Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil or The Emperor's New Groove!


Resident Evil Gone Wrong: Chp 1

Claire stared in disbelief at the sight of her friend chained into a metal chair with an ax's handle crossed over his chest while unconscious.


Steve moved his head a little and moaned.


Claire ran over to him and pushed a button to the right of the chair that unlocked the shackles around his arms and legs. Then she tried to free him by pulling the ax out of the wall. Steve moved his head a bit more. Despite her hard efforts, Claire could not free him.

"Steve, I can't get the ax out of the wall! It's stuck!"

"Claire, I'm scared. That crazy woman told me she's going to do the same experiment on me as she did on her own father! She's insane!"

"That madwoman!"

Suddenly, Steve's eyes opened wide and a look of panic took over his face.


Claire gasped and took a few steps back out of fright.

"H-Help me!", Steve pleaded.

Claire cringed as Steve began coughing and twitching violently. Just as she thought things could not have gotten any worse, Steve shrunk into his clothing.

"What the heck?", Claire asked herself aloud.

She cautiously took a few steps toward him and poked the motionless pile of clothing.


A small orange head with two big, round, green eyes, two fuzzy little triangular ears, and a tiny pink nose looked up from the pile and Claire squealed in delight.

"Awwwww! Steve, you're so cute!"

Claire picked up the tiny orange kitten (formerly known as Steve) from the pile of clothes and pat his head.

"My brother's here. Let's go home"

Steve purred in agreement and they escaped together.

Meanwhile, in Alexia's lab…

"You fool!", Alexia roared at her assistant. "You gave me the wrong experiment! It's all your fault! Instead of a bloodthirsty monster, he's a sickeningly cute kitty-cat!"

"Well, if you just labeled the bottles, this wouldn't have happened", her assistant answered.

"And you wonder why Yzma fired you, Kronk", Alexia muttered.

Alexia's bad mood soon turned into a good one as soon as she spotted a certain someone on the monitor perched on her lab wall.

"Oh! That blonde fool is here", she said happily. "He'll be fun"

Alexia walked onto a platform and smiled evilly.

"Pull the lever, Kronk!"

Her assistant pulled the lever on the floor under the monitor and a loud school bell rang. Alexia and Kronk looked around in confusion as small groups of zombies walked by them, moaning something about a lunch break.

"You idiots! It was a false alarm! Get back to work!", Alexia shouted at the crowds of zombies.

The undead crowd sighed with disappointment and walked back to wherever they came from. Alexia sighed and looked to Kronk.

"You are soooo fired", she hissed.


A/N: This was my first RE fic! Yay! I know that the discussion between Claire and Steve isn't exact, but I did my best.Enjoy!