Wow, I haven't been here in months! I feel kind of mean about not finishing my previous Four Brothers fic, but I tend to lose interest and get distracted very easily. School and study and a social life is always an issue. Anyway, this story I have had cramped in my head and computer for the past three months, but hadn't exactly considered putting it up. I've decided that I will, even if I don't end up finishing it. I tend to do that a fair bit, ay?

Anyway, this stories will contain some adult references, so if you don't like that, well skip past it. I'll have warnings at the beginning og each chapter if there is any.

Read and review my lovelies!

Break on Through

There are many theories about life after death, much of which is religion, theoretical or belief. For some, it is to be graced eternally in the warmth of heaven or to burn forever in the fiery depths of hell. Then, there are others who believe it is purely spiritual.

In which, this turns to the narrow minds of many humans, the unfortunate ones who visualize with what is in front of them, and not what is around them. Of course, it takes many years for a simple change within a human to occur, normally when the person has peaked their life to the early stages of a teenager. What spiritual view, what belief in fairy tales and mysterious smile would come to a halt, naught but to disappear.

What they fail to realize is that it is not all who pass on float to the heavenly light upwards or tumble in fear to the scorching heat below. There are ones who are neither but mere spirits, impressions left upon the surrounding living. Those who fall to the wretched fire of hate and pain, are never to appear again. Those of which who rise to the Garden of Eden, have choice of staying eternally in the wonder, or be chosen to be of use below in the living.

The Chosen are sent to guide, to bring enlightenment and happiness to the lives of a counterpart humans. This Guardian like figure has a set amount of time, a range of duties and are not just a wisp of air.

Having more strength, emotionally and in rare cases, physically, they are given privileges, gifts of speech, feeling, sight, visualisation, all which are triggered by different emotions and gestures. Some, the ability to touch objects, others capable of flight or complete public exposure. Whilst, others can be emotionally triggered so strongly, resulting with the inevitable.

The link from counterpart to Guardian can grow, stronger over years, until finally dispersing into nothing when the counterpart doesn't need guidance anymore. But, in some rare cases, destiny can change the course and path laid out before the pair, living or spirit, changing from everything known into something glorified, perfected, and finally being part of the living world...
