A/N:I found "School's Out, Ghoul's Out" lacking a few things. Not enough DXS, so I figured there needed to be a FanFic/fantics's cut. (Sort of like a director's cut, but hopefully better)
Here are the missing scene's that were left out of the movie:

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Danny Phantom. Don't even own Sam's cool watch.

A Fanatic's Cut: The Extended Version.

Chapter One: Reminiscing, Replay's, and Revealings.

Danny Fenton, a.k.a Danny Phantom, and pals Tucker Foley and Sam Manson were standing outside of Fenton Works, Danny's family home and Ghost Hunting Headquarters.

Tucker and Sam both had turned down the opportunity to go cross-country together with Danny again to their summer destinations.

"Are you guys sure? You have to admit, we had a little fun." Danny started to plead.

"When, in between the man hunt, the evil teddy bears, or the super-villains trying to destroy you?" Sam asked in her usual sarcastic tone.

"Don't forget the monster shuttle that wrecked the Fenton jet. Or the fact that we were all almost killed a thousand times in only 3 days," Tucker added, as helpful as always.

"We always almost get killed though. Why not get in some more practice?" Danny asked, while giving Sam his patented puppy dog look.

"Speaking of practice, I think our little adventure proved that it wouldn't be the end of the world if your parents found out your little secret." Sam put in, quickly changing the subject so she wouldn't have to look into Danny's pouting face.

"I gotta admit, knowing they won't dissect me does make me feel a little better. Plus there were some perks to becoming instantly famous." Danny stated, while fiddling with the weird, jewel covered glove on his arm .

"Yeah, like getting kissed by Paulina." Tucker said, while watching Sam's cheeks start to burn.

"Yeah, being liked by everyone was nice. However I don't think I could deal with the Idiots in White chasing me down while everyone wants to take my picture again." Danny replied.

"You wouldn't have any privacy or a semi normal life if the world found out. And remembered it this time." Sam pointed out, while glaring daggers at Tucker.

"At least you can always remember Paulina kissing you. And Dash being nice." Tucker stated, while nervously watching Sam start to mimic smashing motions with an imaginary PDA.

"Yeah, that was probably the third coolest part about everyone knowing," Danny replied. "And it will be burned into my brain for awhile."

"Oh please, why would you want to remember something so fake and shallow?" an annoyed Sam asked, after she had stopped making death threats to Tucker's toys behind Danny's back. "She only liked you because you're a hero. She doesn't even look twice at the real you. Honestly, what do you two actually see in her? She may be pretty in that prep kind of way, but she has the personality of a kiddie pool. Totally shallow."

"Look Sam, just because no one else is as pretty on the inside and out as you, doesn't mean I should blow off anyone who finds any interest in me. Be it shallow or revenge I don't care, cause dating the most popular girl in school would still be more than cool. And girls don't throw themselves at me everyday. Unless it's a ghost. Who wants to destroy me." Danny said in defense.

"That makes no sense. Why date someone who doesn't care about you? Understand you? Likes all of you, not just Danny Phantom or Danny Fenton. Just Danny." Sam practically yelled back.

Tucker, who had been standing off to the side with his PDA out and mouth gaping open, finally decided it was time to break the two up before it became an all out fight.
"Hey at least you guys were cool enough to become a comic character. I still can't believe no one wanted to dress up like me."

Sam and Danny looked over at Tucker, having momentarily forgotten their best friend was there.

"Well Tuck, that's probably because they couldn't afford to buy that much electronic gear. Not many can afford to buy one PDA, let alone half a dozen back-ups." Danny replied.

"I don't get why they would want to be me," Sam said with a frown on her face.

"Oh that one's easy." Tucker stated, with a smirk towards Sam that she was all too familiar with. "They all think you're Danny's girlfriend. I'm surprised they didn't try to kill you."

Danny looked over at Sam, who blushed and then rolled her eyes at Tucker. "Yeah right."

Tucker glanced at Danny who had a puzzled look on his face and muttered under his breathe "Clueless."

Looking down so she wouldn't have to look into Danny's baby blues, Sam noticed the time on her watch. "Come on Tucker, we need to get home before they send out the hounds."

"Are you guys sure you don't want to come with me?" Danny asked, trying one last time.

"We're sure." Tucker firmly stated.

"We'll talk to you later Danny." Sam said, before she and Tucker started to head towards their homes.

"Alright, well I guess I'd better go and destroy this thing." Danny said, before he turned ghost.

While Danny was destroying the glove, Tucker decided to drive Sam a bit more nuts.

"I still can't believe you didn't catch that. How could you not catch that?" Tucker asked incredulously as soon as they got out of Danny's hearing range.

"Tucker what are you talking about?" Sam asked, while staring up at Danny's retreating figure.

"Um hello? Danny just called you prettier than Paulina and you just ignored it and almost got in a fight with him. And then practically admitted to being in love with him. " Tucker stated, still in shock.

Sam stopped quickly and looked over at her best friend. "What? No he didn't. I didn't."

Tucker rolled his eyes and replied "Yes, you did. He did. He said no one was as pretty inside or out as you."

Sam's mouth gaped open a little before she vehemently shook her head. "He didn't say that."

"Yes he did. And I have proof if you want to see it." Tucker replied as he got his PDA from his back pocket.

"What proof?" Sam wondered outloud.

Tucker just smiled and pressed play on his prized possession.
Sam gasped as she saw her and Danny barely an inch apart, loudly arguing.

"Look Sam, just because no one else is as pretty on the inside and out as you, doesn't mean I should blow off anyone who finds any interest in me. Be it shallow or revenge I don't care, cause dating the most popular girl in school would still be more than cool. And girls don't throw themselves at me everyday. Unless it's a ghost. Who wants to destroy me." The miniature Danny practically shouted.

"That makes no sense. Why date someone who doesn't care about you? Understand you? Likes all of you, not just Danny Phantom or Danny Fenton. Just Danny." The miniature Sam yelled back.

Sam's eyes popped out of her head as it all began to sink it. "Tucker, why were you recording us?" she asked, still not quite sure what to think about it all.

Tucker grinned sheepishly and answered "Um, well it's sort of for my website. I always tape you guys so when THE moment happens, I'll have proof."

Sam just stared at Tucker. "THE moment?"

"Yeah, the moment when one of you eventually decides to admit their feelings and do something about it." Tucker stated matter of factly. "I figured you would do something before we all went to camp."

Noticing Sam's extra pale face and closed eyes, Tucker started to worry that he might have gone to far this time.
"Look Sam, I'm sorry. I should have ran it by you first, but I figured you just deny everything."

Sam opened her eyes and looked Tucker straight in the face. "Alright Tucker, I deserve an honest answer." Tucker swallowed nervously and nodded. "Ok, what's your question?"

"Does having that site mean that you think that there's a remote chance that Danny and I will be together? That Danny likes me?" Sam asked, without a flicker of emotion.

Tucker sighed, knowing he had promised to be truthful. "Yes, Sam. That's exactly what that site means. Everyone knows it but Danny and I'm starting to think that Danny knows more than we think he knows."

Sam nodded her head once, took a deep breathe and said "Ok Tuck, get your recorder ready and follow me."

Okiday, what do you all think? This was my first fanfiction story and I wrote it in my head in less than 2 hours. There will be a few more chapters coming soon. Not sure how soon, but soon. Please be oh so nice and review. Any grammar errors are due to the fact that like Danny, my brain is officially on vacation.
X's & O's