-Chapter 9
AN- Here's a chappie for all you people who've been waiting for what…2 months? –Avoids frying pans- Sorry!! –shame- School hasn't given me much time to write this…only reason I'm writing now is because we have the day off. Anyway, enough of my rambling…hope you like…
-I can't answer any reviews on the chappie for lack of time. If I have responded to a question or suggestion, I have used the reply review thingy for this chapter.
"Look the nuns are nice, if you're nice to them ok?"
Sora nodded solemnly as Roxas began naming their teachers one by one, explaining their classes and the things they taught.
It was a surprisingly gloomy day at Letvico; stormy clouds overlooked the majestic palace in all its pale glory. Flocks of students chattering amongst one another, all wearing the Letvico uniform of blue and white.
Most were grinning, others laughing, and some with dark rings under their eyes, sighing as they skimmed through large textbooks furiously.
It was Monday morning, and the dining hall had just closed. Not that it really was closed, but breakfast was no longer being served.
Today was Sora's first day in school or in class at least.
The blue-eyed duo strolled across the yard, wanting to get some fresh air after eating a good helping of blueberry waffles with syrup and juice.
Roxas breathed loudly, taking in the smell of the outdoors.
"Man, it's nice out here," he said as his calm blue eyes scanned the area.
Sora rolled his eyes, he folded back his long sleeves like Roxas had and checked his watch.
"Hey, don't we have to go to class?" Sora asked the grinning blonde, pointing to the palace behind them.
Roxas shrugged, his eyes shining as he gazed into the distance where the bridges stood over the glimmering water.
"I guess…yeah we better go, don't want to get in trouble on your first day, bad move that is."
The blonde turned and headed back to the palace with Sora at his side, his eyes losing their sheen as he stepped closer to the school, losing it completely once touching the door.
"Let's go," Roxas spoke to his friend, who nodded as he waited for the blonde to lead.
"Welcome to our class Sora, I'm sure you and the others will get along famously, right class?"
The students had different reactions to the brunette. Most were friendly, some too friendly, but in a joking manner of course. Others scowled and then some just plain ignored him.
Sora's classes consisted of English, History, Italian, Mathematics, Prayer, and Study Hall.
The teacher smiled at Sora, her dark eyes gleamed with mischief and scandal. Somehow, he knew this teacher would be one of his favorites.
Sister Marietta wore the traditional black and white nun outfit all the female teachers wore, but there a childishness in her voice that could not be ignored.
"Please take a seat anywhere you would like, there's no seating chart here since I'd probably lose it anyway," the teacher laughed as Roxas grinned at the brunette.
Sora followed the blonde down the aisle to a desk beside the window; he sat comfortably on the black desk and stared out the window while Roxas took to conversing with some of his friends in the class.
The clouds were gone and the sun overlooked Letvico once more, lighting up the crystal clear water under the bridges he could see from inside the glass window. The castle in the distance could be seen from the window as well.
I wonder what Riku's doing now…
The whole day went by incredibly fast by Sora's standards, and before he knew it, it was already three in the afternoon.
He'd met all his teachers, two female and three male. Study Hall didn't have a teacher, so he only has five instead of four. All were kind, although he was certain some he would never dare cross.
The brunette walked out of Italian, his last period, with a mocking Roxas by his side.
"It's grazie not grazi, honestly that woman won't stop picking on me!"
Roxas raised his hands to his hair, messing it up in frustration. His blue eyes closed tightly with great annoyance.
Sora chuckled animatedly at his blonde buddy, who was being loud enough to gain attention from other students walking out of the room.
"Cheer up at least class is over and besides, at least you know what grazie means," Sora started; after all, it was his very first lesson in Italian.
The other boy continued with his pained look, ignoring Sora's feeble attempts to cheer him up. At this point in time, Hayner happened to be passing by.
The tall blonde was surrounded by his circle of friends or groupies, as usual of course. He stopped however when he noticed Roxas' overdramatic gestures.
"Roxas, something wrong?"
Roxas stopped his ranting as both he and Sora turned to face Hayner, his friends apparently interested and curious as to why he'd stopped walking.
Sora gulped, he remembered very well what he'd heard on Saturday.
Will Hayner make a move on Roxas?
Roxas didn't seem nervous at all thought, he grinned sheepishly at Hayner in response.
"Hey Hayner, nah it's just Sister Celia and her Italian," Roxas responded at the amused blonde.
Hayner nodded, his arms crossed and posture straight.
"Oh, having trouble with Italian?" Hayner began with a curious tone.
"It's really simple after you get the hang of it, you need help?"
Roxas shook his head politely at the offer.
"No thanks I can handle it, besides, aren't you supposed to be at practice right now?"
Hayner grinned, and pressed a finger to his lips. With a quick wink at the smaller blonde, he sprinted down the hall, catching up with a few friends who'd be waiting for him.
"Hey Sora, I still have to do that report for history, so I'll catch up with you later okay?"
"I'll be in the library if you need me," Roxas continued, receiving a nod from Sora.
Roxas walked away in the opposite direction from Hayner, his stance a confident one as he hummed a lonely tune.
The brunette sighed as he decided to head back to the dorm room, peering out of the corner of his eye on occasion.
Passing through the endless hallways, he unconsciously arrived at the Music room.
A low gasp uttered from his throat as he realized this, lifting his hand towards the doorknob.
He shook his head, and lifted himself up in a confident and firm manner, touching the icy doorknob and turning just the slightest…
The door was locked.
Sora let out a sigh of relief, only to start thinking about Riku.
Riku…The mysterious silver haired piano playing Cantares student.
It'd been awhile since he'd met up with Riku, he silently wished he could see the boy again.
He wondered if Riku wanted to see him too.
"What are these?"
Sora turned to his roommate, his face no longer buried in a pillow.
"Roses, Roxas, Red roses," the brunette replied, his tousled brown hair messy from being smothered by his pillow.
Roxas stood by the door, his big blue eyes shining with curiosity at the present in his hand.
Gently, his tans fingers held up a card for Sora to see.
"There's a card too…," Roxas continued in soft tone, "It just says 'For Roxas, From H. Lost.'"
Sora eyebrow slowly rose up in confusion, as he bounced off the bed and to his roommates' side.
"H. Lost?"
Roxas nodded at the puzzled brunette by his side.
"That's a strange name…," Sora said as he racked his brains for faces and names of the Letvico student body.
"Sora, isn't it obvious…that's NOT his real name," Roxas groaned as he held up the card close to his eyes and studied the neat handwriting.
Sora blinked, his brows furrowing.
The blonde boy sighed, placing the bouquet onto his dresser.
"I don't have time for this, I have to go write that paper anyways…," Roxas mumbled sounding slightly annoyed.
The blonde left the room, closing the door behind him and leaving Sora alone in his room once more.
"Hayner...," Sora whispered to himself so no one could hear him.
If only you knew…
Sora's day went on surprisingly slow after his short encounter with Roxas. Unfortunately, he noticed that he hadn't been able to take his mind of Riku.
He was back in the halls again, and his feet had once more led him to the Music room
The halls had gotten dimmer; it was now about 7pm.
Sora hadn't felt like dinner today, he'd encouraged Roxas to go without him and bring him a slice of bread if he could.
He doubted the piece of bread would survive being eaten by Roxas until his arrival at their room.
Startled out of his thoughts, a piano note was hit from inside the room.
And another.
Then a song played flawlessly from the room, that same tragic melody that seemed so familiar…
Sora hesitated no longer; he reached out his hand and quickly turned the doorknob.
The door opened rather quickly and Sora was met with a surprise.
He stepped in awe as the door closed silently behind him.
The piano music stopped as the silver haired pianist glanced at the brunette, a smirk on hi face.
"I knew you'd find me," Riku greeted him as he turned his back to him in favor of playing the melody once more.
He would have been overjoyed at the sight of the gorgeous boy, if only it wasn't for a slight problem…
They weren't in the Music Room
-AKKK!! I'm dreadfully sorry for the long wait; I had to force this chapter out of me.
- Review and let me know you're alive. SUPPORT RIKUXSORA!!!!!
-Next Chapter…COMING SOON!!!