Title: I Wish to Help

Rating: K+

Genre: Poetry/angst

Disclaimer: You all know I don't own anything except this poem and the stories of mine.

I Wish to Help

I hear your cries

I hear your screams

Ringing close in my ears

Yet, not somewhere near

It troubles me

Frightens me

Oh God, I wish to help

I feel your pain

I feel your fear

Desperatelyrunning from might

Unfortunately losing the fight

It troubles me

Frightens me

Oh God, I wish to help

I picture your face

I picture your body

Sapphire eyes bleeding out tears

Ivory skin bleeding out red

It troubles me

Frightens me

Oh God, I wish to help

Towards him, I'm furious

Towards you, I'm sorrowful

Wanting to kill him for all his doing

Needing to save you from his doing

It troubles me

Frightens me

Oh God, I wish to help

Hating my wishing

Knowing I must do something

Sadly facing the truth that you're still missing

It troubles me

Frightens me

Oh God, I wish to help

I'm sorry I'm not your hero right now

I'm sorry I'm your wishing angel for now

Being wishful is all I can do now

Being hopeful is maybe doing a little more at the matter

Just promise me you're trying to live

Just promise me you're hanging in to be saved

And I promise you I'm wishing that you'll be alive

I promise you I'm wishing that I'll save you in time

'Till then, keep your spirits up

'Till then, keep hoping for me

Even if all I do is wishing

Even if time is ticking by fast

I just hope that you will and will not hear me say:

It troubles me

Frightens me

Oh God, I wish to help


Okay, just to tell you people, this is in Antauri's POV and he's thinking about Chiro. Now, if any of you people are reading Bleeding Crimson Red right now, then this is going to be a foreshadowing to that story.

I'm not going to tell you for what, but in Bleeding Crimson Red I will tell you.

Also, the last part where Antauri says "I just hope that you will and will not hear me say:", it means that he wants to show and tellChiro how much he felt during the whole ordeal, but knows that he isn't the kind of person to give off emotions so easily as the other monkeys.

Another thing is where Antauri says "Desperatelyrunning from might", what I wanted you to know is that "might" in this poem is gonig to resemble a person, so keep that in mind.

Also, this is my first poem and writing that I completed.

Wow. First fic-er...poem- that is finish

Well, hope you tell me what you think and review please. I really would like to see how my poetry is.