Disclaimer: I don't own Bones or House.

Author's Note: Can you believe this is already the last chapter? OMG! Once again, thank you for azarathangel for being my beta, and also all those wonderful reviews. Another note is after the story, and now, enjoy reading the LAST CHAPTER!

Chapter 13

"Bones! Temperance!" Booth said again, now beside Brennan, shaking her, "What are you doing here? Did anybody attack you or something like that?" He would never forgive himself if she got hurt.

"Booth." She said groggily.

"Bones? What happened? Did somebody attack you? Are you hurt?" Booth asked anxiously.

Brennan looked at him, a bit confused, "No, I was waiting for you. I just fell asleep."

"Didn't you call Angela to pick you up? If she wasn't home, you could have caught a cab or something." Booth said worriedly.

"No, I was …" And she sneezed.

"Bless you."


Booth touched Brennan's skin. She was freezing. "Okay, now let's get into my car before you catch a cold or something. You are freezing, do you know that?" Booth unlocked the door, and let Brennan inside. He put the luggage and the bear (the second mysterious figure) in the back, and he started the car.

"Booth, I…" But Booth cut her off.

"Bones, we need to get you something hot to eat. You look really cold." Booth said, still worried. All the things that happenedearlier were nowhere to be found in his mind. "How about we stop at my place? I can whip you up some chicken noodle soup real quick." Booth suggested.

Brennan sneezed again. "I am not even sick yet, why do I have to have chicken noodles?"

"No chicken noodles then, what do you want?"

"A hot chocolate will do." Brennan replied.

"A hot chocolate it is then." Booth said.

- - - - - - - - -

They entered Booth's apartment. Booth instructed Brennan to sit down on the couch, watch some TV while he went inside to make that hot chocolate. Brennan obeyed without any protests.

"Here is the chocolate you ordered, Bones." Booth carried it out.

"I didn't order it, you offered." Brennan argued. Booth chuckled.

"Relax." Brennan took a sip of the chocolate.

"It tastes really good. Thanks, Booth." Brennan whispered.

"You welcome. Now, will you tell me why you fell asleep beside my car? Do you know it's dangerous? You could have gotten captured by some psycho!" Booth said, still worried about Brennan. Why on Earth would she wait in the parking lot? Didn't she know better that it is really dangerous?

"I did some thinking during the flight back. And I want to talk to you." Brennan said simply.

"You could have called me and told me about it tomorrow. I don't think waiting up in the parking lot is a good idea. I don't want to see this happen again, Bones. It's really dangerous. You could have gotten…"

"I know, captured. Booth, you said that twice already." Brennan interrupted.

"What is it that you want to talk about so urgently?" Booth asked, changed from being worried to curious.

"About what happened yesterday on the Ferris wheel, about what happened back in the hotel room." Brennan replied.

All the things that both of them had pushed out of their mind temporarily had once again rushed back into their minds.

"Bones, I am so sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry that…" Brennan held a hand up to tell Booth to stop.

"Booth, I don't know how to say this, so I am just going to say this. You know I am not good at communicating."

Booth nodded.

Brennan took a deep breath. "During the flight back, I did some thinking. I realized what I did was selfish. I realized that what Ange said was right, what you said was right. I…I found out I was scared of having a real relationship, that I was scared that I will get hurt if I open up to let anybody in, I was afraid that the situation with my parents would happen again!

"Booth, I just want to let you know that I also…"

But Booth didn't let her finish. He walked close to her, and took the cup away from the hands, put it on a table. He turned back and pulled Brennan closer to him.

"Bones, you don't need to say it, I know what you mean." Booth whispered in her ear.

Brennan looked up at him, smiling.

Author's 2nd Note: So, what do you think? Maybe the ending is a bit different from what you guys think, but I do hope you enjoy the story. If you think Brennan was out of character through out the whole story, I apologized here, I tried my very best to keep her in character. This is actually my first story that I have completed for FanFiction and Bones (not counting one shot here)! Right now I have 184 reviews, if you guys can make it over 200, I would be the happiest person that ever lived. So, review, please? Pretty please?