Summary : Satoshi opens his mail, which includes love letters from his fans of the past years… and some mis-mailed letters, too. Please read and review!
Disclaimer: I don't own DNAngel!
Oh and when you see this it's Satoshi talking, and This is Krad. (This) is me.
Satoshi leaned back in his desk chair and sighed. He had piled all his fan letters (to him, not from him, duh) from the past onto his desk… all of which had never been opened. He couldn't see his desk under all that junk (or the ceiling directly above it)! He moaned, his head in his hands. Why was he doing this, again?
Because your pig sty of an apartment disgusts me. You clean up, and I'll plot to capture that so-called 'Kaitou'.
Satoshi sighed. It was better not to get his curse angry. He gingerly opened the top letter of the pile closest to him.
Dear Hiwatari-san,
Please come to my birthday party! It will be lots of fun, I'm inviting lots of people! Please come!
Satoshi checked the date: April 20th, 1998. He grimaced. He really hadn't checked his mail in ages.
He threw all the letters dated before he entered High School into the recycling.
He still couldn't see his desk.
This should be interesting… remarked Krad. Shut up! snarled Satoshi. He started furiously ripping open the envelopes, and piling the letteres into a pile on his winged chair (he stuffed the envelopes into the recycling… how he would get it all out the door, he left for later.)
Um… Satoshi-sama? I'm not sure if that's such a good idea… Satoshi-sama! But Satoshi ignored him. The pile on the chair got higher and higher… and higher, until in was leaning at an impossible angle. Satoshi paused, and dared to look at his desk.
Now only a few ceiling high piles were left.
Satoshi collapsed in his desk chair.
Not a good idea.
The pile of letters began to tremble and shake.
I thought I told you to shut up!
I just thought you might want to know we're in the path of an avalanche.
What the…? Satoshi turned around. The pile of letters was about to fall!
He accepted the inevitable and let the pile collapse about him, resulting in him covered in paper, and knocked to the ground.
Satoshi-sama…? Satoshi-sama, are you all right? Satoshi-sama, where are you? Sato-chan, answer me!
Satoshi groaned and sat up Refusing to look at the mess around him, he closed his eyes.
I'm right here, baka. (Satoshi is obviously in a bad mood, as no one in their right mind would dare to call Krad baka! Dark, well… he isn't exactly sane) We share the same body. And… did you call me SATO-CHAN!
Um… maybe.
YOU, of all people, are NOT ALLOWED to call me that! 'Sato-chan' inwardly exploded.
You mean, only your LOVE can all you that? The demon taunted. Like h-
"SHUT-UP!"The blue-haired boy yelled, his face as red as Daisuke's hair. Krad sniggered. As Satoshi's face began to cool down, he cleared of his desk chair and began to read the letters.
AN: Sooo… how did you like it? Please review!
Satoshi: ... Krad called me Sato-chan…
Me: Yup! Next chapter, we actually see Sato-chan's mail!
Q-dono: Um… Are you sure you can call him that?
Me: Oh, Sato-chan doesn't mind! But it's nice of you to think of him, Q-dono!
Q-dono: Why do you keep calling me dono?
Me: 'Cause I want a good birthday present!
A-dono: You guys are so weird…
Satoshi: I want no part in this.
A-dono and Sato-chan slowly back away, then turn their backs and run.
Me: Sooo… see ya next time!