Oh, by the way. This is YAOI GreedxEnvy. Rating may go up later on. If you don't like it, don't read it, okay, dearies?
Warnings in the chapter: Language, alchohal use.
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own FMA or any of the characters used in this fanfiction. I do, however, own quite a nice pair of shoes. yay shoes!
Violet eyes blinked from the darkness of an ally. Out the ally, down the side-walk, across the road.. The Crow's Nest. A place known for having quite a dark set of customers...
In fact, the very place was sort of run-down. There were shifty people milling about, and one would not want to be caught alone. Currently, shouts were issuing from the bar. It was half past three in the morning, and rain was pelting down unflaggingly from the inky black night sky. The stars could not be seen, nor could the moon. Utter darkness filled the night.
The figure in the alley turned and disappeared, jumping up onto the roof of a building and getting closer to the Crow's Nest. After a while, it jumped down from it's perch on the building and stood in front of the bar, listening to the conversation being held inside.
"God damn it, Greed, this is no time to be drunk!" The shout was from Loa, one of the Chimeras that had been taken in by Greed. The one being yelled at was currently sitting lazily on the couch, apparently not paying any attention at all to the lower levels standing in front of him. Marta sighed. "You know he won't listen." She said, her arms crossed in an annoyed fashion. Loa turned. "You should really be trying to help. Our tails are on the line here, you know that?" He growled at her. Marta said nothing. Dorochet watched the scene in front of him from the corner.
Well, a rundown of what was going on.. Greed, who had been slightly drunk, had gone out and been discovered by the military. Loa had dragged him back to the bar, but currently, soldiers were littered on the streets, searching for the Homunculos, who had decided to do some things that weren't exactly... Law-abiding.
Loa had turned back to Greed, who still seemed to be ignoring them. "Come on already. We have to do SOMETHING at least." He said in a softer voice. But he seemed to be the only one stressing the fact that the Military was after their boss. Marta looked bored to death, Dorochet wasn't saying anything. Greed sighed. "You guys can leave if you want.. Does it LOOK like I'm trying to stop you?" He said lazily, taking another gulp of beer from the bottle held in his hand. Loa growled and turned away. Dorochet came from the corner. "We aren't leaving you here, Greed. At least.. I'm not." Greed raised an eyebrow at him. You wanna stay here and be taken away to that lab again? Fine. Do what you want." Dorochet tried to tell himself that it was the beer talking, that Greed actually cared about someone else other than himself deep down inside. But now, he was getting annoyed. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He snapped at the sin.
Greed was, apparently, surprised. He raised an eyebrow. Then, he sighed, smirked, and set his beer bottle down on the side table. He stood. "What the hell is wrong with me?" Greed whispered, approaching Dorochet. "I don't fucking know, you tell me, you damn mutt!" And with that, he grabbed Dorochet by the throat and threw the chimera across the room, watching as he hit the wall and fell to the ground. "GREED!" Marta shouted, glaring daggers at the sin before turning and going to Dorochet's side. Loa was staring at Greed darkly. "You really are fucked up, aren't you?" He spat. Greed shrugged, turning away. "I never said I wasn't." And with that, he walked to the door, pulling on his fur-lined vest as he went, and exiting the bar. The three Chimaras watched him leave with dark expressions upon their faces. Maybe Greed wasn't all they thought he was.
The figure had listened to the whole thing from the window. A grin spread across it's face when it heard Greed coming towards the door. Time to go.. Disappearing into the alley next to the bar, it waited until the door opened before peering around the corner. Greed was now walking down the sidewalk, his hands in his pockets. Where was the bastard going? The figure came out from the shadows, following Greed with undying silence.
Greed knew something was behind him. Someone, actually.. Another Humonculus, no doubt. He let the other think that it was not heard, though. But in an instant, Greed transformed his hand into the black shield, slashing backwards and catching the other sin by the neck. "Hey Envy." He said, smirking. "Going on a little walk?"
Envy hissed lightly, then pulled away from Greed, tearing his own neck. But the flesh mended with ease, a thousand times faster than any normal being. And as it should. Envy reached up to his neck, rubbing it, and then licking the blood off of his hand. "Hey." He said, grinning a little. "I didn't think you knew I was there. You're pretty sharp." And then. He lunged forward again, throwing a kick at Greed. Greed laughed. "I'm not THAT stupid." He caught Envy's foot and threw the older sin to the ground. Envy pushed off the ground with one hand, then landed, cat-like, on his feet. "Oh, I know." Greed chuckled a little and turned, continuing to walk away.
Envy stood, following. "Listen, you bastard." He said impatiently, not feeling like fighting. "I'm not here to play games with you, okay? Dante sent me here to get you. The bitch wants you back at our current hideout ASAP." Greed stopped and turned around. "Tell 'The bitch' that I don't really feel like listening to her right now, okay? I'm a little busy." Envy glared at him, taking a step closer. "What, busy pushing around your little Chimeras?" He hissed. "You know as well as I do that she won't take no for an answer.."
Greed turned around, continuing to walk in the opposite direction. "It doesn't really matter what she says, now does it? I'M not the one who's gonna be punished..." Envy swore under his breath. "I know, you bastard. But if you come with me, you'll be hidden from the military dogs, now won't you?" Greed turned. "Oh. So you heard that, did you? Looks like I underestimated you, Envy."
Envy, who was now completely soaked in water, was attempting to wring out his dark green hair so that it was dry. But it was in vain. "Looks like it. Come with me or get caught by Fullmetal pipsqueak's posse. It's really all up to you." And with that, the oldest sin turned away, walking the other direction down the road. Greed grinned, showing his shark-like teeth. And then, he took a few steps after Envy, unaware of what he was in for.
I'll write more if anyone reads it. See ya.