Hey everyone! Hope you liked the last chapter! This is the last chapter of the story! I hope as many people review as they did last time. Thank you to Hanbags who has helped me out with everything. Now to the story.

The Heylin Rose Chapter: 4

5 years later

Kimiko: 18 years old

Raimundo: 19 years old

Omi: 16 years old

Clay: 20 years old

Chase Young and Kimiko now ruled the world. The others had tried to stop them many times but never succeeded. They haven't seen Kimiko since she had joined the Heylin Side. Mostly Chase was the one who attacked them. Now the others have changed, and so has Kimiko.

Raimundo now has the same messy hair but longer, he has grown a bit taller, and is one of the nicest members of the Xiaolin Dragons. Clay is beginning to grow a beard, and has a bigger hat. He thinks that everyone should have a second chance. Omi is finally taller but, unfortunately, still has no hair. He is the best fighter, finally learned slang, and always has a plan.

No one knew what Kimiko looked like, since they hadn't seen her in five years. They decided to go try and stop Kimiko and Chase one last time in their palace. Omi decided then came up with a plan. "Listen up guys, first we will sneak in through the palace. Once we get in, we will go for Kimiko first since Chase still seems like a better fighter. Alright? Let's go!" They all tried to sneak through a window when one of Chase's cats came up behind them and grabbed them.

When the cat had caught them it dragged them into Chase's lair where he is sitting in a throne, with Kimiko at his side. Raimundo looked up at her and stared, for she was more beautiful than ever. She had her hair down, and seemed to be as tall as Raimundo. She was wearing an outfit like Raimundo's leader robes, only hers was for the Heylin side. She was also wearing a bright gold necklace.

Chase looked at Kimiko and said, "Dear, dear Kimiko. Would you please dispose of the poor Xiaolin Monks? I am quite sure they would love to be killed by their old friend." But Kimiko replied, "No Chase. I want them as slaves. I need some, as I am ruler of the world." She told one of the cats to bring them into her room and put them behind bars. Once they got to her room they tried to persuade her out of being evil.

"Kimiko, please. You do not belong on the Heylin side!" Omi cried. But she would not listen. So they decided to give up. She used them all for the deeds she did not want to do. But she mostly used Raimundo. In fact she seemed to be watching at him most of the time. One night when Omi and Clay were asleep Kimiko walked up to Raimundo and asked him, "Raimundo, will you join me in ruling the world? I wouldn't ask the others because they aren't as powerful. Will you take my offer?" Raimundo refused. Kimiko got angry with him, so she slapped him. She asked him again and he still refused, so she slapped him again. Rai saw Omi wake up and silently break out of his bars. Then he came up behind Kimiko and hit her so hard she went into unconsciousness.

They tied her up and when she woke up they asked her, "How do you stop Chase Young and return you to normal?" Kimiko laughed, "Why would I tell you? I like being evil." Raimundo looked into her eyes, expecting to see her normal sapphire blue color. But instead he saw red. He thenrealized that she had been in the Ying-Yang World. Luckily, both Yo-Yo's were in the room. He grabbed them, made the portal and pushed her in. Then he made the portal again and she came out normal.

She looked around and saw Raimundo, Clay, and Omi staring at her. "Guys! I thought I would never see you again." Pulling them into a hug she told them how to stop Chase. Kimiko walked out of her room and into Chase's. "Chase, I need the Chaos Helmet and the Isenguard Arrows to punish the little servants. Could I borrow it?" He just nodded, for he was deep in thought. Kimiko grabbed the helmet and snuck up behind Chase and jammed the Chaos Helmet onto his head. Then, just incase he could get it off, she paralyzed him with an arrow. She ran to her friends and said, "Come on guys! I need to see what the temple looks like. I haven't been there in what, five years?" She smiled and ran towards the temple, with the boys at her heels.

A few days after the world has been turned back to normal Kimiko was sitting on a tree, thinking about how only a few days earlier it was ruled by her. Raimundo then came up to talk to her. "Hey Kimiko! What up?" Kimiko looked at him and tears started to form in her eyes. "Rai, I still feel like I am on the Heylin side. I shouldn't be on the Xiaolin team." Raimundo said, "Kimiko, you have always belonged on the Xiaolin Side. With Omi, Clay, and with…" he stopped and Kimiko finished for him, "You." Raimundo nodded and then confessed, "Kimiko, this is hard for me to say, but, I- I- I love you. And I have since I first saw you." He looked at her to see if she had any joy or sadness in her eyes. But he saw no emotion at all. He started to walk away when she grabbed his arm. He turned around and Kimiko kissed him.

Raimundo smiled and they broke apart. Then he said, "So does this mean that the leaders of the Xiaolin and Heylin side are boyfriend and girlfriend?" Kimiko giggled and nodded. Then they walked off hand and hand and both feeling the greatest they ever felt in their lives.

Well, how did you like it? Either way, read and review.