And the third and final part has arrived. I know it took me a while, but I had already written the ending… if you want to get technical I wrote that before I wrote the rest of the story… lolz. I changed it a bit though (expanded it or something along those lines, pick a word that sounds applicable to you hehe).

Anywayz, on with the story. Hope it is to your satisfaction.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto


Misaki had seen him come back. He was being supported by his siblings, wounded. It took all of her self-control not to rush to him and offer to nurse him back to health. But that was just the dream of a hopeless little girl. She would only make a fool out of herself.

She had seen how he had once again changed. And from a distance she had continued to watch him grow.

Inside she laughed at how awkward everything was for him. Restraining herself she made sure to keep her distance. He wouldn't want anything to do with her. She had learned that lesson the hard way the last time she tried. Tears were threatening to fall but she wouldn't let them. 'I am better than that.'

Besides, he had most likely forgotten all about her. She was no longer the same little girl that foolishly believed everything would be alright again, that believed they would be friends again. 'Let alone more than friends…' Her head shook furiously, she couldn't think like that. She wouldn't think like that.

Two years has passed since the day he came back. They were now fourteen. She knew now that what she had once seen as a childish infatuation was something more. She wanted to be close to him, needed to see him. Yet she refrained from doing so. 'He doesn't care.' Her shoulders slumped at that, remembering that conversation still hurt.

Seeking solitude in the confinement of her room she sat down on her bed. Kaede was still her best friend. Perhaps she could train with her later. She smiled a bit.

Who said a redhead couldn't be a ninja? Surely Gaara himself had proven them wrong. And so could she, she was sure of it. 'Too conspicuous… ' She huffed. 'I'll show them. Besides, hair can be dyed or covered so what is the big deal anyway?'

Her spirit picking up a bit she ran to Kaede's house. Her father opened the door.

"Is Kaede home? I wanted to ask her if she wanted to come with me to train."

"I'm afraid she isn't. She and her mother went out. I believe they went shopping, maybe you could join them." He smiled at her.

"No, that's ok. Bye." She waved at him as she left.

"Alright. Take care Misaki." He shut the door.

She took off running again. Slowing down she looked around. 'What should I do now? I know. I'll train by myself.'

After a couple of stretching exercises she worked on her taijutsu. It was her favourite. Punching and kicking she imagined her target, a stupid boy that used to be in her class who had been annoying her for quite some time now.

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

He had forced himself to forget, forced himself to become cold. Nothing mattered. She didn't matter.

It had been so long since he had spoken to her and he regretted his cold words to her. But she had betrayed him, hadn't she? Wasn't she to blame for that?

It wasn't important. He had forgotten ever meeting her. He had forgotten how she had become his first friend and then left him. He had forgotten the promise they made.

Then how could she still have such an effect on him?

Why was it this hard? How come he couldn't just make her go away, make her get out of his thoughts?

He had ignored those feelings for so long but now they were coming back stronger than ever. And she wasn't helping. How dare she even look at him? He clutched his head in confusion. What did she want from him? And… what did he want from her?

He had no trouble finding her. She was training. He found himself a comfortable spot and continued to watch her. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. 'Beautiful.' Where did that come from?

'Misaki… What have you done to me?'

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

She had been training for a while now. Dropping to the ground she drank some of the water that she had taken with her.

In a sudden childish impulse she poured some of it over her head. Laughing she shook her head as the water fell everywhere. She could feel the refreshing liquid making its way down her face and closed her eyes, savouring the moment.

A face flashed by almost immediately. 'Gaara.' She smiled to herself. 'I wonder what he is doing right now.' For a moment she thought she felt a familiar presence but then she shrugged it off.

She stood up and grabbed her stuff. She had stayed out so long, she had probably missed dinner. Hopefully her mother had saved some for her. 'Probably. Mom always does.'

Pausing she turned around but saw no one. 'I could have sworn… I am sure I felt…' She sighed and tried to clear her thoughts. 'I'm loosing it.'

She entered the house only to find it empty. A note had been left on the table.

Dear Misaki,

Your father and I have been invited over by friends. We won't make it too late. I saved some of the dinner I made for you, all you have to do is heat it up. We want to know we're both very proud of you for training so hard.



Misaki threw the note away. It's always like this. She had become used to it. 'I'll eat later. Changing comes first.'

Quickly washing herself and throwing on a large shirt and a pair of pants she was about to make her way downstairs when she felt the wind blow. She turned around to find the window open. She frowned. That wasn't how she left it.

Looking around for her kunai her gaze fell upon him.

"Gaara…" Her breath caught in her throat.


She ran her fingers through her hair, not quite able to place the look in his eyes. "What are you doing in my room? How did you even know where I lived?"

"I followed you." He stated, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.


He didn't answer, he didn't even blink. Unmoving he just stood there, right next to her bed.

Suddenly Misaki realized something. They were alone…

His intense gaze never wavering he continued to stare at her. She fidgeted with her shirt, it was making her nervous. As she slowly got up she made her way to the door avoiding eye contact.

And then she suddenly found herself pinned to the wall. She could feel his breath on her face. Her stomach fluttered… He was so close. He kept coming closer and she closed her eyes. His lips lightly pressed against hers; a strange sensation shot through her body.

Before she could react he had disappeared in a swirl of sand. Unconsciously she touched her lips as if to confirm that she wasn't dreaming.

She went outside, enjoying the beautiful desert night. Something caught her eye, someone to be more precise. There he was sitting high on a building distancing himself from everything like he always had the habit of doing. She smiled. 'But not for long.' She thought to herself. Easily she climbed the building and quickly found herself standing behind him.

"Gaara." She called out to him while walking towards him. Even though she knew that he was already aware of her presence. Then she sat down next to him.

He glanced at her form the corner of his eye. 'And here we are again.'

She smiled, staring up at the moon, and held out her hand.

All he did was stare at her hand, as if it were going to bite. Unsure of what to do he looked at her questioningly.

Her smile never wavered as she took his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers. Sighing softly she leaned her head against his shoulder.

He let her. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he enjoyed the feeling. For the first time in his life, he felt wanted. He felt… loved.

'So this is love?' He mused, taking her into his arms a bit awkwardly. It felt right.


I wanted to hold you
I wanted to make it go away
I wanted to know you
I wanted to make your everything, all right
I'll always remember...
It was late afternoon

In places no one would find
All your feelings so deep inside
It was then that I realized that forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry


The End

Always wanted to say that.

Read & Review

Cya ;)

Actually I won't, at least not with story I won't.

Until one of my other current or future stories lolz