
A/N This idea entered my head when I was failing my English exam and has been bugging me since. Sorry if it is clichéd and boring.

It's set in an alternate reality where the Yu yu hakusho gang not only fight demons but also vampires. Members of the Yugioh cast are included.

"It's over there hurry up" A boy with black hair called to his companions. A teen with long crimson hair and the most beautiful emerald orbs you've ever seen as eyes, a small boy with glowing red eyes and spiky black hair, and finally a tall carrot hair coloured teen. The four of them were running through a dark dirty alley in the early hours of the morning with a full moon shining down on them, casting an eerie glow on everything.

"Try not to get in my way this time, baka." The spiky haired figure, Hiei said.

"If you don't get in my way, shrimp." The one with carrot hair, Kuwabara said.

"Calm down you two lets go and destroy this creature instead of bickering amongst ourselves." Kurama the one with the crimson hair said.

" Bet I kill it before any of you." The dark haired teen Yusuke commented.

"We'll see about that, Urameshi." Kuwabara said.

"How about we find it first. Now let's go." Kurama instructed.

"You're fighting a losing battle you know. Fox" Hiei commented to Kurama blood red orbs flashing.

" What do you mean by that, Hiei?" Kurama asked his emerald eyes narrowing slightly in confusion.

At that moment they were interrupted by the sounds of struggling coming from the alley in front of them. Our heroes immediately became silent. Each of them drew their weapon of choice into their hand; for Kurama a single blood red rose, for Hiei a sharp katana that appeared to glow sliver in the moon light, Kuwabara called up his Aura sword, while Yusuke just readied himself for a punch up. Prepared for battle they entered the dark deserted alley, just to find a woman feebly struggling against a large man who was sucking on her neck. As they enter the alley the man, or should I say vampire threw the woman he'd been feeding on away. She hit the wall with a sickening thud before sliding down the wall, dead. With blood dripping down his chin he turned to face them.

" So you finally made it."

"It's time for you to go to hell." Yusuke said.

" I don't think so." The vampire said. As he said this vampires began to emerge from the doors and rooftops surrounding the alley within minutes our heroes found themselves back to back caged in on all sides.

" I should have seen this coming." Kurama said

"It's not you're fault, Kurama, we all should have seen it coming." Yusuke comforted.

" The master will be very happy with me for getting rid of you, he might even promote me." The lead vampire said.

" You haven't killed us yet. And you can bet we won't go easily." Kuwabara spat.

"Even that baka will take some of you with him, so you really think you can kill me." Hiei said.

With that all four of them jumped at the vampires and begin to destroy them. Kurama turned his rose into his trademark whip and begin to slash at the vampire that was trying to bite him, earning a slight reprieve. When suddenly a vampire grabbed him from behind, and no matter how he struggled and tried to throw his captor off he wouldn't move. The fangs were just about to piece his neck when he heard a smug voice say "How many times do I have to tell you to watch your back. Baka fox." Before the vampire vanished in a puff of dust.

At that moment Yusuke shouted "Heads up, Kurama." Before kicking a vampire in the back so it flew towards Kurama, who holding his whip in one hand calmly pulled a seed from his hair, before turning it into a sharpened bamboo stake. Which he held out in front of him, so that as the vampire landed it impaled it's self through the heart before turning into a pile of dust and being blown away.

"And they thought they could kill us" Kuwabara said as he dusted the last vampire.

"Well I don't know about you lot, but I'm going to go home to bed now." Kurama said softly.

"Why don't you come with us for a round of celebratory drinks instead?" Yusuke asked.

"Unlike you I'm going to school tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me, goodnight." Kurama said before beginning to walk home alone.

"Hiei? What about you?" Yusuke enquired.

There was no answer. Hiei had vanished the moment Kurama had gone.

"Where'd the shrimp go?"

"Oh well looks like it's just the two of us then."

A/N I'm proud of myself this is the longest chapter I've ever wrote. Please review and tell me what you think. Constructive criticism welcomed. Also if you have any ideas about what you think should happen next review and tell me and I might include them. Thanks for reading.

Next Chapter: The Yugioh members are introduced and the plot starts to thicken (No really, lol).