The Silver Haunting

By: Tidota Eru

Ch.1: New Troubles

Shadow walked around the inner chambers of the Ark, making sure that nothing was amiss. The grey chaos emerald glowed from it's place in the Eclispe Cannon chamber. He had been guarding it, just in case someone tried to steal it again. Taking in the silence, he was sure everything was alright. Then a alarm suddenly sounded, making him istantly alert. The light's went out, leaving the Space Colony Ark in complete darkness.

Down on Earth a girl named Kimara roared inhumanly. She sensed something and it made her go mad. For a moment she had seemed to grow claws, and slashed everything in her room. One thing was left untouched. A doll she had been given from her parent's years ago. The doll was designed to look like Tails, but with two major differences. This doll had lifeless like eye's and a red gem on it's forhead. Ever since she had gotten it she had never been the same. It was like she had this bond to the doll and couldn't break it. Sometime's she'd swear it talked to her, and now it was telling her to look at the nighttime sky. Something was going on out there, and she was going to find out.

Back on the Ark Shadow's eye's had just ajusted to the darkness. He looked around searching for the intruder. A bluish-silver glow came from near the Eclispe Cannon chamber, Shadow imedateltly ran at it. He stopped suddenly, not believing what was in front of his eye's. There, right in front of him was Sonic, well not Sonic, but a close resemblence showed. The spines were a little bit different, and this hedgehog was silver surrounded by a bluish light, making him appear to be in Super Form.

Shadow: Who are you?

The silver hedgehog turned around to face Shadow, in his hand he held the grey chaos emerald. Shadow attacked, but the mysterious hedgehog easily dodged. Shadow got up and stared the hedgehog right in the eye's. The hedgehog blinked and looked away from Shadow saying only one word.

Nazo: Nazo...

In a flash of chaos light the hedgehog was gone leaving Shadow alone. At least he had an answer, but he had no idea what the hedgehog wanted with that emerald. One thing was for sure, he was going to tell Sonic about this.

Back down on Earth, Kimara's roars had just barely stopped, as she turned her eye's away from the sky. She looked right at her Tails Doll, trying to see what it had wanted with her. The red jewel on doll's forehead glowed and she could feel a voice prowl into her head.

Tails Doll: He's back.

Kimara: That silver hedgehog?

Tails Doll: Yes. He has revealed himself, and his plans are clear. We cannot let him continue.

Kimara: What do you want me to do?

Tails Doll: Destroy Him.

Those last two words repeated over and over agian in her head. Tails Doll wanted Nazo destroyed, but why? Kimara flopped onto her bed trying to get some sleep, but she had dreams, about the mysterious Nazo and Shadow that night. Tails Doll seemed to appear in some also, in one he and Nazo were face to face and she could tell that Tails Doll was angry. Nazo just grinned evily at that. Then she heard a voice inside her head say this...

Voice: One a curse, One a prayer. Evil lies, between the pair. Both just phantoms, of the night. Destroying the world, in their plight. Hope shall bring, no light. But only one, will make it right.

She opened her eye's to see the daylight shine in through her windows. Tails Doll was still lying on her dresser keeping a close watch on her every move. She stared back at it and looked away, heading outside, thinking about the dreams she had, and what they could mean.