Welp. here it is.

Disclaimer: I do not own the charecters.Duh.

There is slight yuki/kyo, but in a good way. You'll like it. I promise. Now. On with the story.

kyo: it's about time.

yuki: don't complian!

kyo: points at angel she did it!

bloodredangel: um excuse me.did what?

kyo: you took your sweet time submitting the story!

yuki: it isn't her...please get this over with.

On with the story.

Chap. 1

Breaking the ground

It was dark.

cold,dark and lifeless.

His body stung and his eyes full of unshed tears, threating to spill over any second.

" You've gotten soft" came a cold voice from the shadows.

There was a whimper in reply, a fear filled sob in the dark corner.

" I must now tame you again."

A lound crack and a bloodcurdling scream filled the air.


"Where is that damn rat!" kyo snarled slamming his fist down on the table. "Temper temper kyo." Shigure sighed looking over his paper. " Don't preach to me! We have school and he isn't up yet!" kyo snapped.

Tohru stuck her head out from the kitchen. " That reminds me. He said Hatori called and needed him at the main house last night. Mabye he stayed the night?" she asked with a smile.

Shigure looked at tohru and sighed. "Of course. i'll call hatori and send kyo to go get him."

kyo growled." Why me!"

" Because. i said so and as long as you live in my house you'll follow my rules." Shigure laughed evily.

kyo sweatdropped and sighed.

" Oh and kyo! while your out, can you get me some milk.we're out!" tohru called from the kitchen.

kyo grummbled and slammed the front door shut.


Hatori stood up slowly and walked to the ringing phone on his desk. the figure laying in the bed sat up slowly and stared down at his hands.


He let it happen again.

He burried his face in his hands and shook his head in digust.

" Of course. How did you convince him?" Hatori asked the phone. A smile curved on his lips."Ah. of course. I'll send him to the front gate. bye Shigure." he hung up and turned to the bedridden figure. " You have an escort home."

"Who?" came the raspy voice.

" Someone you will least expect to come to your rescue."Hatori smiled slowly. The figure sighed and slid off the bed, slipping on his clouths. " Tell haru goodbye for me please." and left the room.

He walked to the front door and slid open the door.

Hatori had been right.

His knight in shinning armor was indeed someone he did not wish to see right now.


"Damn! he's late!" kyo growled, glanceing down at his wristwatch. He grummbled about stupid rats and miso soup.

"I'm right here." came the smooh, calm vocie of yuki sohma.

"bout' time! you walk so slow!" kyo snapped.

"I'm soooooo sorry if inconvieniced you in anyway." yuki sighed walking past him.

"leaving so soon yuki?" came a cold voice.Kyo slowly turned and much to his discomfort, saw Akito standing behind him.

"Yes. I have school soon." yuki replied and bowed." I'll visit as soon as i can."

" It had better be soon. I'm tired of you ditching me when I invite you over." Akito snorted, turning and walking back intot he house.

Kyo snorted."What's up his ass?"

yuki glared." Don't be so rude."

" I'm always this way."

yuki sighed,"I'm not in the mood to fight."

"fine.then you can come to the store and carry the milk." kyo yawned, walking past yuki.

"i'm tired, hungry and late for school and you want milk?" yuki growled.

"hey.don't get snippy. tohru wanted it." kyo pointed the shopping list right between yuki's eyes.

the boy glared ahead at the red-eyed teen." please get that out of my face."

kyo glared harder and noticed a bruise showing from under yuki's shirt calor. "hey...where'd ya get that?" he asked.

yuki's eyes widened and he pulled his shirt over the bruise. " it's nothing..."

" you got in a fight with haru?who won?"

"no...not haru.i didn't fight."yuki muttered, holding onto his shirt.

"you liar."kyo hissed.

yuki looked down."can we drop the subject please?"

kyo looked the rat up and down then walked into the store, grabing milk and bread, he noticed yuki distanced in a corner." hey! you like fudge rounds?"

yuki looked up as if it was an alein calling out to him. "what did you say?"

"i asked if you like fudge rounds baka." kyo repeated.yuki nodded and followed a grumbling kyo to the register. at least kyo was tring.

well thats it for chapy one!.

yuki: at least i'm not out of charecter.

kyo: woman! i am not this nice to yuki!

bloodredangel: well guess what cat, this is my story!

yuki: she has a point you know...-.-;

kyo: grummbles and walks away

thats is for now.read and review please!