White Fire

By: Tidota Eru

Ch.1: Destiny Calls

It had been two weeks since the Black Arms invaded Westopolis. Everyone had pretty much got back to their normal lives. Knuckles was back to watching the Master Emerald on Angel Island. Sonic and the rest of the gang were going on vacation for awhile. But, someone was missing. That someone was a red and black hedgehog named Shadow. After the Black Arms were defeated he had traveled back onto the ARK and stayed there. Noone ever heard from him in quite a while. Right now Shadow was looking out one of the windows of the ARK, down at the Earth below.

His red eyes just stared down at Earth, then he thought he saw a small craft approaching. Sure enough there was a small ship coming aboard the ARK.

Shadow: Intruders huh? Well, I'd better roll out the welcome mat.

He walked away, ready to greet whoever was aboard that craft

The doors of the spaceship opened and a young girl stepped out. She couldn't be any older than fifthteen. No one else appeared to be on board with her, she was alone. Shadow was watching her from the catwalks above, seeing what she would do. She looked around, her eye's almost landed on Shadow, hadn't he had ducked into a corner. Convinced that she was alone, she walked through the door leading deeper into the ARK. Shadow jumped down and followed. The girl turned to the left leading to the computer database. Shadow was begining to get suspious, but wasn't going to reveal himself to her just yet.

She sat down at the computer for several minutes typing in the words Operation: White Fire. After a few more minutes she left and went down another corridor. This time Shadow didn't follow, he wanted to see what this White Fire was.

Shadow:taking a seat at the computer and begins to type Now, let's see what this White Fire is?

Files ontop of files began to pop up all over the screen. Shadow began to read.

He was almost stunned when he finished reading the last file.

Shadow: This doesn't look good. If that girl's doing what I think she is. This world is in danger.

Meanwhile on Earth, a certin red echidna was busy writing in his hidden study, when all a sudden the Choatix decide to burst in.

Knuckles: What's it this time?

The Choatix's home was destroyed when the Black Arms attacked, and Knuckles had agreed to let them stay on his island 'till it was rebuilt. Even though their new home was finished they still decided to pay a visit once in awhile. This time though the Choatix seemed serious.

Vector: Tails wants you to come to the workshop fast. Turns out we got a call from the ARK.

Knuckles: Shadow, what does he want?

Espio: Don't know, but as far as Shadow goes I'd say we're in trouble.