish; to make sure I was raised right. After my dad passed away she was forced to raise me alone, she was my mom but suddenly she was also my dad. She cooked, cleaned, did all other household chores; she also did the yard work, learned how to change a car tire; she even put up a brave front with it came to killing spiders," Smiling along with everyone as they softly chuckled at the thought of Jude killing a spider Aidan felt a pang in his heart.
"My mother was everything to me, my rock, my shield. She always made it clear I could go to her for anything; and I did. One thing I'll miss the most about her, just being able to pick up the phone and hear her welcoming voice on the other end," Clearing his throat Aidan wiped away a tear, "I know I'm rambling on into many directions, but trying to find the right words to say are incredibly hard. There are not enough of them to describe how amazing my mom was.
One gift she gave me; not too long ago actually, was pictures of my dads final days. Not just of him, but him and I. Mom had them in a box, hidden away. She explained to me when I was growing up she wanted me to know my father for who he was, not for what took him. I hold no memories of my dad, but in my heart he was always with me, and with my mom.
She showed me pictures, played me his songs, told me stories; watched home movies with me. We even baked dads favorite cake every year on his birthday," Closing his eyes tightly letting a few tears escape Aidan chocked down a sob, "Sorry--- about those pictures… there is one of the three of us. Mom sitting on the bed with her left arm carefully holding me while her right hand is tightly intertwined with dads. To anyone we look like a normal family, to those who knew the truth, there is so much more. A man who was dying, a woman whose heart was breaking, and a child who only knew love. Even though there was so much pain in the air, in both my parents eyes, I see love. Love for me and more importantly love for one another."
Aidan's wife, seated in the front row met his eyes, slowly she smiled, giving him silent support to go on, "Now that I am married I know and understand that kind of love. I cannot fathom the thought of losing my wife, let alone having to raise my kids without her; how my mom survived astounds me. Then again my mom was braver than anyone.
Right now I know she's with my dad, making beautiful music. They were an incredible team. Somewhere they are singing to the angels," Closing his eyes, picturing his parents, "Sixty years is a long time to make up for," Tilting his head up Aidan opened his eyes, "Mama, thanks to your great love this world is a better place. Give dad a hug for me---from hello to goodbye I love you, I love you, I love you."
The End
A/N: And there you guys have it. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to not only read this story but to leave me comments. You guys have been amazing and I truly appreciate all the kind words. I know this was not the easiest story to read. Not everyone wants to read about death, especially that of a beloved character.
Life is not always full of bubbly happy times, but it does make a difference in how every person goes about it. One comment that really touched me from Allysonconflicted said "This story has made me realize that the little things in life are important," WOW!
I really had hopes of sending that message across. A smile, a simple hello, even a hug can makes the world of differences in a persons life. When Stuart shaved Tommy's face, I wanted the impact of that to ring forth. Stuart was simply doing something all men do, yet to Tommy it was an act of love. Same with having Aidan be dressed in a pirate costume, it sounded corny but I thought it was something small Tommy would like.
The journey from Hello to Goodbye is in our hands, it's up to us to decide how to live it out.
Thanks again for reading!
Love to you all,