Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation or anything related to it...except for the DVDs and mangas...

This is for the 50gravi on LiveJournal. There are 50 themes and there will be 50 one shots. The pairing for it will be Hiro/Suguru. This istheme #1, ignorance.

Despite the fact that Fujisaki Suguru was incredibly intelligent, he was also incredibly dense. It was this small fact that made Hiro despair. He had tried many things to make his feelings apparent to the keyboardist without doing something totally insane, something that Shuichi would do- like get down on bended knee in front of a crowd and declare his love loudly. But Suguru just…Didn't…Get…it.

Hiro had tried asking the younger boy out on a date. They had gone out and had a great time, but still…Suguru had just thought of it as a friendly outing. He had tried saying his feelings. He had told Suguru he liked him…but, once again, Suguru thought of it in only a friendly way. He had tried casual touches. Arms around the younger boy's shoulders, kisses on the cheeks, hugs…Suguru usually just gave him a funny look before just going back to what he was doing.

One hand let go of his guitar and tugged at his hair. He let out a noise of frustration and resisted the strange urge to throw something. He had to think of something to do…

"Are you okay, Hiroshi?" asked a soft voice. Hiro looked up from his place and looked at Suguru. Suguru was peering at Hiro, confusion within the keyboardist's eyes. He was biting his lip, making it stand out evidently. Hiro stared for a moment before a smirk- one not usually seen- curled his lips.

"No, I'm not," he replied easily. He stood gracefully and set down his guitar, making sure it was safe. A devious glint lit up his eyes. He reached out and grabbed Suguru's arm. Suguru glanced at him in confusion, before the younger boy was pulled forward.

Suguru let out a small yelp. Quickly, yet gently, Hiro pressed his lips to Suguru's. He licked at the Suguru's lips and hoped that Suguru wouldn't hate him. Seconds passed, but Suguru was still and Hiro took that as rejection. He pulled back and looked down. "Sorry," he muttered. Suguru said nothing and Hiro looked up. Suguru's eyes were unfocused, his cheeks flushed, and his lips moist.

Hiro raised an eyebrow. Okay…Suguru suddenly blinked several times before reaching out and grabbing Hiro's arm. Hiro was still confused. Suguru curled a hand in Hiro's hair and pulled Hiro down. Eyes wide, Hiro leaned down and their lips connected in another kiss, this one more forceful, passionate, and not one-sided.

So…maybe Suguru finally got it.