The Curse of Camp WannaWeep

AN: The camp was always cursed, but why was it cursed in the first place? This is that story.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

(Scene long before the camp was built)

The natives who lived on the land had done so for many, many generations and now someone had come to take their land away from them. They had a very powerful Shaman amongst them but even he could not undo what happening.

Many men surrounded the natives with weapons in their hands while all they had were their arrows and spears. One of them even had explosives that could be tossed from their hands that was something the size of an acorn.

The Shaman walks up to the front of the group and says, "You may be able to force us physically from our lands with your advanced weapons, but you can never remove our spirits or the spirits of our ancestors who still exist here."

He stares at the leader of the men who is frowning in anger at him with that messy blond hair of his sticking out from under his hat. The Shaman then says as he raises his arms high into the air, "Until this land is restored to us, it shall be cursed forevermore, a place of evil that will haunt and bring bad luck to all those who step foot upon it!"

The Shaman notices that the men around the blond, angry man seem to stir and whisper amongst themselves before he continues, "The angry spirits of my people will be especially hard on all of you and your evil children, bringing ill misfortune to your family and their descendants and on down the line until your lineage is no more!"

The Shaman didn't want the curse to last forever though, for even as angry as he was, he still had compassion within his heart. So he says, "Only the good shall have any kind of compassion from the spirits but still, until the spirits are satisfied with the return of our people to the lands or until your family does enough good to overcome the evil that you have done within your lifetime!" He points at the blond leader to make sure that there was no doubt that the majority of the curse would weigh heaviest upon the man.

The man growls, "Look you con-artist, I don't believe in any of that magic crap. It doesn't exist, so you can't scare me! If you had wanted to keep this land, you should have paid for it!"

The Shaman says, "We have lived here for far longer than you and your government has existed."

The man shakes his head, "So what? We are the ones with the knowledge of how to turn this puddle of water into something more better. We are the ones with the might to push around you savages to get what we want!"

The Shaman growls at the man's words and says, "And just who are you? What makes you the leader of this group?"

The blond haired man takes the gun from his holster and points it at the Shaman as he says, "I am Pevil Stoppable and this weapon here, along with the funding I am getting to drive you out so this land can be developed is what makes me the leader!"

The Shaman narrowed his eyes at Pevil and says, "The men of your Stoppable family shall never be a leader again until the curse is lifted. This I promise you Mr. Pevil Stoppable."

Pevil just shrugs and says, "Whatever, as long as I get paid in this life... I don't care whatever happens to the other losers in my family."

The Shaman says coldly, "You truly are an evil man, motivated by greed with no thought to yourself or others."

Pevil just snorts and says, "Yeah, you've got me pegged all right. Now why don't you be a good little man and tell your little boys with their sticks to put away their weapons and get off of our property?"

The Shaman looks around and sees that many of Pevil's people would be hurt and his people might be wiped out if he chose to tell his people to fight.

After a long few moments, the Shaman turns around and say, "My people! We must do as they say and leave our lands! Have faith that one day our ancestors will return our land to us and the people who forced us off will pay!"

The people all turn around to go get their stuff from their homes while Pevil sends some of his men forward to keep an eye on them. The warriors grumble and almost attack the few men sent to observe but since they didn't do anything too threatening, the warriors don't do anything to provoke them either.

The Shaman leads his people out of the area with Pevil and his men making sure that they stay out and relocate them onto a reservation just outside of what would become Middleton.

As the natives settle in onto their new land and in their new homes, the Shaman was certain that any who was foolish to try to settle upon their land would meet a sad fate indeed, though none would be sadder than that of the Stoppable clan.

AN: Pevil Stoppable or aka Pretty Evil Stoppable as I like to call him. More happens in Chapter 2! Can anyone guess what? What did you all think of Pevil being from the Stoppable clan? (every family has their evil members)