I ran across an old notebook today and it happened to have the next four chapters written in it. Now, keep in mind I wrote this story four years ago and after reading it again I recognize the OOC-ness and that the story isn't all too well put together or thought through thoroughly. That having been said I figured I'd post the next chapters just in case those that reviewed are still interested.

Chapter 7: The Great Food Fight of whatever year this fic is set in or The Kiss

Dear Diary,

Operation Colina has been successful! Another lovely lunch today even though things did get a bit…well, out of hand I guess you could say. I met with Blaise and Malfoy outside the Great Hall about fifteen minutes before people would start to arrive for lunch.

"Do you know what you're going to do?" I asked them.

"Of course," said Blaise smiling at me. At the same time Malfoy said "No."

Malfoy glared at Blaise. "He won't tell me what he has planned."

Blaise turned to me looking thoughtful. "He doesn't have to necessarily drink the potion does he? I mean, if it was poured on him it would still work right?"

I thought about it for a moment. "I don't know." I told them honestly, "I've never tried it before so I can't be sure. You can try it though. I have some of the potion left over so if it doesn't work we could always try again tomorrow."

"Alright, leave everything to me then," Blaise said rubbing his palms together. "Well, Draco, I'll need you to put a shielding charm on me before it starts though. Just as a warning you might want to take cover as soon as Creevey sits down."

Draco smirked down at me. "Who knew hanging out with you would be so much fun?"

I smiled back up at him, but turned it into a scowl when Terry Boot came around the corner. I glared over at Malfoy and then shoved him up against the wall. "Do that one more time you disgusting ferret, and I'll hex you so bad you'll never be able to reproduce! EVER!" I shouted at him and then turned on my heel and walked into the Great Hall.

I sat towards one end of the table by myself so I would be able to have the best view of whatever Blaise was planning. When Malfoy sat down beside Blaise a few moments later I caught his eye and winked to show him I was joking and merely making sure no one got suspicious. The hall was about half full -or half empty depending on how you look at it- when Colin arrived and sat down beside me. I tried to catch Blaise's eye and somehow telepathically tell him that whatever happened had, nothing had better happen to me just because Colin happened to sit beside me.

Apparently, Blaise wasn't paying much attention to who Colin was sitting next to. He wasn't very careful with his aim either, because after he levitated some mashed potatoes so they would fly into Harry and Hermione's faces causing an all out food fight war between the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables, he walked over to our table (with ought getting a thing on him thanks to Draco's shielding charm) and threw the potion on Colin which, in turn, got a bit on me since I was sitting next to him. As far as I can tell there's been no harm done though seeing as how the potion was to turn a guy into a girl which I already happen to be.

The potion worked perfectly on Colin which is a given since I made it. But really, I'm extremely impressed with my work. Colin now has long wavy blond hair, big blue eyes, and bigger boobs than me. Now that I think about it he looks a lot like Luna. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it was Luna's nail polish, lotion, and lip gloss that I borrowed and put in the potion. Hmm…something to think further on later.

So anyway, Colin turned into a girl, but not too many people noticed at first, what with the food fight going on and all. The food fight was very inventive on Blaise's part. He's becoming a better sidekick than I ever would have though. I turned over the table so we would have some protection from the Slytherins. Blaise ran back to the Slytherin table where Draco was already trying to hit me with balls of rice. I took a leaf out of Blaise's book levitated a bowl of chocolate pudding to their table. They were busy trying to wipe food thrown by Lavender and Parvati out of their eyes when I dropped the bowl over their heads. That was a moment to remember. Draco was so furious! Then Dumbledore started running between the tables trying to catch food in his mouth. I lost track of all that happened after that.

I left the hall about thirty minutes before the next class started. I had planned to take a shower so I wouldn't have food on me all day, but that wasn't necessary. Until I had arrived in the prefects bathroom I hadn't actually noticed that I didn't have any food on my at all. Yeah, I'm just good like that.

Anyway, I was going to go visit Hagrid but on my way down the hall I ran into Blaise and Malfoy, neither of whom were very glad to see me.

"Oh, don't sulk. It's not at all attractive," I said as I continued down the hall and out onto the grounds.

"Easy for you to say," said Blaise who was still scowling, "You're not covered in food from head to toe."

"Well, why don't you go take a shower instead of following me around?" I asked.

"They're all being used," said Malfoy exasperatedly.

I sat down in front of my favorite tree next to the lake. I had a feeling they weren't going to leave me alone anytime soon and I knew Hagrid wouldn't be too happy if I brought them with me. I knew I was right when they sat down on either side of me. All of a sudden I felt claustrophobic, both Slytherins seemed to be leering at me in an odd way.

"Don't you have to go to class soon?" I asked them, grasping for anything that might make them leave.

"They've been canceled so everyone can get cleaned up," Blaise informed me, looking at me unblinkingly. He scooted closer an inch.

"Look! There's Luna going into the forest!" I shouted pointing over Blaise's shoulder.

"What?" he asked jumping and running away to where I had pointed.

"What do you think is wrong with him?" I asked Malfoy, but when I turned around he was much closer than he had been just moments before.

"Thank Merlin you finally got rid of him," he said, and then the next thing I know, he's kissing me! I don't know why or how, well I guess I know how, I mean I've kissed blokes before and I understand what-argh I'm getting off track. So all of a sudden his lips are on mine! Something I was totally and most definitely not expecting! A few minutes later-hey I was shocked…it took me a bit to recover- I pushed him away and was extremely surprised to see Colina (formerly known as Colin) smiling at me with his camera in his hands.

"I'll have my revenge now, Ginny! Mwahahahaha!" She shouted and ran up to the castle.

"What do you think you were doing? You can't just kiss some unsuspecting person out of the blue like that!" I shouted at Malfoy, but he had the same dazed look in his eye and was starting to lean closer so I jumped up and ran up to the castle too.

I finally found out after ten minutes (and after 14 different guys asked me out) that the potion had in fact affected me. The potion that made Colin into a girl made me even girlier. So now my red hair is darker and shinier, my skin creamier and softer, and my complexion absolutely flawless. In other words, I'm perfect. In fact, the only person that had more attention from the opposite sex than me today was Colina. Apparently none of the boys around here minded that she used to be a guy. Either that, or they didn't notice.

I'm dreading to think what Colina's going to do with those pictures. She may be a bit slow at times but when she puts her mind to it she can come up with some impressing evil schemes. What I'm dreading even more though, is seeing Malfoy. I mean, things will be weird between us now that we've kissed, right? And the worst thing is- I think I liked it! It was so nice and un-Malfoyish though. And he tasted like chocolate pudding. Ugh, I'm never going to be able to look at a pudding the same way. It's bad enough I couldn't stop thinking about his eyes, but now his lips too? What's wrong with me for Morgana's sake! I'll never be able to get to sleep tonight.



Next day during Transfiguration. A note between Blasie and Draco.

I kissed Weasley by the lake yesterday. I don't know what's wrong with me. Do you think I should stop by the infirmary after class?

Finally got around to it did you? It sure took you long enough.

What are you talking about? I kissed my enemy's sidekick's little sister! You were right all along, I've gone crazy. Go ahead, cart me off to St. Mungo's.

Why do you always have to be so melodramatic? Why can't you just admit that you like the girl? You forget that I sleep in the same room as you and that you often talk in your sleep. I know quite more than I'd like about just what you would like to do with the littlest weasel.

I am not melodramatic. And I have no idea what you're talking about. I do not talk in my sleep. You must be confusing me with Crabbe. And anyway, I mean, being friends with a Weasley is one thing, but even if I ever did want to be more that that with her (which I don't!) can you imagine what my father would do to me? Could you imagine what her BROTHERS would do to me? It's just not worth the hassle. Besides, I don't like her that way.

You don't like her that way but you've thought about what would happen if you did go out with her? Your mind works in mysterious ways, my friend. Well if you're sure you "don't like her that way" you won't care if I take a crack at her, do you? I mean she's really grown on me while we've been working together.

YOU BLOODY WANKER! IF YOU THINK- oh wait, I see what you're doing. You're trying to make me jealous aren't you? Well it's not going to work. Besides, aren't you all hot and bothered for that Lovegood girl?

Shut up.


Excerpt from an article from the gossip column from the Hogwarts Express News

…but in even bigger news that has had tongues wagging all around Hogwarts for the past day there was a supposed sighting of the most unexpected couple rendezvousing by the lake not long after the food fight yesterday. None other than Ginny Weasley and Draco Malfoy were caught sucking face by Colina and half a dozen other eye witnesses, including Ginny's brother Ronald who fainted (yet again) at the sight. Many are claiming they say Draco put Ginny under the imperius curse before he kissed her because everyone knows Ginny would never do such a thing. But really, how much do we know about Ronald Weasley's little sister? To see the picture that has everyone wondering if it's normal for a ferret and weasel to kiss turn to page 6.

Another shocking event that has everyone stumped is the mysterious Colina. The standing theory is she is a transfer student from Beauxbatons but some people are going as far as to suggest that she is actually Colin Creevey of Gryffindor House. Well this journalist got the exclusive…

-written by Parvati Patil