Yup, back again and so soon, I know, be shocked. Thank you for the reviews they make me smile!
On with the story...
Arwen came back a few minutes later, at least I think it was a few minutes later, I was staring at a tapestry on the wall thinking very random thoughts about how unhygienic tapestries were in a hospital area. And did I mention bad coping strategies?
The food Arwen bought turned out to be a thin sort of soup, the type of thing people would call broth but I have a weird dislike of that word. Gives me a mental image of a cave man boiling a bone in hot water. Anyway turned out the soup wasn't that bad. Arwen was bustling around the room whilst I ate it, not looking at me which was good, as I have an aversion to most people watching me eat I don't think I could stand some one that perfect watch me drop soup all over myself.
When I was finished Arwen wordlessly took the bowl and took it to the door, where she spoke softly in what I can only assume is elvish and returned with an armful of pink fabric.
Smiling she shook out the long dress, "I thought you might like to get dressed, so I may give you a tour. Imladris can be daunting to one who does not know it."
I glance at the dress then down at my uniform...what does she think this is, pyjamas? Sighing I stand up, best behave, play along and sooner or later I'll wake up in a padded room with an oh so attractive straight jacket on.
"Um, It's nice." I lie. Okay so in truth probably the finest article of clothing I'll ever wear but it's pink and merely on principle of the pink-ness I must dislike it. One thing of growing up in foster care, every time a prospective family came it was on with the pink dress, hair in pig tails and look cute and innocent, maybe they'll want to keep you.
Arwen obviously recognises that my tone is off and looks at me inquisitively. "I can find something else if you prefer?"
Really not blending in as planned. "No, no it's fine. I just don't think that I've ever worn anything so fine." Which turned out to be the right thing to say as she launched into a long spiel on how the last homely house was a Mecca for all crafts men, from minstrels to seamstresses and blacksmiths to cooks.
Much to my endless embarrassment she insisted on helping me into the dress, not that I could have managed without the help, but having an elven princess help you dress is just plain embarrassing. Especially when you're of the regular human variety and she's of the stunning elven goddess variety. I wonder if all the other Mary-Sues became as neurotic as I'm going to be?
We were just about to leave the healing wing when the door swung open, almost clocking me in the head. Which when I realised who it was would have probably been fair, I'm still feeling a bit awkward about molesting Glorfindel.
The warrior stopped about to apologise the seemed to realise who it was he almost collided with. "Lady Kelly? I heard that you were awake and came to see if you wished for a tour?"
I blinked, this guy must really be feeling guilty about the throwing me into a tree thing. I was about to tell him that I was in fact already booked on an 'Imladris tour' (official trademark), but Arwen beat me to it.
"That is a wonderful idea, I promised Lindir that I would sing with him after dinner this eve, so I shall leave you to it."
Which didn't strike me as particularly hostess-like, then I caught a twinkle in her eye, she obviously found this amusing. I was starting to get the feeling elves weren't so distant and other-worldly as they'd been made out to be in the books. And I wasn't even going to start analysing that fact I was questioning my surroundings as if they were real because that would cause problems I really was not ready for.
When I looked up, Arwen was gone and Glorfindel was looking at me with a slightly worried expression, probably thinking that the bump on the head had done more damage than they'd thought. I really have got to stop thinking so much.
"Soooo...where to?"
"I thought we should start with the hall of fire"
"Oh, cool." I said thinking of the legendary room mentioned by Tolkein.
Glorfindel stopped and looked at me, "Forgive me, are you cold Lady Kelly? I can have the servants find a shawl."
I stared at him for a second before realising the word cool had no colloquial value here. "Um, no I'm fine. Soooo..." I said drastically casting around for a subject to distract him from the oddness I was displaying.
"How's you hand?" Great, remind him that I tried to take a chunk out of his palm with my teeth.
He was smiling at me with amusement though so I guess no lasting damage was done. "It is fine, that was a, um, very resourceful way of defending ones self."
I had the vague urge to add, 'yeah if your a piranha' but refrained.
For a while we walked in silence, I was concentrating fully on not tripping over the dress, which was about four inches too long, and would have probably suited someone Arwens height. Actually come to think of it that's probably where the dress came from. Oh well I'd survive, as long as they didn't expect me to go up any stairs because that would probably result in another bump to the head.
"How is your head feeling? Elrond tells me that you cannot remember your past, I must apologise, I-"
"It's fine. My head I mean, is fine, not my memory cause that's gone, which isn't your fault, just one of those things, you know?" Which no he probably didn't know, I could now add lying and making him feel guilty to my growing list of transgressions against him.
He looked unconvinced at my assurance that it wasn't his fault but didn't say anything due to us having reached the fabled hall of fire. I was struck speechless by the sheer size of it, and then the intricate details carved onto the wooden surfaces. Tapestries covered the walls, and great arching windows down one side gave a view of the magnificent valley, full of waterfalls and cliff faces.
I turned speechless admiring the room and noticed that there were a number of elves in the room, setting up what looked like instruments, whilst others arranged chairs and comfortable looking pillows. All had stopped their work to get a good look at me. I had to suppress a groan, apparently I was the centre of attention and probably gossip, this was going to be a long tour.
I flopped down on my bed a few hours later. Glorfindel and then Arwen had encouraged me to go to the main hall to dine with the others but I had refused claiming to be too tired, which was only partially true. Mainly I didn't want several hundred elves staring at me whilst I ate. Dropping food and probably trailing the long and drappy sleeves of the dress in the soup.
So Arwen had brought me here, to a suite in the guest wing, bade me good night and promised to send a servant up with some food.
The rooms were large and spacious, the door opened into a grand sitting room, with a large fire place and comfortable chairs positioned around it as well as a desk which contained parchment, quills and all manner of interesting things.
My attention was drawn to the double doors leading out onto a large balcony, I wandered out and had a look around. There was a stone ledge against the wall to sit on, with pillows resting on it, forming a comfortable seat overlooking the valley.
Heading back inside I explored the next room, a bedroom. With a huge bed, we're talking King sized here, it was of course given a quality control check. Which meant a few minutes of energetic and somewhat frantic bed bouncing, ending when a knock on the door distracted me, and I did what I'd been threatening to do all evening. Tripping on the hem of the dress as I landed, I fell sideways, luckily landing mostly on the bed. Unluckily not enough of me was on the bed to stop me over balancing and landing in a heap on the floor.
The noise I made which was loud to my human ears must have sounded like a small elephant being dropped from considerable height to the sensitive ears of an elf. It was enough to bring the knocker into the rooms, visibly concerned.
Standing quickly and brushing myself off I tried to look regal to the perplexed elven woman in front of me. "Yes?"
"I bought you some food, as requested by Lady Arwen, M'Lady."
"Kelly," I corrected automatically.
"Forgive me, Lady Kelly." She said with a respectfully little head bob.
"No, no, just Kelly, I um have no title." I almost said 'I'm no lady' but figured they'd most likely have realised that by now.
The servant smiled a little at me then, "Very well Kelly, I am Morwen."
I smiled in response, then remembered my manners, "Thank you, for the food I mean,"
Morwen nodded then began to organise the room, she straightened the bed clothes, which I tried not to be embarrassed about their rumpled state, turned down the blankets, then opened one of the draws in a large oak chest.
She turned to me a white dress in her hands, I took it and shook it out. "There are several night gowns available for you, they should be a suitable fit. One of the seamstresses is altering a dress for you to wear tomorrow, you will have to visit them tomorrow so they may begin a wardrobe for you."
I stared at the night-gown in my arms in surprise, "You really don't have to go through all that trouble for me."
"Oh it's no trouble. Lord Elrond has said that you shall be staying with us for a while, until you feel better at least. We must have you comfortable in that time."
Seemingly finished straightening the already tidy room, Morwen turned to me, "Is there anything else that you require, La...Kelly?"
I glance around the room, "No, I'm good." Although a mini bar would be nice.
She paused a little, probably working through the grammar I had just used. Then dipped her head in a semi-curtsy and turned to leave.
"Morwen, um wait." She stopped in the sitting room and turned back to me, her expression curious. "Uh, how do you say thank you in elvish?" I had a feeling I would be saying it a lot over the coming days.
"Hannon le." Was the gentle reply.
I repeated it a couple of times under my breath until I was sure the pronunciation was as close to hers as I could manage. When I looked up she was almost out the door and in the hallway.
"Morwen," I called again, she stopped and turned once more. "Hannon le." I said and she smiled, did the curtsy head dip, the closed the door silently behind her.
On my own again, I wandered over to the tray of food, not particularly hungry I picked up a roll of bread and took a cautious nibble. Not Lembas, as it didn't fill me up completely.
Bread in hand I resumed my exploration of the suite, the bedroom, other than the chest of draws and bed it had a cupboard to match the chest and a smaller fire place than the sitting room, the walls were all adorned with exquisite tapestries.
I wandered through a doorway into a bathroom, and compared to my old bathroom it was huge, a large bath was built into the floor. Normally I'm a shower person but for this tub I could make an exception, you could swim in there!
Feeling tired I returned to the bedroom, it took me considerably longer to struggle out of the gown than it did to get into it. I'm sure I must have missed a number of fastenings when I tried to remove it, once off I straightened it and checked it for damage. Satisfied that I hadn't ruined one of Arwen's dresses I laid it out on the chest of draws and slipped into the night-gown. It was a soft material, a weird sort of mix, it looked like linen but had a cotton like softness, it fell to just below mid calf and luckily had no fastenings to deal with.
Now comfortably ensconced in the warm bed, I lay staring up at the domed ceiling desperately trying not to think and how come when you try not to think you think about exactly what you don't want to think about? Sighing I rolled over and buried my head in the pillow. I really couldn't deal with this all now. Luckily tiredness caught up with me before I could dwell too much on what was going on.
Sighing I felt myself drifting off to sleep.