Hinata are you checking me out: Take Two.

Chapter 2: Kiba sings, Hinata blushes, and Naruto devours Kohona.

AN- Wow I'm so happy for such a great response from readers. So due to popular demand and the intense boredom of summer, I am continuing this story. I don't know how good it will be and I'm sure its filled with typos (its very difficult to write in present tense when you're used to writing in past tense), but here I go. Wooooooooo. Hot Pockets!

AN2- Thanks for all that have either read, reviewed, or scoffed inwardly at this story. You make me happier then a turtle in a shower!

AN3- The song Girl All the Bad Guys want is the property of Blowing for Soup, the little Kiba additions are by me….though I don't know if that's something to be bragging about…

AN4- You may have noticed that the rating has been upped to T…or maybe you didn't…anyway, this is because Kiba's a horndog…no pun intended.

AN5- Whatever happened to Winnie the Pooh, I mean he's still alive and all, but it feels like his soul is slowly dieing inside. There's only so much comfort a bear named Pooh can get from honey, even the good honey made by Siberian Tiger Bees in San Francisco. I mean the guy's name is Pooh, I hate to think horrible it was for him in Elementary School with a name like Pooh…little kids can be cruel even if you are a cuddly yellow bear with an adorable factor of 9.5. Have you ever stopped to think about that yellow bear, whom I'll have you know is very allergic to bee stings and must wear his emergency bee sting medication on a locket around his neck incase he gets stung…and he does get stung frequently. How can he not, he's always stealing honey from those Siberian Tiger Bees from San Francisco and those things are vicious, vicious I tell you. So have you ever though of the bumbley wumbely bear…this writer has…

AN5- This is getting ridiculous. I'm going a bit overboard with the Author's notes aren't I?…Oh well, on with the story!

8 o'clock, Monday night and I'm waitin'
To finally talk to a girl a little cuter than me.
Her name's Hinata, she's a ninja with a headband,
She has a Byakugan, her vision's 360 degrees

Inuzuka Tsume grits her teeth, brutalizing the tomato she was once peacefully chopping, listening to her son screech in his room. Tomato juice seep's through her fingers when Kuromaru begins to howl and mumble, attempting to sing along.

And when she walks,
All the wind blows and the angels sing.
She doesn't notice me!

Akamaru barks along with his master, who is currently jumping on his bed singing at the top of his lungs.

Cause she is watchin' Team 7
Creamin' over dumb guys
Listenin' to BELIVE IT
Orange jackets in her eyes

Kiba smiles cockily as he croons his modified version of Girl all the Bad Guys Want. He is so clever and talented too, in fact he's practically got talent coming out of his ears! Maybe he should quit the life of a Shinobi and consider a career in entertaining, he is just that good!

It's like a bad movie
She is lookin' through me
If you were me, then you'd be
Screamin' "Someone shoot me!"
As I fail miserably,
Tryin' to get the girl that I really want!
She's the girl that I really want!

She likes Naruto and I like Akamaru
She always blushes and he never notices and it makes me real mad
If she would let me I would be her loyal boyfriend
She'll never know that I'm the best that she'll never have

And when she walks,
All the wind blows and the angels sing.
She'll never notice me!

Jumping up onto his unmade bed, Kiba grabs a green plastic guitar he had won at a carnival a few years back and begins to jam with it while he sings.

Cause she is watchin' Team 7
Creamin' over dumb guys
Listenin' to BELIVE IT
Orange jackets in her eyes

She likes 'em with the blond hair
Perverted Sensei's everywhere
Especially that Jiraiya
Does summoning a frog make a man?

Kiba begins jumping while he jams, attempting to "play" his toy guitar with his teeth between verses. He is really getting into this.

It's like a bad movie
She is lookin' through me
If you were me, then you'd be
Screamin' "Someone shoot me!"
As I fail miserably,
Tryin' to get the girl that I really want!
She's the girl that I really want!
She's the girl that I really want!
She's the girl that I really want!

There she goes again
With her pretty eyes and her pretty pretty hair
She breaks my heart, I wanna be sedated

Kiba jumps high into the air, spreading his legs wide like some deranged cheerleader on steroids. This is his favorite line! "And I really wanna see her naked!"

And then he sees that Shino standing in the doorway of his room watching him. Now usually the great Inuzuka Kiba would have been able to laugh with false bravo, effectively hiding any embarrassment he feels, but unfortunately for Kiba, he is still midair when he sees the Bug Freak Nin. In his shock he stumbles, his feet missing his mattress sprawling into the air, forcing him to land butt first on the hard floor, head thwacking against his bed's wood frame, one foot skidding, causing a pair of dirty boxers to fly out his window, landing on that same unsuspecting chipmunk in the first chapter, who had just escaped the vile clutches of Kiba's smelly shirt only a few hours ago.

Rubbing his head and grimacing, the fanged toothed dog boy stands up." So, how much of that did you see?" The stoic Aburame's face (or what can be seen of his face) remains impassive, his tone calm," enough." Kiba smiles at his best friend, a short almost bark like laugh escaping from his lips, embarrassment forgotten. "So what did you think of the lyrics? " "They were fine. Come on we're late for meeting Hinata for lunch." Shino answers in the same monotone he speaks with on almost any occasion, but Kiba knows the Bug Boy really thought the song was cool. And Shino knows that he's trying very hard to keep his placid demeanor, but really he's just trying not to laugh. Because even Shino can't help but think, Kiba jumping on his bed gnawing on a plastic green guitar and singing, is a hilarious sight.

For a couple minutes all is quiet while Shino tries to keep his cool and Kiba looks for his shoes. Out from under the bed Kiba emerges, left shoe in hand. He grins slipping it on and says" maybe I should sing that to Hinata for Valentines Day, huh Bug Freak?" He already knows what Shino's going to say," A romantic relationship will cause the equilibrium of our team to strain and ultimately falter if said relationship does not survive. I understand that you have feelings for Hinata, but trying to "woo" her may or may not be a good idea. Also she likes Naruto. It's not like any other time I told you not to attempt to get romantically involved with Hinata where you did not heed my advice ever had any fruitful results."

Checking to see that his muscles show through his tight fishnet shirt, Kiba smirks glancing at his jacket and deciding that for the next couple days it will be better off on floor then on him. Running a hand through his messy brown hair his smirk turns into a toothy grin." Yeah, but I think that's all about to change."

They find Hinata at the Ramen Stand, sitting two seats away from a oblivious Naruto, who is in the process of messily devouring the bowl of Pork Ramen in front of him. Her fingers tap together as she watches him, her face showing a mixture of delight at the fact that she is so close to the tow headed fox boy, and sadness that she doesn't have the guts to sit closer. Shino wisely sits in the chair on theleft side of her, understanding her want to be close to the exuberant Chuunin. Kiba sits in the chair on the other side the Hyuuga much to her distress. The unhappiness on the pale eyed girl's face causes Kiba's stomach to drop bit, but his jealousy keeps his butt firmly in his chair. He can tell that Shino is giving him a disapproving look from behind his sunglasses and this, combined with the guilt of making Hinata frown, though she tries to hide it behind a cheerful hello, causes him to consider getting up and sitting next to Shino.

"Inuzuka." The Ninkin user nods to the smiling Naruto," Uzumaki." Naruto glances over at Hinata and waves," Oh hey Hinata, didn't see you there." As Hinata blushes, Kiba grits his teeth. Hinata is always punctual and Kiba and Shino had been at least 15 minutes late. She had obviously been there for a while and Naruto hadn't even noticed! Jerk! Jackass! Idiot! You don't deserve a girl like Hinata! All thoughts of sitting next to Shino are forgotten in Kiba's annoyance. In fact, he moves his chair even closer to her's.

When Kiba orders himself a Beef Ramen Naruto grins," Is that all you're going to eat. I'm already on my second bowl, believe it!" Kiba huffs through his nose, "I bet I can eat more then you, no problem. Change my order to three bowls of Beef Ramen!" The Uzumaki boy's grin widens at the challenge. "Yeah well, change my order to four bowls of Pork Ramen!"

Both Chuunins grab their chopsticks in anticipation, Oh yeah. It's on!